Help: Turning guys down+giving your number


New Member
Okay. Two things. LOL dont make fun of me, i suck at this stuff.

1. I need to turn this guy down/tell him to go away. We went out on two dates. He's perfectly nice but I'm not attracted to him and he lives far away. He is into me, and keeps asking when he can see me again. What do I tell him?

2. I met a guy outside of my office today, we were walking, he complimented my hair, we talked about where we were from... then I had to go inside... I know at that point someone should have asked for the other's number... he said "well maybe I'll see you on (street) again" and I was like, yeah, well this is my office, I'm always around..." :perplexed lol i SUCK. He was cute too.

Please give me some phrases for situations like these.
Okay. Two things. LOL dont make fun of me, i suck at this stuff.

1. I need to turn this guy down/tell him to go away. We went out on two dates. He's perfectly nice but I'm not attracted to him and he lives far away. He is into me, and keeps asking when he can see me again. What do I tell him?

2. I met a guy outside of my office today, we were walking, he complimented my hair, we talked about where we were from... then I had to go inside... I know at that point someone should have asked for the other's number... he said "well maybe I'll see you on (street) again" and I was like, yeah, well this is my office, I'm always around..." :perplexed lol i SUCK. He was cute too.

Please give me some phrases for situations like these.

Aww man! :sad: Guy #2 sounded nice. I would have gotten his facebook or something! And he totally indicated that he liked you by saying 'maybe I'll see you here again.' Next time say something like 'I like talking to you, I wouldn't mind a longer conversation,' and smile at him :gorgeous: They usually ask me out after that. By saying something like that you take away the guy's fear that you will reject him.

With guy #1 you just have to be frank and say, 'You're really nice but I'm not interested in you romantically.' If he offers to be friends, he is lying. He's just hoping he can wear you down over time. For every girl who says 'oh I have male friends who are attracted to me and we get along great,' there are 10 dudes just waiting for her to let him smang it. After 2 dates you know you're not into him and you should just tell him flat out so that he can go find someone who is. Be as nice as you can but don't feel bad about it, he'll live. :lol:
1. You don't like him. I'd just be seem like a nice person and i'd hate to mislead you but I'm not interested in a romantic relationship with you. Anything honest but not mean would do.

2. Do you like him? Usually 'hey bay bay' works well.

For dude #1: I would just explain that you are not open to building towards long distance relationships, but you two could still be friends and talk on the phone every now and then. He'll get the picture.

Dude #2: Just wait to see him again and when you do, make a point to let him know that you were happy to run into him again. I wouldn't ask for his number though, but only give subtle hints that you're interested. Don't say "it was nice to see you again" because that is so cliche. Instead, come across as happily surprised and say something like "oh wow, this is a nice surprise to run into you about putting a smile on my face!". That way he knows you SEEING HIM AGAIN is a good thing and if he is interested this will open the door for him to maybe invite you to lunch or something like that.
OMG! I texted guy that i need to turn down and he said "I see." Sh!t lol i feel so bad!

eta: now he said "damn im getting friend zoned, lol" oh well.... :look:
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At least he didn't cuss at you. Don't keep going back and forth via text with him though...