Help! Want to Texlax with Phyto this weekend


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!

I've got two more Phyto questions before I breakdown and by some this weekend.

I have BSL 3c (some b) natural long would you leave on Index 1 to texlax? Also given my hair length should I use two boxes?

One box should do your hair but to be on the safe side, purchase 2 boxes. You can leave Index 1 on for 15 minutes to get it texlaxed but you should observe the process to see if the curls are getting too straight.
although I don't use phyto, someone on another thread suggested doing a hair strand test that way you will know how long to leave it on your hair.
May you please let us know your results. I have been leaning towards texlaxing for the summer. What do you think will be the outcome? More manageable hair? Do you plan to wear it curly or straight afterwards.

Best wishes for a successful texlax experience. I don't have any answers, but I sure do look forward to your response.
Thanks Ladies!

Unfortunately, I found out that a friend died last week and there was a family memorial on Sunday so I was too distraught to deal with hair. I will definitely post results when I have a chance to do my hair and many, many thanks for the advice.