Help with hair type...


Well-Known Member
I'm embarrassed to say that even after going through some hair type threads, I am still unsure. Would anyone who is good at telling hair type please look at my pics and tell me what hair type you think I have? I hate to ask this question, but I'm unsure and I'd like to know so I can try some of the things others with similar hair types use. I am guessing 4A. I am currently transitioning and have been for over a year, so I figure I can get somewhat of an idea by now. I put a picture of my hair wet, drying and dry in my album. TIA!
Oh, well now I feel really stupid. But the reason I said 4A was because I do have shrinkage. I knew it was not 4B because there is a curl pattern (if I take one strand out of the part that is all natural, it dries in a spiral pattern), but my hair does shrink when it dries.

Thank you so much for your help! You all are really fast at answering questions! Guess I am something like 3B/C. (?)
Cichelle said:
Oh, well now I feel really stupid. But the reason I said 4A was because I do have shrinkage. I knew it was not 4B because there is a curl pattern (if I take one strand out of the part that is all natural, it dries in a spiral pattern), but my hair does shrink when it dries.

Thank you so much for your help! You all are really fast at answering questions! Guess I am something like 3B/C. (?)

Don't feel stupid. I had to ask the same question a couple of times. Its all a learning process. :)
Cosigning on 3B. :yep: And there's nothing to feel stupid about. Hair typing is kinda weird IMHO anyways :look:, but it does help with product choices sometimes. BTW, 4 's typically have more shrinkage b/c their curls tend to be tighter than other types, but like someone said, all types outside of 1 have shrinkage anyways. HTH, and you have some beautiful hair! :yep: