Help with my hair care routine?


New Member
Heyyyyyyy everybody ! :grin:
Well, I suscribed to this site, and im glad i finally did.
I've seen the success you have all had with your hair and its all very inspiring, i've never thought i'd be able to have long healthy hair, but looking at you all now i realise there is still hope :yep:

So yeah. I've decided Im finally going to start looking after my hair, but the problem is I really have no idea where to start.
Ever since I relaxed my hair when i was younger, its been breaking and snapping off. My parents say that before I relaxed it when i was about 7, it was slightly past my shoulders, and since im only half black it was soft but frizzy.
Now im 16 and its like at the bottom of my neck, and hasnt been any longer :ohwell:

How should i start making a haircare routine? Whats yours?
What products do you reccommend?
What abbreviations such as AP and 4a all mean?
Are there any specific techniques to moistrising and washing my hair?

Im so sorry im asking so many questions, and if you don't fancy answering them thats fine, but at least point me in the right direction :P

Thank you so much in advance, I love you all :rolleyes: