Swimming Hair Help?

I read somewhere to saturate hair with plain water before swimming. If your strands are full of water it's hard for chlorine to penetrate. I get in the pool 3 times a week for water aerobics, but I rarely get my hair wet unless someone splashes me
OK, so I went swmming a couple of times or so since last post. In the first instance, I didn't apply anything to my hair, just wrapped Saran wrap well and wore the cap properly covering ears completely and with cap over my eyebrows like this:


I used just my regular ol' Speedo swim cap. I swam mostly breast stroke but threw in two freestyle laps at the end. Only the back of my hair got wet. Sides were dry, but about an inch in the back got wet. So as before, I applied my post-swim shampoo to that section even before wetting then repeated with Garnier.

The last time I went swimming I use the cap that @LatterGlory recommended and I just wanted to let you kind lady know that I can confirm that My Swim Cap (link in previous post for those who don't know what it is) really works. Just coz I wanted to be extra careful, after doing my regular reverse French braid so that my ends were a-top my head, I applied Vaseline to the sides and back of my hair--a really thick coat so my hair looked white. Then I wrapped Saran Wrap making sure to come down my forehead and also in the back. I was determined this time I'd not mess up the seal as I did before when I shifted the cap and Saran on the way to the pool. I put the cap on but folded it up as I had needed to before then covered my head with something and headed to the pool. I pulled the cap down like the model in the photo above, made sure I fastened the back and went swimming. I did back stroke, crawl, breast stroke. I figured if chlorine water got in as it's done before, my hair was sealed and it'd just sit on the Vaseline, so I threw all caution to the wind.

Before jumping in the shower, I took the cap off to inspect my hair. All of it was dry. All except the beady beads that are kinda down my neck. You know the short hairs that coil up and look like bugs or peppercorns? Yes, those are the only hairs that got wet. The rest of my hair--and really what I care most about--was dry and had not made contact with pool water! :yay: So I really only needed to shampoo the grease out (I dunno how all y'all who use grease can do it often; it took so much hot water and several shampoos to get my hair and scalp to feel squeaky clean. Too much work I say...but definitely proof that even if pool water had got in, my hair would not have been affected) but I love washing my hair so I did give it all a good shampoo once the perimeter was free of grease.

So once again LatterGlory, I thank you kindly! :notworthy