HELP!! White residue on scalp


New Member
I just shampooed my hair with Carol's Daughter rosemarry mint with sea moss shampoo. I had the bottle for a couple of weeks and have yet to use it, so I thought I should finally try it. I didn't use that much at all since I am in braids, and afterwards rinsed. I got out of the shower and got dressed and was about to apply my leave in when I noticed my scalp, especially around my edges, is completely covered in a white residue. I have no idea what is going on! I jumped back in the shower and rinsed again, but it's still there. I've never had this happen. I don't know what caused it, as I am sporadically using Mega-tek, but have applied it a total of 5 times with no problems. What could have caused this and what should I do to get rid of it? I'm jumping back in the shower to see what I can do. I tried taking pics but they aren't clear enough to post. Please respond if you have any ideas. Thank you!
It sounds like build up on your scalp. Maybe use a clarifying shampoo and let it sit in your hair for about 5 minutes (after lathering) then rinse out.

It might be the mega tek.

Good luck.
It sounds like build up on your scalp. Maybe use a clarifying shampoo and let it sit in your hair for about 5 minutes (after lathering) then rinse out.

It might be the mega tek.

Good luck.

Thanks for responding. The only other shampoo I have is Mane N Tail, so I ended up grabbing that and trying to gently scrub my scalp. I think I was able to get it all out, but I will be purchasing a clarifying shampoo ASAP to make sure. I've been using mega-tek for 2 weeks now and have noticed new growth already coming in, so I'll try to use it for a couple more weeks more carefully to prevent this. I'm thinking that's what caused it as well. Even though I'm liking my results with it, if this continues, I'll have to stop using it.

Thanks again:)
I remember having a weird coating a while back when in lieu of the easy-to-come-by OTC shampoos, I decided to use only natural shampoos. I got a coating on my hair after a while. Back then I knew what's to blame for that. It was whatever herb/plant was used in place of surfactants found in shampoos. If I remember, or find the info that enlightened me back then, I'll return to post.
Baking soda mixed in with your shampoo... at least that's what I do for build-up. I don't use clarifying shampoo's though so I just mix it in with my normal no-SLS shampoo.
Ewww, i had this on my scalp when i had kinky twists...i got right back in the shower and scrubbed my scalp was so disgusting...tis why i will never get long-term braids again.

Got it another time after co-washing too many times without clarifying. Makes you feel so dirty!