
New Member
Okie, i bought Caruso curlers to cut down the heat damage to my hair, but i can't seem roll my hair into a decent style. i always end up looking crazy, kind of like a female version of Kramer from Seinfeld-trust me, its not even remotely cute. i looked like Don King's and Al Sharpton's illegitimate love child.

i tried every size roller that pack has, but can't seem to get it right. i have absolutely no problems creating cute (&normal) looking hairstyles with a flat iron or c.iron. but when it comes to these rollers, i am all thumbs. what is the malfunction??? is it just a matter of more practice, or can someone give me some useful tips to speed the process along a, i can stop traumatizing myself and my poor husband??

i am also really, really interested in pincurls, if anyone can give me any helpful advice or styling tips on that, too...never tried them before, but i heard they were non-damaging, easy to do, and the curls are soft&long- lasting. my hair is medium-thick, layered, and just to my shoulders.

i know i am asking for a lot but any styling advice/techniques/tips are appreciated, i really need it!
I would like to know also. I bought the caruso's for the same reason and I can not create what I consider a decent style at all. I did learn how to deal with the frizz by moisturizing my ends and using end papers. Sorry I can't help.
take a look at serenitybreeze fotki . She is really good with these. She uses them daily, I learnt alot from her! Like end papers etc.:)

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aliajp said:
take a look at serenitybreeze fotki . She is really good with these. She uses them daily, I learnt alot from her! Like end papers etc.:)

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OT: Thanks for posting the link to Serenity's albums. I'm going to try her baggie method this weekend.
thanks for the advice, ladies....and i will check out Serenity.
now, does anyone have anything to say about pincurls?
or anymore helpful Caruso tips?
hi Alia,

thanks for the tips! i saw that you are in Okinawa. i have a cousin that has lived there for a while....are you on a military base?

ps-how do i check out Serenity's fotki? couldn't find the link:(
SaintLuxe said:
thanks for the advice, ladies....and i will check out Serenity.
now, does anyone have anything to say about pincurls?
or anymore helpful Caruso tips?
Some of the ladies put Lottabody setting lotion in with the water of the Caruso steamer and others put this setting lotion (just a little) on their hair just before rolling it up. I think the manual mentions trying this.:)
I'm not very good at discribing pincurling, but I would suggest that you do a search. There is at least one album that has pictures of the technique. Maybe Macherieamour? Not sure. Anyway, I pincurl once my hair has been curled. It's usually what is done on models after their hair has been done and the makeup artist is working on them. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.