Help! My relazed hair is puffy!


Well-Known Member
I got a relaxer a week ago. I washed my hair yesterday, blow dried it and straightened it, but its really puffy. What did I do wrong and how can I fix it? Thanks in advance.

Ooops. I see I made the title "relazed"...I meant relaxed! :)
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It could also be very porous..
There is a shampoo called porosity control. They sell it at Sally's.:)
danithefatty said:
I got a relaxer a week ago. I washed my hair yesterday, blow dried it and straightened it, but its really puffy. What did I do wrong and how can I fix it? Thanks in advance.

Ooops. I see I made the title "relazed"...I meant relaxed! :)
Sounds like you may be underprocessed. What kind of relaxer did you use and how long did you leave it on???
shunta said:
Sounds like you may be underprocessed. What kind of relaxer did you use and how long did you leave it on???

I had my relaxer done at a salon...Im not sure which one she used :(
It wasnt left on more than 1/2hr
That can happen to me when it is not moisturized enough. Sometimes, putting some Kemi Oyl before bed with a scarf on allows me to wake up with flatter hair.

What did you use on it before drying and flat-ironing?
Can somebody tell me what does porosity control do for the hair. Is it a shampoo or leave in conditioner? How do use it? What hair problems will it correct. Can it be used on a long termed basis?

Since Feburary, have worn my hair in the natural and I have noticed that for the last month my hair has been so mated and tangle I'm losing thickness because it is so hard to detangle. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work. I've heard others mention porosity control but nobody says what it does.

Thanks in advance for your help ladies.:)
danithefatty said:
I had my relaxer done at a salon...Im not sure which one she used :(
It wasnt left on more than 1/2hr
Make sure you find out next time what kind of relaxer your stylist used in case something happens. My stylist doesnt put anything in my hair that I dont know what is is. Just for future reference :)
shalom said:
Can somebody tell me what does porosity control do for the hair. Is it a shampoo or leave in conditioner? How do use it? What hair problems will it correct. Can it be used on a long termed basis?

Since Feburary, have worn my hair in the natural and I have noticed that for the last month my hair has been so mated and tangle I'm losing thickness because it is so hard to detangle. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work. I've heard others mention porosity control but nobody says what it does.

Thanks in advance for your help ladies.:)

Paging Sistaslick to explain!!!!
Could be:

Bad relaxer (it shouldn't have been left on more than 30 mins!


Damaged hair



Wrong products

Needs porosity control ( takes away the sponginess)

needs protein

Needs less heat!

Needs to be wrapped

Needs less manupliation.
BerrySweet said:
Could be:

Bad relaxer (it shouldn't have been left on more than 30 mins!


Damaged hair



Wrong products

Needs porosity control ( takes away the sponginess)

needs protein

Needs less heat!

Needs to be wrapped

Needs less manupliation.

thanks BerrySweet. The bolded parts pretty much sums up my hair. I was in a rush this weekend so I didnt really put as much time into my hair as I should have. I'll wash it again this weekend with much more TLC.