HELP!! Washed Yesterday, STILL GOT FLAKES


Well-Known Member

Only relaxed my hair a week ago. Then washed it yesterday, But just combed my hair and my head is FULL of flakes (WHITE) The more I comb the more they rub off my scalp.
I use to have this problem (Years Ago), thinking it was dandruff. I am sure its is not.

What should I do, What is it?

I see that you're in the MTG Challenge...that isn't helping with the dandruff? Sulfur 8 and MTG have been the ONLY products that help with my flaky scalp.
Thanks for your replies,

My scalp was irratated during relaxing, some if the flakes are scaps. But lots of it is not.
However they did put some Cade Oil on (STINKS) to help the irration, does anyone know what that is.

When my MTG arrives!! Is should help this
Cade oil... is the same thing as Juniper Tar.... its supposed to be antimicrobial, pain relieving and antiseptic. It can be used for spots, dermatitis, eczema, dandruff. relieves itching and can be used for mosquito bites. It has a kinda smokey smell and its also an ingredient in MTG (I think).
try a baking soada paste. Rub it on your scalp like a shampoo then rinse and followup with your regular conditioner.