HELP!! relax (again) or not to relax???


New Member
I'm natural. With the help of braids and weaves grew out my relaxer about 3 years ago. BUT.....i'm finding that pressing and flat ironing my hair every week is way too stressful for my hair! i'm considering either getting a texturizer, or a relaxer so i can rollerset my hair and eliminate some heat....if anyone has any advice PLEASE advice...


Have you tried wearing styles that do not require heat? When I was natural, I wore twists often, but that did get tired after a while.

Do you plan to relax/texturize your hair yourself?

My advice is to do a strand test on various sections of your hair to make sure that you have the proper strength and timing to achieve the results you're after. I can't say enough about how this helps one to get a better idea of how their hair will react, especially when it comes to texturizing.
<font color="blue">Quick question: why did you go natural? If you prefer to wear straight styles why did u braid &amp; weave out the relaxer?

I don't understand.
. If you're tired of pressing/using heat, did you ever consider just wearing your hair...natural? Twists, 'fros, puffs and all that other good stuff? Why after 3 years do you feel the need to relax again? Just wondering.

Hi Katherine! (You are new here aren't you? Welcome to the board!!)

I understand that weekly pressing can be damaging to your hair. However, harsh chemicals like relaxers are equally damaging. However, a relaxer or texturizer does offer you more hair manageability. This will allow to use low heat styling like roller setting. Or not heat styling like braid/twsit out.

So, in some way they seem almost equal. But of course hair in is most natural state with no heat, or chemicals is the best option.

I think you should try to stick with your natural hair a little bit longer. You took all this time and patience to grow it out, just try to stick with a little longer and experiment with roller setting and etc. If it still is not working for you and giving you the look and manageability you want then relax.
hey Kengne19, thanks for the repsonse!
I prefer to wear my hair straight and i found that even with a relaxer my hair stylist would still use heat to either blow dry it or flat iron it straight. so my thought process was...hmmm since i need the heat anyway let me eliminate the chemical and just press it.....well now that i found this site, i see most people are growing out their hair with a relax and rollerset and i was just curious if this was a better method:)
you are completely natural? with no heat? do you wear twist??
Thanks Atate!
Great advice!! I will experiement with rollersetting my natural hair and then pressing the edges. I will keep my hair natural a little bit longer (with the help of this forum and see!) wish me luck! and thanks again for your advice (i'm sending you a private note to ask you a few questions about your hair regimine).....THANKS!!
I hope I don't start a flame war...

If your hair is in the 4 category and you prefer straight hair, I think you should relax your hair. IMO a relaxer every 8-12 weeks (or a texturizer a few times a year) would be more gentle than pressing and flatironing once a week. There are tons of tips on this board on how to get a smooth, sleek look without heat.

If your natural hair is in 2 or 3 category you could probably get a chemical free, super straight look with a roller set. Look at sweetcocoa's pictures.

Welcome to the board!
hey sassygirl125,

oh no! after your reponse i'm leaning towards a relaxer (i'm in the 4 group)! hahahah GREAT! Do you recommend a particular brand? Is your hair relaxed?

Thanks for the advice!!!!
a texturizer a few times a year) would be more gentle than pressing and flatironing once a week. There are tons of tips on this board on how to get a smooth, sleek look without heat.

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I totally agree.
Thanks guys! looks like the census so far is....If i want to wear my 4 type hair straight a relaxer will be less harsh.....

i appreciate your comments!
Oh Lordy!

Please don't think I was ordering you to run out and put chemicals in your hair!
But if you want to wear your hair straight all the time, pressing sounds like a big hassle...

I feel funny recommending a relaxer... The "big guns" on this board are Motions, Affirm and Mizani. I had good results with Motions Oil relaxer, but not many people like that one. Lye worked better on me than no-lye.

I am growing out my relaxer right now as we "speak".
After my last touch-up from a new stylist almost a year ago, I had some pretty serious breakage. I've been afraid to relax again since then. At home or at a salon.
If you do choose to get a relaxer, a lot of ladies on this board seem to like Affirm relaxers. I use Affirm also.
Since you are on the fence about it I think you should wait a month before you make your final decision. You can always relax your hair again, but once you get it done, growing it out is a real b
You know what I'm talking about!
<font color="blue">Hey Katherine!
Yes I am completely natural. No heat, no chemicals, no color, nada lol.

And right now I'm actually rockin' a fro-ey twist-out that everybody at work was ooohin and aaahin' over. I cut out my relaxer because frankly, I was tired of the struggle to keep it looking proper. It wasn't thin or unhealthy or anything like that but I was just tired.

I've been natural for 7-8 mths and my hair is roughly 3-4 inches long.

So you prefer to wear straight styles? Well then I hate to lose a natural sister but if that's ur cup of tea perhaps you should go back to relaxing. But keep in mind; your hair IS more fragile when relaxed. So if the heat has caused any damage to your hair as is...A relaxer probably won't make the situation better but it'll give you the permanent straight look ur going for.

Take care!

PS: You still didn't answer why you went natural in the 1st place, if you preferred to wear straight styles.
Kengne19, your hair sounds nice! can wait till you post some pic (hint hint)
sorry, to answer your question, went natural just to eminate some stress since i was wearing my hair straight and still had to flat iron it!

Thanks everyone for your advice! you woman really know your hair!!!!!
a texturizer a few times a year) would be more gentle than pressing and flatironing once a week. There are tons of tips on this board on how to get a smooth, sleek look without heat.

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I totally agree.

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I've learned from experience that the hot comb too often is a bad thing. Now, I only touch up/texturize every 3-5 months, and I only use heat a few times a year. Not that a relaxer is a cure all; it's not, but you have to do what's best for you. You've been on both sides of the fence (natural/relaxed), so only you know what's best for you. Good luck!
I was in your position a year ago. After 1 1/2 years of being natural, I decided to go back to a relaxer. Mind you this is simiply my opinion and perspective and may not reflect anyone else's.

I went back to the relaxer for a number of reasons:
I loved rockin a fro but my hair has major shrinkage and the only way I could manage it was to spend $40 a week at a natural salon to manage it.

When I did attempt to wash my hair, it would break off badly so all i wanted to do was ponytail it, but I couldn't because it was too short.

I liked my hair straight and pressing was making it thin and brittle.

I found this hair board and realized that you can have a relaxer and have healthy hair.

My advice would be to make a list of pros and cons and see which one best suits you, your wallet and your lifestyle.

I'm natural. With the help of braids and weaves grew out my relaxer about 3 years ago. BUT.....i'm finding that pressing and flat ironing my hair every week is way too stressful for my hair! i'm considering either getting a texturizer, or a relaxer so i can rollerset my hair and eliminate some heat....if anyone has any advice PLEASE advice...


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I have been going back and forth with that same question!
My advice would be to make a list of pros and cons and see which one best suits you, your wallet and your lifestyle.


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Now that's some good advice!