Help.... Please. (pics)


Well-Known Member
I am so depressed. My hair has been thinning and I really don't know why. I tested negative for lupus, and hypoactive thyroid so I don't know why.

I've been shedding like crazy the last three months ago. I think it finally slowed down but the damage is done. I estimate that my volume of hair is about a third of what it used to be.
Growing up I always had really thick hair. Even after I had my son and that shedding massacre, my hair was thick and strong. Now it's so thin, and while it is healthier i don't know where it went. I haven't had any burning relaxers, in fact I've been stretching them for up to four months and... I dont know. I really just don't know.

I'm eight post relaxer, and in all honesty that was probably my last one. Usually it's a struggle to see my scalp with a part after eight weeks, now a strong wind can part my hair.

Here is what my hair sectioned off into four braids is now



This is the back.... Notice how large the section is and how thin the braid


This is the top of my head, now I can see the thinning :cry:


Now that I look at the pics I can see bald/thinning spots. And it looks like my texture has changed, unless my hair is just growing that much slower. Has anyone ever recovered from this? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Gonna go :cry2: now with some jump music and a brown bottle

Eta: more pics
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First off :bighug:

Depression can also effect your hair?
Have your eating habits changed?
Did you have a over processed relaxer?

Please don't cry :( I am so so sorry this is happening to you :grouphug:

I see what your talking about. It looks to be breaking at the meeting of the textures.

How long ago did you have your son?

And congratulations on not having lupus or thyroid problems, my sister has lupus and it's no joke.
I am so sorry that this is happening to you; it must be both traumatizing and disheartening. If you list your regimen along with the products you are using, I know the kind ladies here will offer support and a helping hand.

Hang in there, things will definitely get better.
So sorry you're having this experience. I went through something similar last fall. Really scared me and none of my usual things worked. I just started taking vitamins like crazy and applying Sulfur 8/Castor oil mix to my scalp religiously. My hair stopped shedding as much and actually began getting thick again. I don't think it will ever be as thick as it used to be, but it's a WHOLE lot better now. Maybe long stretching doesn't agree with your hair? I know long stretches (more than 12 wks) make my hair angry. Good luck and don't worry too much!
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have you seen a dermatologist? also have you experienced a traumatic event or alot of stress in the past 6 months? mom's friend's mother passed away and about 4 months after that she experienced alot of hair loss/thinning due to the stress...
First off :bighug:

Depression can also effect your hair?
Have your eating habits changed?
Did you have a over processed relaxer?

Please don't cry :( I am so so sorry this is happening to you :grouphug:

I see what your talking about. It looks to be breaking at the meeting of the textures.

How long ago did you have your son?

And congratulations on not having lupus or thyroid problems, my sister has lupus and it's no joke.

Thank you.

I had my son two years ago in July. I've been trying really hard to improve my diet ie less carbs and more fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. I've also started taking multivitamins with biotin, coconut oil pills, garlic pills, vitamin d (I work midnights so not a lot of sun). I moisturize with the scurl moisturizer in the blue bottle and seal with hot six oil with a little lavender essential oil mixed in. I dc once a week with Palmers coconut oil deep conditioner and cowash once a week with a mixture of Suave Shea butter and almond oil conditioner and organic fortifying lavender and soy protein conditioner. I've been doing henna (body art quality) with egg, evco, evoo, almond and avocado oils followed by a deep condition once a month. Aphogee 2 min reconstructer twice a month. Always put in Shea butter leave in. No heat, mostly braidouts and buns.

I just took out kinky twists that I had in for three weeks, they might be going back in soon.

As for depression, I was fine until I saw my hair :lachen:. Work had been stressful lately, but nothing too bad. Home life is great, son is very well behaved and my fiancé is very loving, supportive and helpful. I am getting married in late august, but to be honest the planning is a breeze and I'm not stressed about that at all.

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have you seen a dermatologist? also have you experienced a traumatic event or alot of stress in the past 6 months? mom's friend's mother passed away and about 4 months after that she experienced alot of hair loss/thinning due to the stress...

Work has been kinda stressful, but not the most stress I've ever been under. Its more annoying than anything.

I haven't been to a dermatologist, but that will be my next stop.

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So sorry you're having this experience. I went through something similar last fall. Really scared me and none of my usual things worked. I just started taking vitamins like crazy and applying Sulfur 8/Castor oil mix to my scalp religiously. My hair stopped shedding as much and actually began getting thick again. I don't think it will ever be as thick as it used to be, but it's a WHOLE lot better now. Maybe long stretching doesn't agree with your hair? I know long stretches (more than 12 wks) make my hair angry. Good luck and don't worry too much!

Thank you! I've already decided to go natural, but now I might have to BC instead of transition.

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I know how u feel hair is super thin too and I was always the chick with thick long hair...

I am heading to the doctor tom..

one thing I can say is leave ur hair alone for a while...I noticed when I stopped messing with my hair and doing so much to got better...

I'm going to try vitamins and work on henna/castor oil...HTH

oh yea I heard black tea rinses are great for shedding
So sorry you have to go through this. But I will help as much as possible.

Your hair looks like mines. Is it worst at the temples, top of the head and back(top) of head? Do you have anyone in your family with baldness?

There is such a thing as androgenic alopecia and you determine it by ruling all else out or with a derm.

Rule out
-low iron
-hypo or hyper thyroidism
-low vitamin d
-low b vitamins

There may be others but those are some that are common.

Here are helpful links

Bald Spots, Thin Spots

Spinoff: Shedders What Vits or Products saved your hair?

***!!! ~ I'm a Survivor ~ !!! ***

NIOXIN System 8 For Ethnic Hair

Nu Hair Vitamins for Shedding!
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I have gone through the same experience.

I was finally diagnosed with PCOS-(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

PCOS can cause hair loss as well as an increase in testosterone which can lead to male patterned balding. I keep my testosterone levels low by watching my sugar intake.

I have been able to recoup a lot of the hair that I loss by eating better and losing a sufficient amount of weight. This was key in stopping my hair from shedding.

Your gynecologist can talk to you about the signs and symptoms of PCOS.

Hope this helps~Stay Positive and Encouraged

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So sorry you have to go through this. But I will help as much as possible.

Your hair looks like mines. Is it worst at the temples, top of the head and back(top) of head? Do you have anyone in your family with baldness?

There is such a thing as androgenic alopecia and you determine it by ruling all else out or with a derm.

Rule out
-low iron
-hypo or hyper thyroidism
-low vitamin d
-low b vitamins

Thanks chicha. I just had all those levels checked except for vitamin d. They are all normal, my iron and b vitamin levels are excellent (I think it's my supplements). Thyroid is on the lower side of normal.

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I have gone through the same experience.

I was finally diagnosed with PCOS-(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

PCOS can cause hair loss as well as an increase in testosterone which can lead to male patterned balding. I keep my testosterone levels low by watching my sugar intake.

I have been able to recoup a lot of the hair that I loss by eating better and losing a sufficient amount of weight. This was key in stopping my hair from shedding.

Your gynecologist can talk to you about the signs and symptoms of PCOS.

Hope this helps~Stay Positive and Encouraged


PCOS... Thats a scary thought for me. I have other signs of insulin resistance (big waist, puffy jawline) but my cycles are very regular. Its time for an obgyn visit anyway, I'll bring it up.

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IRON. Go to the doctor and have them do a complete physical. You could be anemic. My hair started thinning and that was the reason. If u haven't done anything different externally then it maybe something internal
Are you taking any medications? Sometimes hair loss is a side effect, especially with high blood pressure and cholesterol medication.
Various vitamin deficiencies can cause shedding. As manestreet said, low iron is a possibility. Low vitamin d can have the same effect. If your blood work is fine, you're getting all the nutrients your body needs, and nothing else has changed (such as a new medication as jetblackhair suggested) it could be telogen effluvium. TE shedding typically happens a few months after the triggering cause, and can go on for a few months after that. If it is TE, from what you've indicated, the worst is over.

After experiencing diffuse shedding very similar to yours I went to a couple doctors before a dermatologist finally diagnosed TE. Because the cause was not apparent, I upped my supplement intake and tried to nurture the remaining strands. The hardest part is waiting for your hair to grow back out, but it will happen.
My hair looks just like yours, however in my case I have been diagnosed with something similar to lupus called Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD). Unfortunately, I have naturally fine hair so the excessive shedding is definitely heartbreaking to experience.

Hopefully you can find out the root of your problem and perhaps even a way to turn it around!
I"m so sorry your going through this!! I know exactly how you feel. I actually have lupus so I know theres only so much I can do. I hope everything works out for you!!!!!
get blood work for:
heavy metal toxicity ( cadium, mercury, etc.)
hormone levels
vitamin/mineral/fatty acid deficiency

are you sure your night shift schedule isn't interfering with your body natural balance and causing some issues....peeps with work night shifts have all sorts of weird issues cause they are working when they should be sleeping. don't be so upset it will get better.
get blood work for:
heavy metal toxicity ( cadium, mercury, etc.)
hormone levels
vitamin/mineral/fatty acid deficiency

are you sure your night shift schedule isn't interfering with your body natural balance and causing some issues....peeps with work night shifts have all sorts of weird issues cause they are working when they should be sleeping. don't be so upset it will get better.

Heavy metal... I would have never thought of that! Thank you!

I've known for awhile that midnights would not be a permanent thing for me, but my job is dragging booty about switching my schedule. I've been in it two 18 (since I came back from maternity leave) so I didn't think it was that... But it could be catching up to me now.

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Various vitamin deficiencies can cause shedding. As manestreet said, low iron is a possibility. Low vitamin d can have the same effect. If your blood work is fine, you're getting all the nutrients your body needs, and nothing else has changed (such as a new medication as jetblackhair suggested) it could be telogen effluvium. TE shedding typically happens a few months after the triggering cause, and can go on for a few months after that. If it is TE, from what you've indicated, the worst is over.

After experiencing diffuse shedding very similar to yours I went to a couple doctors before a dermatologist finally diagnosed TE. Because the cause was not apparent, I upped my supplement intake and tried to nurture the remaining strands. The hardest part is waiting for your hair to grow back out, but it will happen.

Could Epstein Barr virus trigger TE? I forgot to mention, I'm just getting over it. Looks like I got in Feb. And I tested positive for One out of three markers for Lyme disease. You have to have at least two out of three to be considered infected with Lyme disease...

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I'm going through the same thing but trying to stay positive and sliding mn, more scalp massages, vitamins and a doc appt in. Gotta stay positive Sulfur 8 is good for growth for some people
Could Epstein Barr virus trigger TE? I forgot to mention, I'm just getting over it. Looks like I got in Feb. And I tested positive for One out of three markers for Lyme disease. You have to have at least two out of three to be considered infected with Lyme disease...

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I was told that any illness that was a shock to the system could cause TE. As others have suggested, you should follow up with another doctor to get as much information you can so that you can find a cause and solution for you hair loss.
IA that changes in sleep patterns can also be associated with hair issues.

Another thing I noticed is that you mentioned henna, aphogee and egg very frequently in the same month. One last note, coconut and avocado oils both respond like a protein on my hair. Maybe your hair feels the same way. That's a lot in one month!

Perhaps cornrows and wigs/headwraps would be a good option to give you access to extra moisturizing and/or water rinsing. I'm concerned about the extra weight of the hair extension on your thinning strands.

Hang in there, sis! You'll figure it out!
OP You've gotten some great suggestions above. I just wanted to hop in and give you a (((BIIIG HUGG)))
Sorry you're going through this, but I'm sure you'll get through it soon. See your doc, and if you were serious and not joking about the depressed comment, then maybe a therapist too.
I went through something similar after developing an eating disorder and on top of that, perming and bleaching my hair. My hair thinned to like a 1/3 of what it used to be, and it still is after 4 years. I understand how scary, depressing and embarrassing it all feels. The difference is, I beat around the bush playing things like mtg and mega-tek and moped for ages before I looked for a cause! You have the right idea going to the Derm straightaway,which should shorten your turnaround time. I've jumped on bandwagons and taken vitamins, but growth aids and topical aids are useless if the original problem has not been addressed/solved (the hair growth I received from these products only lengthens the weak, brittle hair i have leftover).
I would suggest you get full bloodwork done, maybe even an ultrasound (things like polycystic ovaries can thin your hair, and it is difficult to detect otherwise) to investigate the cause and rule out everything. I started going last week, and my doctor believes that hair loss that occurs due to hormonal imbalance is one of the most easily correctable, if that is the case. My treatment is supposed to be minoxidil injections into the scalp, topical growth aids (nutrigrow), maintaining an excellent diet and high potency 'stress tablets' which are vitamins for those who are chronically stressed- this could be a good idea as your jobs causes your sleep pattern to be irregular.

Also it's a bit hippy sounding, but I tried acupuncture for a while and it does work- they use needles to stimulate your scalp every time you go, and it definitely is good for calming down stressful people and promoting excellent circulation and health in the body. I'm a poor college student so I couldn't do that too much, but i'm sure if you are consistent it will help! Just know that this is probably reversible =) Please keep us updated, and I wish you the best of luck!