Help with my regimen: dry 4a


New Member
Hi guys! it's been awhile since i've posted but I need help. I have been trying to keep my hair from being dry all summer and it's not working. Here is my current regimen:

Wash with either SheaM dandruff shampoo or TJ tea tree
Cowash with TJ Nourish
giovanni Direct Leave-In
Qhemet BRC or Earth Nectar Monoi moisturizer
Seal with Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade

Put hair in 12-16 twists and let airdry. My hair doesn't stay moisturized for long. I sleep on a satin pillowcase. I just did an Aphogee treatment and i DC once a week.

Can you guys please rate my regimen or help me fix it?
When you moisturize do you put it on each section before you twist? That seems to work for me. Also, how often do you re-moisturize? You may have to reapply your moisturizer every couple of days or spritz with water to reactivate what's already in your hair.
What do you DC with?

Either Aubrey Organics GPB or HR

When you moisturize do you put it on each section before you twist? That seems to work for me. Also, how often do you re-moisturize? You may have to reapply your moisturizer every couple of days or spritz with water to reactivate what's already in your hair.

I apply product in sections. I am starting to moisturize daily

I have super dry hair. Have you tried pure shea butter? It has helped me tremendously.

I tried it before. I still have a big chunk so i may revisit it
It would be very helpful to add a deep conditioning treatment to each wash. You shampoo, but don't put any moisture back into your strands! What is your once-a-week DC? Are you using a conditioner created for 'deep conditioning'?

The LOC method is sealing with a liquid, oil, and then a cream. It is very helpful when air drying.

I know you prefer to wear your hair out, but if your hair is this dry, it is probably time to try other styles.

ETA: Ok you're using AO and since it's not working, it's time to experiment with other conditioners.
CurlyActress - How often will you be washing and moisturizing your hair? And what styles do you plan on wearing?


In your blog post "Pictures from my portfolio", where did you get that black outfit in the 4th photo? I like it!
Hi guys! it's been awhile since i've posted but I need help. I have been trying to keep my hair from being dry all summer and it's not working. Here is my current regimen:

Wash with either SheaM dandruff shampoo or TJ tea tree
Cowash with TJ Nourish
giovanni Direct Leave-In
Qhemet BRC or Earth Nectar Monoi moisturizer
Seal with Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade

Put hair in 12-16 twists and let airdry. My hair doesn't stay moisturized for long. I sleep on a satin pillowcase. I just did an Aphogee treatment and i DC once a week.

Can you guys please rate my regimen or help me fix it?

You know, I agree with NappyNelle, not seeing anything here about deep conditioning. In addition to that, you're using a dandruff shampoo OR a tea tree based shampoo - poos with either of these properties can be drying on the hair!

If you're having scalp issues, then shampooing MAY be unavoidable for you. You may want to also re-consider co-washing. People with scalp fungi, infections or irritations tend not to do well with co-washing.

So, let's review.

Cleanse (you can use your current shampoos if you want)
Hydrate (if you keep the current shampoos, you must deep condition every single time.... and you may want to use a leave-in conditioner daily for moisture)
Seal (you've already got that down :) )

That's pretty much all you need to do (if I'm missing anything, one of the more experienced folks can chime in).

Another thing is, sometimes product build-up can cause dryness; your hair can't possibly absorb anything else so it feels dry.

Yet another possible cause could be porosity!
Hi guys! it's been awhile since i've posted but I need help. I have been trying to keep my hair from being dry all summer and it's not working. Here is my current regimen:

Wash with either SheaM dandruff shampoo or TJ tea tree
Cowash with TJ Nourish
giovanni Direct Leave-In
Qhemet BRC or Earth Nectar Monoi moisturizer
Seal with Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade

Put hair in 12-16 twists and let airdry. My hair doesn't stay moisturized for long. I sleep on a satin pillowcase. I just did an Aphogee treatment and i DC once a week.

Can you guys please rate my regimen or help me fix it?

Have you tried GHE? ("Green House Effect") Moisturize with your favorite uber moisturizing product at bedtim, and then cover with a plastic shower cap. I also tie down with a silk scarf, too. In the AM, my hair is super moist...and a tad bit damp from the body heat generated overnight. Then I just seal in all that moisture and dampness with my favorite oil. Sometimes I will do this for 2 nights in a row, but the result is always the same for me....very moist hair.:yep:
May need a new moisturizing DC. HSR did nothing for me, White Camilla is :love:. GPB is a light protein, I can't remember how my hair felt about that one. Giovanni - no moisture for me. I'm still playing around with it. I thought I got something out of it, but nada in couple hours. QB BRBC, is too light for some, and may not provide enough lasting moisture.

It's possible you just haven't found the combo of products - not saying run out and buy a bunch of products. But may be try a new DC and take it from there.

Some don't have the best air dry experiences either. It took awhile before my hair started to agree with air drying without being dry after. One thing that did help was to use my bonnet dryer for about 20 mins on med heat, then air dry remainder of the time.

Is there a reason you did the Aphogee Treatment and how often? Were you seeing breakage and what did you use after?
Golden75 said:
May need a new moisturizing DC. HSR did nothing for me, White Camilla is :love:. GPB is a light protein, I can't remember how my hair felt about that one. Giovanni - no moisture for me. I'm still playing around with it. I thought I got something out of it, but nada in couple hours. QB BRBC, is too light for some, and may not provide enough lasting moisture.

It's possible you just haven't found the combo of products - not saying run out and buy a bunch of products. But may be try a new DC and take it from there.

Some don't have the best air dry experiences either. It took awhile before my hair started to agree with air drying without being dry after. One thing that did help was to use my bonnet dryer for about 20 mins on med heat, then air dry remainder of the time.

Is there a reason you did the Aphogee Treatment and how often? Were you seeing breakage and what did you use after?

I was seeing breakage. I used Aubrey HR and olive oil as a DC
nickmack said:
You know, I agree with NappyNelle, not seeing anything here about deep conditioning. In addition to that, you're using a dandruff shampoo OR a tea tree based shampoo - poos with either of these properties can be drying on the hair!

If you're having scalp issues, then shampooing MAY be unavoidable for you. You may want to also re-consider co-washing. People with scalp fungi, infections or irritations tend not to do well with co-washing.

So, let's review.

Cleanse (you can use your current shampoos if you want)
Hydrate (if you keep the current shampoos, you must deep condition every single time.... and you may want to use a leave-in conditioner daily for moisture)
Seal (you've already got that down :) )

That's pretty much all you need to do (if I'm missing anything, one of the more experienced folks can chime in).

Another thing is, sometimes product build-up can cause dryness; your hair can't possibly absorb anything else so it feels dry.

Yet another possible cause could be porosity!

I stopped DCing after ever wash a few months ago. I will start back up. I DC about once a week using Aubrey Organics. Cowashing does irritate my scalp. I haven't clarified with baking soda in awhile. Maybe I'll try that too.
Well the easist thing to do is to try the GHE and or LOC method. On the next wash, if you have moisturizing poo around that may be better to try to whip some moisture in there, and of course DC. Another tip that you can try, let the DC penetrate first for then top off with the olive oil after about 15 mins vs adding that oil into the dc at the same time (i'm assuming you mixed the two).

It may take time, but be patient, your hair will get back into shape!
@CurlyActress - How often will you be washing and moisturizing your hair? And what styles do you plan on wearing?


In your blog post "Pictures from my portfolio", where did you get that black outfit in the 4th photo? I like it!

I either wear my twists in a bun or a twist out. Depends on where I go during the week. I may do styles.

That's actually a jacket I wore as a dress. The bottom detaches to turn it it a crop jacket. It was a popular, sold out item from Bebe several seasons ago.
I had the driest brokest hair on the board a few months ago - see my avatar pic!

I always mix some conditioner or moisturizing cholesterol with oils, apply to hair, cover with saran and leave in overnight as a Pre-poo treatment before washing or co-washing.

I Co-wash 2x per week, using moisturizing conditioners.

I Deep Condition with Queen Helene Cholesterol, Creme of Nature Argan Oil Conditioner and Castor Oil. This method has not disappointed me, I give it 10/10. I do this 2x per week, and always wrap with saran and leave in overnight. Just recently I added a new step to my regi: after rinsing out the deep conditioner mix, I work a thin layer of regular cheap rinse-out conditioner to my wet hair. I then use just one small jug of ph 5 water + apple cider vinegar to semi-rinse this out after, which closes my hair cuticles and locks in the moisture and leaves my hair feeling slippery and very soft.

I mix leave-in with regular conditioner and water, add some sunflower oil for ceramides and glycerine for my post-wash leave in Moisturize. I put my hair into 8 sections, apply the mix, Seal with castor oil mixed with shea butter, and braid each section.

This regi has my hair soft like I didn't think was possible - it's permanently soft. My breakage is minimal and I retain at least 95% of my growth every month, using only cheap products, honey and oils. I used to think I had coarse hair, but it's just thick, it's soft and very healthy. :yep:

Hope this helps.

PS. My hair loves Protein, so I do this as a seperate treatment 1x per week. I use egg white or Keratin Cholesterol, mix in a few drops of hydrolyzed protein and a little coconut oil (which helps bind the protein to the hair and stops the hair feeling hard/crunchy too). I always follow the protein treatment with a Deep Condition.
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Have you tried LOC method? Also try sulfate free shampoo that has helped me tremendously.

Oh, I've never heard of the LOC method-- or never knew what it meant, rather. I think it's backwards though. With kinky hair, it should be (1) liquid, (2) cream, (3) oil-- final seal. Liquid everyday, the other 2 steps as needed :yep: ETA: Also, are you deep conditioning on dry or damp hair? You can enjoy co-washing while still just washing your scalp too, by the way. I use a color applicator bottle w/highly diluted shampoo to wash scalp only. The hair is conditioner washed.
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Well I tried the LOC method and it didn't work. i DC'ed with Queen Helene and twisted my hair and applied product in sections. The aftermath was not pretty. My hair felt very oily, it just sat on top (used EVCO) yet it was still dry. I may try going back to doing it L-C-O. Also I remember back in the day I would use a product when doing twist outs to hold the shape better one separated. I may also add that step back.
Did you apply the products before twisting. Try applying products to each section then twist then go to the next section. Apply all products then twist.
CurlyActress said:

Well I tried the LOC method and it didn't work. i DC'ed with Queen Helene and twisted my hair and applied product in sections. The aftermath was not pretty. My hair felt very oily, it just sat on top (used EVCO) yet it was still dry. I may try going back to doing it L-C-O. Also I remember back in the day I would use a product when doing twist outs to hold the shape better one separated. I may also add that step back.

Your hair may not like coconut oil. My hair hates both coconut oil and olive oil. I could never understand even though I was doing everything right it kept turning out wrong. Dry oily mess no matter what I did. Now I use any other oil but, my hair is particularly partial to argan and grapeseed.
the weather is changing so coconut oil is not good for fall and winter unless you cut it with other heavier or medium weight oils like castor, olive, meadowfoam, etc. shea butter tends to be very waxy, heavy and sit on the hair instead of soaking into the strands cut it with oils as well.
here's a list of creams and water based lotions that are great for detangling or moisturizing before sealing:
darcy's botanicals: lemongrass transitioning cream or leave-in

claudies revitalizer: isha hair cream, murumuru acai butter, quinoa coffee balancing cream, quinoa coffee moisturizing cream, balancing ends insurance, moisturizing ends insurance

komaza care: shea butter lotion, coconut curl lotion

hydroquench systems: greaseless moisture, 5 day moisture

i'm tagging some of the hair og's for ya, so you can get more feedback:

What are you deep conditioning with? Are you washing and cowashing?

(Sidenote, my hair LOVES coconut oil in the fall and winter, I drown my hair in that stuff.)

Well I tried the LOC method and it didn't work. i DC'ed with Queen Helene and twisted my hair and applied product in sections. The aftermath was not pretty. My hair felt very oily, it just sat on top (used EVCO) yet it was still dry. I may try going back to doing it L-C-O. Also I remember back in the day I would use a product when doing twist outs to hold the shape better one separated. I may also add that step back.[/QUOTE

Have you tried adding Aubrey GPB or HR to your dry hair prior to shampooing? I section my hair add AO GPB or White Camellia each week to dry hair, put on a conditioner cap and a towel. Then go to sleep or leave on for about 1 hr. (Recently, I started adding castor oil on top of the conditioner & have noticed more of a sheen in my hair.) After waiting, I rinse out the conditioner, shampoo & condition, do a AVJ or diluted ACV rinse, air dry, and style w/whipped shea butter that has various oils. I noticed that Aubrey conditioners work better when I add them to my dry hair vs. wet...and I love both the GPB & White Camellia for my dry hair. The HR is just okay, it works better as a co-wash for me.
empressri said:
What are you deep conditioning with? Are you washing and cowashing?

(Sidenote, my hair LOVES coconut oil in the fall and winter, I drown my hair in that stuff.)

Well I have scalp problems that seem to flare with cowashing. I have residue galore after on my scalp. I was DCing with AO GPB or AO HR with EVOO and steaming, but I slacked on doing it a couple months ago.