Help! Why cover your hair all the time!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,
I am new here and I have read that alot of you do a lot to your hair every week and then put a wig on it or wear your hair in braids or protective styles. I understand that protective styles equal length in the long run. But I have known people who never wear their hair out for fear of breakage. Please explain to me why so many of you go over board to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, then only to cornrow, wig, or extension it up every day. I want my hair to grow, but I would also like to enjoy and see my hair while I am on the journey. Any suggestions for hair styles for those of us who would like to keep our hair out and still keep our length?

I am 4-A relaxed after 3 years of being horribly natural.:nono:
I do it to hopefully get to my goal faster...BUT...there is a healthy dose of laziness in there too:yep:

I PS but do where my hair out on occasion.
There at many who are wearing their hair out. For example, check out the rollersetting thread. Wear your hair out. Just use healthier options to do so. Low or no heat styles, staying away from products with drying ingredients, etc. By all means, be fabulous with your hair out. Just keep your hair in balance and your ends on check. Welcome, btw.
Hi ladies,
I am new here and I have read that alot of you do a lot to your hair every week and then put a wig on it or wear your hair in braids or protective styles. I understand that protective styles equal length in the long run. But I have known people who never wear their hair out for fear of breakage. Please explain to me why so many of you go over board to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, then only to cornrow, wig, or extension it up every day. I want my hair to grow, but I would also like to enjoy and see my hair while I am on the journey. Any suggestions for hair styles for those of us who would like to keep our hair out and still keep our length?

I am 4-A relaxed after 3 years of being horribly natural.:nono:


I enjoy wearing my hair in braidouts, buns or just straight. I know for me, when I do wear wigs, it's too give my hair a break. I might wear a wig for a month straight. Sometimes I get tired of doing my hair and just want some time away from it:yep:

I enjoy wearing my hair in braidouts, buns or just straight. I know for me, when I do wear wigs, it's too give my hair a break. I might wear a wig for a month straight. Sometimes I get tired of doing my hair and just want some time away from it:yep:

This is me to. I actually like buns and sometimes I just don't feel like doing my hair
Oh ok... wow. I never thought of wearing them just to give my hair a break. That is really a wise thing to do. I am so happy I found you guys. I was feeling like a traitor if I put my hair in twists... which I liked to wear when I was natural. This winter I think I will wear twists with extensions. Thanks ladies.. I knew you would make sense of everything for me... Thanks for the welcomes... I think I will finally start to learn about hair now. It seems to be a big a** secret in the real world. If I ask a female a question about her hair or products.. she can never remember what she uses, or she just states whatever is on sale... yeah right! Thanks to you guys, I have now found my new besties. You give the good stuff about hair and what you use. Whether you know it or not, it is truly truly appreciated!!!!
Welcome Kinky4Agirl!! Unlike many, I never, ever, ever PS. Well, maybe an occasional bun for style purposes only. I enjoy my hair loose and free. To that end, I am a habitual wash and go-er. Wigs, extensions, etc feel like hair hats to me and wouldn't be something pleasurable to wear. Others like the look and low manipulation protective styles offer. Everyone's process is different and personal. I have loved every stage of the process (except maybe that awkward in-between stage :wink2:). I loved my short, natural hair so much that I kept it short for over two years. For me, this is more of a marathon than a sprint for the quickest, longest hair possible. My hair is now waist length and I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

In short, it's your hair; enjoy your ride!! :yep:
Welcome to the board! It took me a long time to realize that if I want to retain length I just have to protect my ends but it doesn't mean I have to hide my hair under wigs and wear braids 24/7. I never liked wearing wigs for extended periods of time but what I do now is protective style during the week high messy bun and then on Sunday I might wear my hair down. Now once the weather gets cold most likely I will pull out a wig or 2 just to protect it from the elements and cause I won't feel like doing it.

You will learn what works best for your hair and lifestyle.
Hi ladies,
I am new here and I have read that alot of you do a lot to your hair every week and then put a wig on it or wear your hair in braids or protective styles. I understand that protective styles equal length in the long run. But I have known people who never wear their hair out for fear of breakage. Please explain to me why so many of you go over board to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, then only to cornrow, wig, or extension it up every day. I want my hair to grow, but I would also like to enjoy and see my hair while I am on the journey. Any suggestions for hair styles for those of us who would like to keep our hair out and still keep our length?

I am 4-A relaxed after 3 years of being horribly natural.:nono:

I don't consider it going "overboard." I consider it doing what I've never done before to achieve something I've never achieved before - LONG, healthy hair. As with all things, do what works for you.
Welcome newbie!

Don't ya hate when long-haired ladies all of a sudden get amnesia when you ask them about their hair products? :drunk: No worries on this forum. We tell each other errythang!

I wore buns for pretty much my first 2 years here. However, my hair was so damaged and overprocessed, I needed to give it a rest for a while. During this time, I learned what products and techniques worked best for me. Now that my hair health has improved, I don't see going on a strict bunning regimen again.

I'm enjoying my hair and wearing it out everyday now. :yep:

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I am natural and I do hide my hair 85-90% of the time. It is just easier for me. My hair is sooo thick and it is alot of work and I can't see myself dealing with that everyday...:look:. Hiding my hair give me alot of versatility of styles without actually doing damage to my hair. But probably when I get about APL, I will start wearing my hair out alot more, just not at this time. My friends always get on me about not wearing my hair out because they love my curl pattern, but I am like, um boo, you don't have to deal with the tangles and ssk's. And when I keep my hair hidden, my retention is unbelieveable and I don't think I could get that with pulling on my hair everyday.
I'll be completely honest: my reasons are a mix of laziness and fear of causing further damage.

My hair is at the length to wear I can sport a twistout, but...Im lazy. I keep my hair in flat twists and wear a phony pony for two weeks. I find it easier to keep my scalp nourished and moisturized, as well as my hair, when I style this way. I don't have to worry about parting my hair and combing it: it's already parted for me.

When I hide my hair, there's no heat, no chemicals, no combing(except for wash day where I finger comb and detangle), no manipulation aside from the flat twist install.
Honestly I feel like my hair is precious and on a day to day basis my colleagues and strangers are not entitled to see my hair but when I'm around family and friends I take it down. ;looks;
for me wearing my hair out is too much work. having to twist it or braid it up every night just to keep the style. i'm lazy and with protective styles i can get up and go. i actually get bored with wearing my hair out. after a couple hours or at most 2 days i am over it.
Hi ladies,
I am new here and I have read that alot of you do a lot to your hair every week and then put a wig on it or wear your hair in braids or protective styles. I understand that protective styles equal length in the long run. But I have known people who never wear their hair out for fear of breakage. Please explain to me why so many of you go over board to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, then only to cornrow, wig, or extension it up every day. I want my hair to grow, but I would also like to enjoy and see my hair while I am on the journey. Any suggestions for hair styles for those of us who would like to keep our hair out and still keep our length?

I am 4-A relaxed after 3 years of being horribly natural.:nono:

I have past waist length hair and I wear it down or in a ponytail almost every day. I protective style, but I alternate. One week all buns, 2 weeks my hair down. I enjoy my hair and love wearing it out. I do most of the protecting at night. I keep it in a satin cap or bun to keep it from rubbing on my pillow.

Everyone has different ways of taking care of their hair. Just find one that works for you and stick to it.
Thanks ladies again for your responses. You all have once again given me good things to think about.

Bhndbrwneyes and Jprayze: Thanks for the link. I will for sure check it out.
I don't wear wigs or weaves, but I keep my hair up most of the time because it's convenient for me. If you like to wear your hair out you can. Whatever works best for you.
I keep my hair under wigs because I don't like short hair, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything as far as enjoying my hair now. When I'm MBL with a twist out/braid out I will never wear a wig again. I admit I'm tired of wigs as of lately, I spent my entire journey under wigs. I've been in buns and WnGs the last few weeks with the occasional wig days. I'll be back under wigs soon just needed a break.
I like keeping my hair tucked away. Besides I'm not trying to impress anyone. As long as I know I have hair, everyone else can kick rocks. *shrugs*
Honestly it just depends on how fast you want to get to your goal. After several attempts I realized I could get to my goal in four years. If I wear it out it would probably take 6 or more. As the President says "You do the math." LOL Honestly it just depends on what you want and how bad you want it. Extreme results call for extreme measures. ;) Welcome to the land of beautiful hair!
I wear twists or braids because while I do want long hair, I don't feel like dealing with it. Being in twists (or braids) means I can style my hair in less than 5 minutes (or do nothing at all), it means my washes that occur twice a week take only 10 mins w/o a DC and 30 with a DC. It means I could go for days w/o spending ANY time on my hair and still have healthy hair. I will not get locs because I like the option of wearing my hair out. (Did I mention I NEVER have to detangle coz my hair never gets tangled?)

I wear my hair out when I feel I have the energy to deal with it, otherwise, I enjoy my hair when I put very little effort in it and still get to enjoy it. I honestly think that the only reason I've ever wanted long hair was because it'd be quick to style. Even when my hair is straightened, I don't wear it out. I usually whip it into an updo in a jiffy.

So for me, being in twists is more enjoyable than wearing my hair out and having it decide my day for me. I can go for days w/o thinking about my hair and still not have any damage. A fellow twister just PMed me and told me she's having so much fun wearing mini-twists and she had no idea what I was talmbout when I said I enjoy my hair in twists. It really is da to me. I DO ENJOY my hair in twists.
MsAminta said:
Honestly it just depends on how fast you want to get to your goal. After several attempts I realized I could get to my goal in four years. If I wear it out it would probably take 6 or more. As the President says "You do the math." LOL Honestly it just depends on what you want and how bad you want it. Extreme results call for extreme measures. ;) Welcome to the land of beautiful hair!

Best response... All depends on how fast you want to get there. Things that hinder or slow down growth (heat, rubbing against clothing, etc) will hinder or slow down your progress. What should take a year, may take two, etc. I love this explanation.

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i wear my hair out at least once a week (weekend). i bun my hair, not just to protect, but i always make a big production out of wearing my hair out. buns give me a break. i wear a wig once in a bloom moon when i want short hair or i didn't have time to finish styling my own hair.

you can air dry and flat iron
you can roller set
you can roller set and flat iron the roots or roller wrap your hair
you can do a nice updo style that will protect your hair
you can do twist outs and braid outs
you can wear cute bun styles

i just recently purchased a set of hot rollers! i love them. they are not damaging and can be used once a week. i used them on air dried hair and i had big soft curls. i used 8 jumbo flexi rods to maintain the style the next day
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Welcome! I've never worn a wig or weave, and I do enjoy wearing my hair in protective styles. When I wear my hair in twists, they are almost always wavy and down. I love to wear my loose, natural hair out, but the night time maintenance gets tiring at times.

I hope you can find some styles that allow you to enjoy your hair during your journey.
I just don't enjoy the night time maintenance of loose hair. For me it is too much manipulation and simply annoying to have to touch it every day. I usually keep it in in twists or braids (my own hair or extensions). It's easier not to have to worry about serious detangling sessions. I'm always like :perplexed when I hear about detangling taking anywhere over 15 minutes. Now I know it's because my hair is always in a protective style.

Like Noni, the main reason I want longer hair is so that I can bun easier or throw my twists in a pony tail or updo easier. I also wear wigs (or once in a blue moon weaves) if I want a straight look, color, or if I just get tired of my hair.
I started my year with deciding to "wig it to waist length" from bsl. I decided to do that because I wanted to arrive at waist length setback free, and that seemed something I could achieve with a low-manipulation / protective style.

Plus, I'm lazy as hell. :look: