Help please: Getting the big chop June 2004


Well-Known Member
The stylist said that it will be tapered in the back and the same length all the way around(thumb length) something like a pixie cut. I would love recs on styles that I can do at home for me hair. Once I get the cut in June I will continue to use no heat,there will be no trimming and I am going to strech my relaxer for as long as possible(I am thinking 10-12 weeks longer if it can go longer). I am also increaseing my work out,water and vit intake and will be doing the carrot juice challenge
. Any advice/tips are so greatly appreciated

Warmest regards,
Why are you doing a big chop if you're not going natural? Is it becuase of damage or do you just want to start over.
Hi armyqt,

good to see you!! My hair is damaged and has many different lengths do to breakage and I want to start over w/o the breakage and split ends.
Ok, that makes sense. Sorry I don't have any ideas for styling. I was just curious about the big chop
Good luck on your big chop!
I know this must be a very anxious/exciting time for you.

Have you thought about putting your hair into braids for 2-3 months (especially now since summer is here, and your hair will surely have a nice growth spurt)? In a couple of months time you will have a lot more styling options for a nice short cut.

Or, if you do not like the appearance of braids, you can have your hair braided underneath a sewn-in weave.

Or you can rock a cute texturized style that looks similar to Keisha's (of Total) old doo.



Since you will be relaxed, I don't think you can rock a mini that's all I have. I hope this helps.
thanks so much dstcutie! I would love to wear a style like Keisha....what do I ask for? Also, with the braids I would like to get kinky twists...any products recs for the time I am wearing them would be just awesome! Also,products to use for the Keisha style too!!

I'm glad to help, Tishee.

As far as the kinky twists, my homegirl just had those in her hair and all she did to maintain them was spray her scalp and hair with Oil Sheen Spray to maintain moisture (probably every other day, or whenever you feel it is needed) plus she slept in a satin bonnet everynight. So, the style is cute and pretty low maintenance.

As far as the Keisha style, I'm not too sure what it is called, but your best bet is to download pics of the style, print them out, and show your hairdresser exactly what you want. I found more pics for you:





A more curly/texturixed look of the same cut is:


As far as maintaing the texturized style or the straighter style, I'm sure someone here would be able to help you more (I dont't want to give you mis-information, because I have never had a short haircut) and/or your hairdresser.

I hope this all helps some more.