Help Please..... omg no!


Active Member
:wallbash: I made a wig for myself....... using a wig cap, on my hair... nothing under the wig cap...... glued the hair on... the entire things is done.... guess what.... :nono: Wont come off my head ! The glue (black weave glue) is on both my hair and the wig cap... stuck... omg fml
Oil will break the bond from the glue
the wig will come apart but it will save your hair
do you have olive oil
just cake it in your hair
Thank you so much..... Water how?

Do what the other ladies said and use oil. I used water because I was ready to take mine out and didn't care for it to get wet. I left that part out in my first post. But since you want to preserve the hair, I would use oil sheen or coconut oil. After it sits for a while it will lift right off.
Any type of oil should do the trick.

Olive, Almond, even the vegetable oil in your kitchen if that is all you have.
I put a bunch of oil, and let it sit, attempted to lift it (too faast I guess), just ripped out some hair.... so depressing
I wouldn't use regular old oil. I would get to the BSS and buy bond remover - the oil or the shampoo. I tried using regular oil to remove bonding glue once and it was an oily mess- it worked to remove the weave, but I then couldn't get that oil out of my hair for weeks. It's like the bonding glue and the oil were still stuck together in my hair.

Good luck.....
I just used too much glue... but yea this is a major setback.... and the reason my hair is in sucky condition all the time
I used a butt load of suave con and coconut oil. it came off pretty easily, my hair was in tiny bantu knots underneath, really happy it wasnt loose, I feel I would've lost more, the little bit that did come out is still drepressing though, because wigs are my protective style of choice 4 the year. Thank you everyone for your help
Steam will lift it off too. Do you have a steamer? If not, boil a big pot of water and put a towel over it and put your glue stuck head soaked in oil under it and it will peel right off.
:bighug: Don't feel bad. We all make mistakes. In the future, you may want to place a plastic cap on your hair first, then put on the wig cap. By doing this, the glue will go on the plastic cap instead of your hair.
Glad you were able to get that wig off with minimum damage to your hair! Can I laugh now :look: :lol:.