help! product overload - on a deadline


Well-Known Member
hi. i washed my 10 wks post relaxed hair today and was very heavy handed with the jane carter nourish and shine. now, my hair is too oily for my tastes. how do i get rid of this or make it less so. i don't have time to wash my hair again. i'm traveling today and need to run errands, pack and be on the road by 10am! please help me ladies!!! thanks so much!
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I would co-wash it and then allow it to air dry in a bun. You can tie a scarf about your hair line in order to straighten out the new growth.
When I had a weave and it got to oily, I'd just sift some powder on it and the oil was absorbed. Never tried this on my on my hair though....but my weaves were HH.

If you do this, I'd shampoo and condition as soon as you got back later.
Tie your hair in a cotton scarf. Throw a hat on top of that while you travel. If you'll be traveling for a few hours then the cotton should have sopped up the extra product by the time you get to your destination.