HELP!!! My stretch gone bad.....


New Member
My stretch has gone bad....or i think so. Ladies: since i'm out of school i played close attention to achieving faster growth.

I normally stretch for 3 months (1 1/2 in of ng) but my 3 months isn't up and yet and I feel I have way more that ng for under 3 months. I don't know how to care for my hair this way.

Do you stretch for your whole 3 months? or

Do you relax based on the amount of new growth?

Ladies i'm scared i'm doing more harm than good to my hair but I don't want to relax so soon. My ends are getting more dry & brittle: detangling is become nearly impossible w/ this new growth. UGH:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Any suggestion??????????????
I say that I think it is time to relax when you do stretches you have to pay close attention to your hair and when your hair is telling you, that you need to relax then go ahead and relax and next time just try and go another week longer than you did this time, You can get into trouble stretching so you have to be careful because you can do more harm than good sometimes trying to go too long. Good Luck and I hope everything turns out well :bighug: