Henna- again


New Member
There was a post not to far back about henna use. In doing some research on henna, I am still looking into it. I think I will try this out. I want to come away from chemical hair coloring which contributed to some off the damage on my ends last summer. I will perhaps try it out this spring when I get a little more growth. Some one did mention that when someone used a henna based product on the hair her hair grew to waist length. Well I read some where that it does stimulate hair growth. Check this site out. Longona products

Hada, you might want to do a search on this board regarding henna. I'm almost sure that a thread not too long ago mentioned that long term henna use contributes to dryness.
This has been the recommendation on many successful henna users, (including myself)...To avoid dryness, add a tablespoon of oil or add yogurt. HTH Bonjour
Thanks Mahalialee,

That is what I plan on doing as well as adding in some shikakai and amla to my hot boiling water. I may add rose hip seed oil to it (the paste). I am going to get the Mountainrose brand of henna, their prices seem reasonable.
