HELP!! Newbie SOS: Breakage Isssues!!!


New Member
Hi all,
I'm a 21 year old college senior in New Jersey with 4a/b relaxed hair (2inches shy of APL). I joined LHCF yesterday although i've been stalking the site on and off for about a year now. In the same year I've been trying to take better care of my hair (e.g. protective styles, cowashes, moisturizing and sealing) and it's paid off...somewhat. My hair and scalp are in a much better place than they were a year ago but I'm still having major issues, mainly retaining length.

Currently I'm 6wks post relaxer. Even though i moisturize and seal my ends (most nights with water/glycerin and seal with castor oil) they are still dry and breaking!!!!! Stranger still is that about six inches from my scalp, my hair becomes curly despite being relxed. The curls are about a 3c pattern and they are super super dry :sad: after i shower. these curls are bone dry and brittle after about 2 minutes of air drying. I know this may sound like heat damage, which is what I thought (since i am a recovering heat-aholic) so i decided to go with a no-heat regime [I've used heat about 5 times in the last 4 1/2 months two of those times were my relaxers]. But I've grown about 2 inches over that time and the line of demarcation between my straight and curly hair has remained the same 6 inches away from my scalp:wallbash:!!! As a result of these dry ends, I have split ends. A LOT of split ends, to the point that everytime i get a relaxer, i need a trim. Even at 6 weeks post trim, i have split ends despite my diligent care to prevent them (i've been doing bantu knot out or wearing buns)

Does anyone know the cause or how i can get ride of these terribly dry ends?!?!?!

this is what my hair looks like damp

thanks in advance for the help!:drunk:
Have you clarified your hair? Use a shampoo like Aloe Rid, or another clarifying shampoo. the products you use on your hair can sometimes block moisture from getting in especially if they contain silicone. HTH
As far as your hair getting curly 6 inches from your scalp despite being relaxed sounds like your hair was unevenly processed the last time you got a relaxer.

I had that happen once and it would need a corrective to fix but since you are almost due another relaxer soon it will get fixed then if your stylist does the relaxer correctly this time around.
It seems like your hair was underprocessed at some point and that's why you have the curls. I would suggest a corrective relaxer, but other parts of your hair become overprocessed from the relaxer and that will just cause you more problems in the end.

At this point, I think you should leave it as is and focus on health. How often do you relax? Do you ever stretch past 8 weeks? A lot of relaxed heads find that stretching helps them reduce the chance of overlapping and it gives their hair time to recover from the last relaxer.

Do you deep condition? If so how often? DCing is definitely recommended for most people to get their hair healthy.

When you airdry and do your bantu knots and buns you should definitely be moisturizing your hair so that it dries soft. The water/glycerine mix is definitely not enough, especially if you haven't been DCing. And, glycerin pulls moisture from it's surrounding in order to help moisturize your hair. If there's not enough humidity outside, it's going to pull the moisture from your hair and scalp instead. I suggest you find a different, more heavy duty moisturizer. And, then seal with the castor oil since that's been ok so far.

Links that may help you:
Regimens only! You can read other people's regimens for ideas.

Relaxer stretcher's support thread

Long Hair, Don't Care (member's blog who is relaxed and btwn BSL & MBL)
Keep it Simple Sista (member's blog who is relaxed and HL)
My advice would be to:

Get a better moisturizer. My favorite is Qhemet Biologic's Burdock Root Butter Creme sealed with extra virgin coconut oil or Hairveda's Shikai(?) oil if I'm wearing it in a pony.

Maybe try to airdry in braids. When I airdry with my hair fully exposed, it gets dry and crunchy once it's fully dry and it's uncombable.

Concentrate on moisturizing your dry ends with a good moisturizer and sealant each and every day.

Good luck!
Hi all,
I'm a 21 year old college senior in New Jersey with 4a/b relaxed hair (2inches shy of APL). I joined LHCF yesterday although i've been stalking the site on and off for about a year now. In the same year I've been trying to take better care of my hair (e.g. protective styles, cowashes, moisturizing and sealing) and it's paid off...somewhat. My hair and scalp are in a much better place than they were a year ago but I'm still having major issues, mainly retaining length.

Currently I'm 6wks post relaxer. Even though i moisturize and seal my ends (most nights with water/glycerin and seal with castor oil) they are still dry and breaking!!!!! Stranger still is that about six inches from my scalp, my hair becomes curly despite being relxed. The curls are about a 3c pattern and they are super super dry :sad: after i shower. these curls are bone dry and brittle after about 2 minutes of air drying. I know this may sound like heat damage, which is what I thought (since i am a recovering heat-aholic) so i decided to go with a no-heat regime [I've used heat about 5 times in the last 4 1/2 months two of those times were my relaxers]. But I've grown about 2 inches over that time and the line of demarcation between my straight and curly hair has remained the same 6 inches away from my scalp:wallbash:!!! As a result of these dry ends, I have split ends. A LOT of split ends, to the point that everytime i get a relaxer, i need a trim. Even at 6 weeks post trim, i have split ends despite my diligent care to prevent them (i've been doing bantu knot out or wearing buns)

Does anyone know the cause or how i can get ride of these terribly dry ends?!?!?!

this is what my hair looks like damp

thanks in advance for the help!:drunk:

Bumping for you cause I'm natural and the glycerin water mix with castor works well on my hair. Do you deep condition?? Cholesterol is suppose to help dry brittle hair.
Hey ladies! Thanks so much for your posts!!! to answer some of your questions: I've been getting my hair relaxed for 8 years and have only had 3 different stylists in that time, and my relaxed hair has always been curly. So I guess it's not so much that the curls bother me, but that they are dry and prone to breakage. I get a relaxer every 12 weeks and clarify once a month. I've DCed my hair, so it sounds like something that i should definitely look into. Can anyone suggest a good deep conditioner?
I would recommend aubreys organics honeysuckle rose as a good moisturizing deep conditioner
what do you currently use?
I had this same problem and it was due to my hair being underprocessed. What I decided to do was bump up my DC and my protective styling and treat my hair like silk. My last relaxer was 7.5 months ago and my hair seems to be thriving. I 'm not sure if you're interested in stretching your relaxers. i would also step up my protein to strengthen the hair (particularly the underprocessed areas)
I would recommend aubreys organics honeysuckle rose as a good moisturizing deep conditioner
what do you currently use?

Aubrey Organics White Camellia Conditioner is really moisturizing.

Honeysuckle Rose is a good one too.

I totally agree. AO HR on DRY hair has been my savior for dry crunchy ends. I apply it once/week with an applicator brush (like a relaxer) and leave it in overnight. The next morning I rinse out and follow with my normal co-wash. It has pretty much alleviated my crunchy, dry, brittle ends. As a matter of fact, I just came back from an island vacation and forgot to pack it. However, my hair remained soft and moisturized with normal co-washing during the entire 10 day trip. So much so, that even my husband and family commented on how soft and silky my hair stayed despite the constant salt water.

Also though . . . are you still using shampoo regularly with sulfates? This could be a major contributor.
Hi all,
I'm a 21 year old college senior in New Jersey with 4a/b relaxed hair (2inches shy of APL). I joined LHCF yesterday although i've been stalking the site on and off for about a year now. In the same year I've been trying to take better care of my hair (e.g. protective styles, cowashes, moisturizing and sealing) and it's paid off...somewhat. My hair and scalp are in a much better place than they were a year ago but I'm still having major issues, mainly retaining length.

Currently I'm 6wks post relaxer. Even though i moisturize and seal my ends (most nights with water/glycerin and seal with castor oil) they are still dry and breaking!!!!! Stranger still is that about six inches from my scalp, my hair becomes curly despite being relxed. The curls are about a 3c pattern and they are super super dry :sad: after i shower. these curls are bone dry and brittle after about 2 minutes of air drying. I know this may sound like heat damage, which is what I thought (since i am a recovering heat-aholic) so i decided to go with a no-heat regime [I've used heat about 5 times in the last 4 1/2 months two of those times were my relaxers]. But I've grown about 2 inches over that time and the line of demarcation between my straight and curly hair has remained the same 6 inches away from my scalp:wallbash:!!! As a result of these dry ends, I have split ends. A LOT of split ends, to the point that everytime i get a relaxer, i need a trim. Even at 6 weeks post trim, i have split ends despite my diligent care to prevent them (i've been doing bantu knot out or wearing buns)

Does anyone know the cause or how i can get ride of these terribly dry ends?!?!?!

this is what my hair looks like damp

thanks in advance for the help!:drunk:

first off welcome to the boards, you'll enjoy it here. From reading your OP, I didn't see much of a regimen except for the glycerin/castor oil combo you're using. I need to know the following:
How often you wash and what you wash with (sulfate or non-sulfate)?
Do you Deep condition (there's no indication of that)?
Do you use protein? (helps stop breakage)
You said you clarify,what kind of shampoo do you use?

Also your hair might be porous so you may need to get Porosity Control to address that. I know you're feel kinda down right now (trust me most of us went through that too) but you need to get a good clarifying shampoo, a good DC like the ladies mentioned (Sally GVP conditioning balm works for me and has no cones), a strong protein like Aphoogee 2 step treatment and get to work :grin:.

Don't worry, it'll work out fine you're in good company now :yep:.

Oh yeah please trim those splits we want health first before length. And please be sure to go to the links MSA posted they're very helpful.

I'm relaxed too
Just a brief update:
I did a search and destroy on my split ends. I also clarified my hair then did a protein treatment with Jocio K-Pak reconstruct and followed up with an overnight DC using AOHSR (since im not using heat). I rinsed it out in the morning put on some NTM silk touch leave in and seal my ends with castor oil and my hair felt wonderful! i wore my hair in two twisted buns to dry. the formally dry and curly part of my hair actually held on to moisture for more than 5 minutes!! I'm definitely seeing improvements. Thanks for all your help ladies!! I will definitely add DCing to my every growing regime.
im glad you liked the ao hsr
keep using it as a deep conditioner and your hair will be way less dry
if you get some coconut oil to add to the ao hsr it'll make it easier to spread
so glad you're getting results!!!
keep us updated!

Your problem sounds very similar to what I was experiencing recently.:yep:

I also have natural roots, then some bone staight relaxed hair, then curly relaxed/texlaxed ends.:look:

I found that my relaxed ends DID NOT:nono: respond well to being braided, but did love 'baggy'ing and protective styling w/ no heat.:love2:

View my public profile under visitor messages to see what I did to greatly reduce ( by at least 90% ) breakage.

P.S I mostly Conditioner wash and air dry about 2-3 times per week.

I also use satin scarfs and a satin pillow case.
