HELP: Swim Class Hair Regimen


New Member
I have a PE AND Swim test requirement in order to graduate so I signed up for a swim class that meets 2x/wk. I need help developing a new regimen to take care of my hair after swim class! What should I do? I need something that's quick because I'll have another class 35min afterwards (YIKES):spinning:.

I'm thinking:
1. Cleansing cream (Miss Jessie's, Curls, or Wen)
2. Conditioner and just leave it in.
3. style-not sure but maybe i can just rock an wash n'go/afro. I recently cut my hair in layers so I don't think the top is quite long enough to fit in a bun :/. I have a pic of my hair air dryed in my profile album.

I really want to continue growing out my hair and keeping it in good condition. If there's any product recommendations and/or style options to address the chlorine let me know. Also, should I wear a swim cap?
Thanks so much Ladies!
You should get a shampoo and conditioner to fight off the chlorine. I don't know if there's a Sally's where you live but the Ion brand has these items. Hope it helps.
I am not sure about styling options, but I would definitely wear a swim cap. You should try to prevent the chlorine from coming in contact with your hair as much as possible, imo.
Hey there! A swim cap won't do much - it's purpose is to keep hair from floating in your face and reduce drag while swimming. What I do when I swim is wet the hair then apply a leave in conditioner before you get in the pool, and then as soon as you get out, wash with a shampoo designed to remove chlorine from the hair and follow with a leave in conditioner and seal with oil. This worked for my hair.
THANK YOU LADIES! I will try all of the suggestions. I'll apply a leave-in conditioner before I go swimming and shampoo/condition when I get out. There isn't a Sally's near by, but maybe Ricky's will have Ion. I'll do more research for products specifically catered to chlorine and I'll order some Shea butter to try as well.
I went swimming a few weeks ago and i whipped some unrefined shea butter + EVOO together and coated my hair with it.
My hair seemed ok after i guess lol
i didn't know what i was looking for to see if it had worked, but it didn't feel really dry or anything
just make sure you wash alllllll of the chlorine out of your hair
stand there for 15 minutes if you have to lol
This video by LHCF Member and K.I.S.S. Founder Traycee will help you....

I spent the entire summer swimming and I was also a swimmer in high school and college. We were required to wear swim caps during the swimming season and I'm sure you're class will require it too, but it won't help keep your hair dry so don't think that. I also found that adding conditioner before swimming was a waste of my conditioner. I would just wet my hair and cover with the swim cap. After swimming I would co-wash thoroughly with VO5 Moisture Milks (key word=thoroughly), once finished with that I would put more condish on my hair and bun, using small bobby pins to secure my bangs. Plus I don't know where you live but it was cold around my parts so I would always cover my hair with a scarf then hat afterwards. I also always carried a shikakai shampoo bar in my swim bag and would occasionally lather up with that. Hope this helps! Enjoy swimming!
I twist or braid my hair with shealoe the day before swimming. When I don't have enough time to wash hair afterward I rinse hair in the shower and follow with a final rinse of aloe vera juice. The rinse is 2 tablespoons food grade aloe vera juice in 6 cups warm water. You can put the avj in a plastic bottle and add warm water from shower. Pour the solution slowly over your hair. Wrap your head in towel to absorb excess while you get dressed. I have natural hair type 4. HTH