HELP! Straightening serum substitutes???


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Happy Holidays! :grin:
I'm home in the west indies for Christmas and it is HOT! WhooOo! Who would have thunk? lol
Anywhooo, my dilemma is this: I forgot my chi straightening serum and I've hit most of the BSS on this island and havent found anything! Maybe I'm not looking hard enough??!?!?!?!?!:nono:
I'll try again later, but for now, I need an idea. What can be used instead of the normal straigtening serum? I found a lot of polishers, shine serums, Aphogee essential oil (i was sooo tempted to buy:lachen:), olive oils, carrot oils, etc etc....u get the picture!
But wah would best substitute a straightening serum/oil??? :perplexed:wallbash:
Some of the polishers and shine serums might be decent substitutes. They have same/similar ingredients. Check them to make sure there is no alcohol or anything. Look for those that have pretty much all silicone.

They don't all work as well, though. Like the NTM serums does not work well for straightening for me, but it seemed like it would be perfect. but I would use one of those before using nothing at all.

I know some are against oil for straightening, but I would do it if I need to. I would put some of the shine serum and a little kemi oil or something thick like that in my hand and apply a bit all over if the serum does not work on its own.

You are on vacation! Don't stress out too much about it girlie! :grin:
Some of the polishers and shine serums might be decent substitutes. They have same/similar ingredients. Check them to make sure there is no alcohol or anything. Look for those that have pretty much all silicone.

They don't all work as well, though. Like the NTM serums does not work well for straightening for me, but it seemed like it would be perfect. but I would use one of those before using nothing at all.

I know some are against oil for straightening, but I would do it if I need to. I would put some of the shine serum and a little kemi oil or something thick like that in my hand and apply a bit all over if the serum does not work on its own.

You are on vacation! Don't stress out too much about it girlie! :grin:

I dont like the polishers too much cuz they're jus greasy and i dont really see any difference :ohwell: But i'll have a peek at them again later on to see composition. I dont wanna stress lol...but b4 i left i went to get my hair straightened at a JA place and i've now seen the effects...mass heat damage!! I dont wanna repeat my dad says, prevention is better than care!
Thankx honeydew for ur input:grin: