Help-My Hair's Texture Has Changed...

My hair is now very soft, very manageable, and somewhat fine strands with more wave like curl pattern and less coils/kink.

People in my family are telling me to stop complaining and that I should be happy. It is more manageable but I have NO IDEA how to deal my new texture. My hair right now is evidence of this. After I washed it, it was so soft and shiny (almost as if I could just bun and go) but I went into my normal regimen/routine of detangling and twisting while applying infusium23 and cantu shea butter. Big mistake. My hair is sooo dry now and it also feels as if I have product buildup. And I have no idea what to do....

I am guessing my hair can no longer handle so much protein. Infusium23 was a staple for me thoughout all my years in haircare-it held my hair together. I also feel like I have to be more cautious with this hair. I am used to the tough thick coily nature of my hair and now I am using smaller toothed combs to get annoying tangles. When it airdries it can get pretty straight. When wet, my curls become so defined now with the cantu shea butter. The individual strands look thin but but all together isn't.

I hope I am not coming off as dramatic but I really do feel like this is a hair identity crisis. lol

Has this ever happened to anyone? Or if you have a similar texture could you please post your regimen? What products do you use for moisture? Protein?

Here are some recent visuals:
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Awww thank you! Renibell, I think it's all of the above. I really can't pinpoint one thing. My father says its all my hardwork finally showing through. I didn't think someone's texture could change this drastically.

Hmm I have stopped using sulfate products as frequently, I left my deep conditioner on overnight (I haven't done that in awhile), the curl pattern change I'm guessing possibly occurs as your hair gets longer. I really have no idea. lol
Hey Carribbean- For protein I use Aubrey GPB once in a while. For everyday styling, and after washing, I find that I don't need really heavy products. I will use MOP leave in after a wash, then set it. When it is damp, i will add some pomade to my ends to seal in the moisture.

Daily, I will use a spray with water, apply some humectress, then seal with a light oil or pomade. Or I will fill the spray bottle w/some light conditioner and oils and spray that lightly over my hair, braid it up, then seal my ends.

My favorite conditioners for moisture (NOT necessarily detangling) are: Abba Color Protect Conditioner, Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment, & DevaCare One Condition

For Strength: AO GPB and Henna. Since I started using henna, I haven't used my GPB. My hair has gotten frizzier w/the henna but I still really like it.

Leave in: MOP leave in-detangles my hair as well.
Your hair looks like a very well-moisturized 4A from your pics. I think with our texture (I'm 4A) that when it's well-moisturized, it feels less coarse than before, more curl definition, easier to comb, etc...basically, like a whole "new texture." I'm relaxed, but I do stretch. Before I came to the board, by 6-7 weeks post, my NG would be so brittle and bushy after a wash. Now, I notice it lays down more, forms waves, gives off a shine, feels very smooth if I airdry in a pony (before the board, when I did this, I would have a mini fro and then a pony in the back).

Good luck figuring out what products to use!
So changing texture is a "bad" thing????


I love your hair.... I don't have anything to add - except that My texture has changed too.... and I love it!
Hey Carribbean- For protein I use Aubrey GPB once in a while. For everyday styling, and after washing, I find that I don't need really heavy products. I will use MOP leave in after a wash, then set it. When it is damp, i will add some pomade to my ends to seal in the moisture.

Daily, I will use a spray with water, apply some humectress, then seal with a light oil or pomade. Or I will fill the spray bottle w/some light conditioner and oils and spray that lightly over my hair, braid it up, then seal my ends.

My favorite conditioners for moisture (NOT necessarily detangling) are: Abba Color Protect Conditioner, Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment, & DevaCare One Condition

For Strength: AO GPB and Henna. Since I started using henna, I haven't used my GPB. My hair has gotten frizzier w/the henna but I still really like it.

Leave in: MOP leave in-detangles my hair as well.

I'm sorry but what is AO GPB? and MOP?
Thanks in advance!
So changing texture is a "bad" thing????


I love your hair.... I don't have anything to add - except that My texture has changed too.... and I love it!

LOL, I know I don't consider to be a bad thing at all! Thank you-I love your hair as well-your progress is crazy!!!

I'm having problems dealing with it because I have had one texture my whole entire life where I detangle for hours and load products into my hair.

Right now I am doing what I have always done with my hair and it is so crispy and crunchy. I don't know what do now and where to go from here. Does anyone think co-washing the infusium23 out will work?

Also ladies what setting/temp do you put your flat iron? I don't want to burn my hair for new years!
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My hair is now very soft, very manageable, and somewhat fine strands with more wave like curl pattern and less coils/kink.

People in my family are telling me to stop complaining and that I should be happy. It is more manageable but I have NO IDEA how to deal my new texture. My hair right now is evidence of this. After I washed it, it was so soft and shiny (almost as if I could just bun and go) but I went into my normal regimen/routine of detangling and twisting while applying infusium23 and cantu shea butter. Big mistake. My hair is sooo dry now and it also feels as if I have product buildup. And I have no idea what to do....

I am guessing my hair can no longer handle so much protein. Infusium23 was a staple for me thoughout all my years in haircare-it held my hair together. I also feel like I have to be more cautious with this hair. I am used to the tough thick coily nature of my hair and now I am using smaller toothed combs to get annoying tangles. When it airdries it can get pretty straight. When wet, my curls become so defined now with the cantu shea butter. The individual strands look thin but but all together isn't.

I hope I am not coming off as dramatic but I really do feel like this is a hair identity crisis. lol

Has this ever happened to anyone? Or if you have a similar texture could you please post your regimen? What products do you use for moisture? Protein?

Here are some recent visuals:

That's amazing because the exact same thing happened to me. My hair was very thick and course. I could use a lot of product and my hair was not be weighed down at all. Then my texture changed. Any product would make my hair hard, sticky and dry. I stopped roller-setting because the products I'd use no longer worked for me so I had to flat-iron instead.

I went to a hairstylist and as he was evaluating my hair he said, "You have very fine hair but just a lot of it." I thought, "Fine??" I find that I have to use very light, water-based products. I use small amounts, especially now that I cut my hair. Try the products in my siggy. They work great on my hair. :grin:
My hair is now very soft, very manageable, and somewhat fine strands with more wave like curl pattern and less coils/kink.

People in my family are telling me to stop complaining and that I should be happy. It is more manageable but I have NO IDEA how to deal my new texture. My hair right now is evidence of this. After I washed it, it was so soft and shiny (almost as if I could just bun and go) but I went into my normal regimen/routine of detangling and twisting while applying infusium23 and cantu shea butter. Big mistake. My hair is sooo dry now and it also feels as if I have product buildup. And I have no idea what to do....

I am guessing my hair can no longer handle so much protein. Infusium23 was a staple for me thoughout all my years in haircare-it held my hair together. I also feel like I have to be more cautious with this hair. I am used to the tough thick coily nature of my hair and now I am using smaller toothed combs to get annoying tangles. When it airdries it can get pretty straight. When wet, my curls become so defined now with the cantu shea butter. The individual strands look thin but but all together isn't.

I hope I am not coming off as dramatic but I really do feel like this is a hair identity crisis. lol

Has this ever happened to anyone? Or if you have a similar texture could you please post your regimen? What products do you use for moisture? Protein?

Here are some recent visuals:

Are you kiddin' me?
I canot suggest anything. All I can add is thaty I am glad I am not the only one experiencing this texture change!
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I think my hair texture has loosened up a bit since I've been natural. I've always had curls and waves but they seem a bit bigger now. My "regimen" is listed here in my fotki (I don't really have a regimen per se but this is what I do to my hair):

As far as protein goes, I think most naturals avoid it or at least don't make any effort to include it. Relaxed hair needs protein b/c of the bonds that are broken to straighten the hair, but if your hair is natural using a lot of protein can overload the strands and make them hard.

I still wouldn't recommend using small tooth combs. Even though my hair is very manageable I always use a wide tooth comb. If I have tangles or need to detangle I use a Denman brush to do so (when my hair is loaded with conditioner--to help the brush glide through the tangles).
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I think my hair texture has loosened up a bit since I've been natural. I've always had curls and waves but they seem a bit bigger now. My "regimen" is listed here in my fotki (I don't really have a regimen per se but this is what I do to my hair):

As far as protein goes, I think most naturals avoid it or at least don't make any effort to include it. Relaxed hair needs protein b/c of the bonds that are broken to straighten the hair, but if your hair is natural using a lot of protein can overload the strands and make them hard.

I still wouldn't recommend using small tooth combs. Even though my hair is very manageable I always use a wide tooth comb. If I have tangles or need to detangle I use a Denman brush to do so (when my hair is loaded with conditioner--to help the brush glide through the tangles).

I came across your fotki the other day-your hair is gorgeous and so well defined! Ok so I guess I will have to lay off the protein now and I just went out and bought a denman brush today-they are so expensive!

**I need all the help I can get ladies!! :yep: How are you guys dealing with the texture change?
Your hair looks like a very well-moisturized 4A from your pics. I think with our texture (I'm 4A) that when it's well-moisturized, it feels less coarse than before, more curl definition, easier to comb, etc...basically, like a whole "new texture." I'm relaxed, but I do stretch. Before I came to the board, by 6-7 weeks post, my NG would be so brittle and bushy after a wash. Now, I notice it lays down more, forms waves, gives off a shine, feels very smooth if I airdry in a pony (before the board, when I did this, I would have a mini fro and then a pony in the back).

Good luck figuring out what products to use!

i could not have said it better. i'm 4a and have 4b in the back of my head. i recently started a tread were i talked about my 4b curling up. (hair typing confuses me :spinning:).
(since that thread i know that i'm def 4a - and that section was 4a - with a little 4b in the back. so that i don't change my mind tomorrow, i think i'm going to leave typing alone for a while!)

i can make my 4a hair look 4b - if i wash my hair and dry it with a towel and fluff it. now don't get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with 4b hair. but if i don't moisturize my 4a hair properly, it acts and looks like it's all 4b.

i'd say within the last couple of months that i have been washing my hair regularly and stepping up my moisture game, i've been getting out of the shower with curly hair - much to my surprise! :look:

i used to get out of the shower with an afro. loved the fro, but getting out with coils makes styling my hair eaiser - FOR ME.

if someone would have told me that my hair would coil up and curl up, i would have laughed in their faces. when i first went natural, i though i was fully 4b and a cnapp. however, i always knew my hair in the front and top of my head had super soft wavy/curly new growth but didn't seem to act that way once it grew out - my hair was just super dry and not properly moisturized. since i've learned how to treat my hair, it responds better. my hair all around, 4 a and b, is just a lot softer and more manageable.

my texture has always been there, i just couldn't see it. :yep:

just washed:
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