HELP! Salon Setback - Pics


New Member
I am so upset right now. :( I got a relaxer yesterday after stretching for 11 weeks. It is very challenging to stretch with short hair but I have been doing it since I have joined the forum. The results have been great for my hair.

I knew I was due for a trim and my stylist usually does a great job. Yesterday was a different story. The right side is still cut into a bob style but is shorter. The left side is shorter and cut at an angle. :mad: She didn't trim much from the back and it looks fine. I really liked my bob haircut and now I don't know what you would call it. I have been with my stylist for six years and only go to her for my relaxers. I've been so happy with my growth and now I feel that this is a setback.

Now I don't know what to do so ladies I need your support!!! Am I overeacting? Do I need to cut it again into a bob cut? What should I do with my stylist? Should I just keep on growing and do something special for the sides in my regimen? HELP!!

*not sure how to post pics in a thread but here's a try.....
Here are the pictures from 11 weeks post:

Here are the pictures from today:
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Congratulations on your stretch! I may not understand what you're saying. I see progress too unless you are saying the setback is that she cut your hair unevenly? (shorter on one side than the other?) If that's what you're saying, you can fix that very easily.

Just make sure whenever/if you go to her the next time, tell her you prefer her not to cut/clip your ends (since she obviously doesn't know what to do w/her scissors!). Sometimes stylists will try to convince you of how bad your ends look and you end up giving in and saying "o.k.", b/c you know in your heart that you may have done some things that contributed to them being unhealthy, but from this point on just make sure you continue to take care of them really well so that if/when you go to her again, you'll know for yourself that she is feeding you a line of crap when she tries to tell you your ends NEED to be clipped.

This will hopefully give the other side time to catch up. (if that's what you're talking about)
blackbarbie said:
Congratulations on your stretch! I may not understand what you're saying. I see progress too unless you are saying the setback is that she cut your hair unevenly? (shorter on one side than the other?) If that's what you're saying, you can fix that very easily.

Just make sure whenever/if you go to her the next time, tell her you prefer her not to cut/clip your ends (since she obviously doesn't know what to do w/her scissors!). Sometimes stylists will try to convince you of how bad your ends look and you end up giving in and saying "o.k.", b/c you know in your heart that you may have done some things that contributed to them being unhealthy, but from this point on just make sure you continue to take care of them really well so that if/when you go to her again, you'll know for yourself that she is feeding you a line of crap when she tries to tell you your ends NEED to be clipped.

This will hopefully give the other side time to catch up. (if that's what you're talking about)

Thank you blackbarbie! I am referring to the cut/trim being uneven. Sorry I didn't explain my issue very well due to my frustration. Thank you for the tips!! My hair has been in a short pixie cut for over eight years and this growing out phase is all new to me. I feel better about this so THANK YOU!
Maybe it's more the way that your hair was wrapped or combed that's causing the illusion. BTW, congratulations on your growth :)
Ambitious1013 said:
Thank you blackbarbie! I am referring to the cut/trim being uneven. Sorry I didn't explain my issue very well due to my frustration. Thank you for the tips!! My hair has been in a short pixie cut for over eight years and this growing out phase is all new to me. I feel better about this so THANK YOU!

Judging by that pic at the bottom, you know for sure that it will grow. It will definitely grow past the bob length that you have, just make sure you tell her to put her scissors up the next time she takes them out! Is she aware of your goal to grow your hair past your normal bob length? If you are going to continue to go to her, make her aware and tell her that you would prefer that she either (1) not clip them at all or (2) not be so aggressive in clipping your ends until you get to your goal length b/c you already know that just because your ends aren't clipped doesn't mean your hair won't grow. (she may really think you are trying to maintain your bob style) Cause if she is constantly cutting on your ends, your ends should never be a problem, they are probably always on point.

My brother kept my hair at the same length for over a year and a half b/c he was constantly clipping it every time I went for a touch-up. While I don't mind getting my ends clipped, it just took me a minute to realize how much he was cutting off every time I went for a touch up....
Hey gurl! It looks good to me! You've made great progress :grin: . As long as ur ends are healthy, i wouldn't stress too hard about the cut, just don't let that person cut ur hair anymore.

Something similar happened to me back in the day when i had a blunt bob cut. I was really digusted, I'm thinking, a bob cut is so simple to do, how in the heck did this idiot mess it up :perplexed ??? I never let that person cut my hair anymore and me and my grandmother did my trims from then on and it grew out nicely.

Even now with these layers, my hair is all types of different lengths and my cut is so far from perfect it aint even funny. but until it gets as long as i want it to be, i'm not hard pressed to have perfect hair, just focus on keeping it healthy. HHG and keep up the good work!!
blackbarbie said:
Judging by that pic at the bottom, you know for sure that it will grow. It will definitely grow past the bob length that you have, just make sure you tell her to put her scissors up the next time she takes them out! Is she aware of your goal to grow your hair past your normal bob length? If you are going to continue to go to her, make her aware and tell her that you would prefer that she either (1) not clip them at all or (2) not be so aggressive in clipping your ends until you get to your goal length b/c you already know that just because your ends aren't clipped doesn't mean your hair won't grow. (she may really think you are trying to maintain your bob style) Cause if she is constantly cutting on your ends, your ends should never be a problem, they are probably always on point.

My brother kept my hair at the same length for over a year and a half b/c he was constantly clipping it every time I went for a touch-up. While I don't mind getting my ends clipped, it just took me a minute to realize how much he was cutting off every time I went for a touch up....

She knows about my next hair goal which is shoulder length. We've discussed growing it out as a bob cut. I just don't understand the angled left side right now. :lol: If I decide to stay with her, I will share with her the suggestions you gave me. THANKS!

BTW: Your hair is beautiful!! Are you relaxed and color treated? I think I just found another hair inspiration! :)
Imani said:
Hey gurl! It looks good to me! You've made great progress :grin: . As long as ur ends are healthy, i wouldn't stress too hard about the cut, just don't let that person cut ur hair anymore.

Something similar happened to me back in the day when i had a blunt bob cut. I was really digusted, I'm thinking, a bob cut is so simple to do, how in the heck did this idiot mess it up :perplexed ??? I never let that person cut my hair anymore and me and my grandmother did my trims from then on and it grew out nicely.

Even now with these layers, my hair is all types of different lengths and my cut is so far from perfect it aint even funny. but until it gets as long as i want it to be, i'm not hard pressed to have perfect hair, just focus on keeping it healthy. HHG and keep up the good work!!

Thanks Imani! :) I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I will continue to just focus on just keeping my hair healthy.
Well I just want you to know that I am pissed because I love your hair. So you tell her she better not be messing up our, uhm I mean your hair:mad:! On a more serious note though, it doesn't look as bad as you think. Yes, I see the angle, and if it was me I would notice it ever single day. But remember your goal is not about the perfect cut, but about growth, so try to stay focussed, keep growing, and hopefully you can find somebody else to cut it in the future. I'm just glad she didn't cut you super short or mess with the back.
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hopeful said:
Well I just want you to know that I am pissed because I love your hair. So you tell her she better not be messing up our, uhm I mean your hair:mad:! On a more serious not though, it doesn't look as bad as you think. Yes, I see the angle, and if it was me I would notice it ever single day. But remember your goal is not about the perfect cut, but about growth, so try to stay focussed, keep growing, and hopefully you can find somebody else to cut it in the future. I'm just glad she didn't cut you super short or mess with the back.

Thanks hopeful!!! I am highly upset that she messed up "our" hair. :D You know how hard it is during this phase for ladies with short hair. :)

I am going to wear curly styles so I won't notice the angled left side as much. I am going to miss wearing it as a blunt cut bob. Thank you for reminding me to stay focused on the growth and not the perfect cut.

I am still unsure if I will continue to see her. I have plenty of time to think about it since I only go to her for my relaxers every 10-12 weeks.