Help! My daughter's hair feel hard!


Well-Known Member
I don;t know what is going on with my daughter's hair. I wash it and conditon it and sit her undre the dryer. For some reason once it is dried it just feels rough and hard. I use Profivic(sp?) hair lotion, neutrogena leave in and I'll apply LIv hair dress sometimes. Her hair will still feel hard. What am I doing wrong?
I don't know these products at all, but perhaps she has product build up. How often do you wash/condition her hair?
girl, my miracle worker is the wave nouveau moisturizing finishing lotion. This keeps your hair hydraded for at least 24hrs. I promise you will not regret it. It will make her hair EXTRA soft and you will fall in love with it just like I did.
Have these issues just started? I'm wondering why she has a lot of leave-ins and if those have always worked for her or if they don't really serve the purpose they should. You might need to take it back to basics.

How often does she DC?
Her hair is relaxed but not bone straight. It has alot of it's natural texture. I wash every two weeks and I sit her under the dryer. I mostly air dry and I apply infusium or netrogena leave in and the hair lotion.
sounds like her hair is not retaining moisture..I would stop sitting her under the dryer and go with the air drying and moisturize, moisturize.

Did something change in your routine?? was her hair always dry?

I don;t know what is going on with my daughter's hair. I wash it and conditon it and sit her undre the dryer. For some reason once it is dried it just feels rough and hard. I use Profivic(sp?) hair lotion, neutrogena leave in and I'll apply LIv hair dress sometimes. Her hair will still feel hard. What am I doing wrong?
that Liv will make the hair hard

try an overnight olive oil treatment , should bring it right back

also Cholesterol Conditioner:yep:
Her hair is relaxed but not bone straight. It has alot of it's natural texture. I wash every two weeks and I sit her under the dryer. I mostly air dry and I apply infusium or netrogena leave in and the hair lotion.
infusium is protein , try not using that for a while and get a conditoner to use on her first, then the leave in and an oil
I agree with Irresistible (OT Hi Girl! :wave: ) I think it's your choice of products and I agree with the PPs who suggested you stop using the dryer.

I will drop in and tell you that everyone that has asked me for advice on what to use to soften hair and has listened to my suggestion to use nothing else but S Curl and baggying has returned to thank me. I am not saying that to toot my horn; I'm just stating that to point out that sometimes doing to many steps cancels out any positive effects you would have got from one of those. You just may need ONE product to get the results you want. I'm a huge proponent of S Curl No-Drip Activator spray because while making your hair soft and moisturized, it doesn't make it icky sticky but leaves it touchable and just a joy to touch and behold.
I agree with Irresistible. Infusium will make your hair hard as a brick on most. Liv will definitely make it hard as well.
I agree with Irresistible. Infusium will make your hair hard as a brick on most. Liv will definitely make it hard as well.

I only use the dryer with the conditioner and cap. So if I decide to blow dry, what do I use as a protector to blow dry? I usually spraythe infusium and then blowdry. Yo know it's funny I found it strange my stylist sprays infusium then blow dries. I just never saw it used in a salon before.
^^^ I like the Sunsilk Thermashine blow dry stuff, but Thermasilk works well too. Oh yes, I'd forgotten about Infusium..I always hated that stuff, but I didn't know it had protein. I guess that why I ended up hating it.
I agree with Irresistible (OT Hi Girl! :wave: ) I think it's your choice of products and I agree with the PPs who suggested you stop using the dryer.

I will drop in and tell you that everyone that has asked me for advice on what to use to soften hair and has listened to my suggestion to use nothing else but S Curl and baggying has returned to thank me. I am not saying that to toot my horn; I'm just stating that to point out that sometimes doing to many steps cancels out any positive effects you would have got from one of those. You just may need ONE product to get the results you want. I'm a huge proponent of S Curl No-Drip Activator spray because while making your hair soft and moisturized, it doesn't make it icky sticky but leaves it touchable and just a joy to touch and behold.

Is it okay to use the S Curl in the winter? I am assuming it is glycerine based...also is it just as good without baggying?
Maybe you should clarify or do something like an ACV rinse or Porsity control thing if her hair isn't retaining moisture. How are you styling her hair. I do believe in baggying especially while I was relaxed. Gotta keep them ends moisturized or you will regret it.
Is it okay to use the S Curl in the winter? I am assuming it is glycerine based...also is it just as good without baggying?

Uhh yeah. Back when people used it for their jheri curls (and even those who STILL use it for that purpose :grin:) are just fine in winter. It was made to be used all year 'round.
Is it okay to use the S Curl in the winter? I am assuming it is glycerine based...also is it just as good without baggying?
I was using it at the end of winter when I first started using it and loved it.

I cannot imagine going to bed with jheri curl product on my hair and not wearing a baggy so I really can't say coz I never have. A pillow or scarf soaked with product is just icky gross to me, so I really have never not baggied my hair for the night since jheri curl days if I wasn't wearing my hair straight. I used Paltas in the past and that's oily and thick like Castor oil and even then I used a baggy at night. When I was trying to grow back my bald spots and used the Essential Oil Blend, I still baggied. Let's just say, I rarely go to bed w/o a baggy.

I think baggying encourages product penetration into the strands and just keeps the moisturizer in my hair instead of on my face and sheets and scarf.
Is it okay to use the S Curl in the winter? I am assuming it is glycerine based...also is it just as good without baggying?
With Gylcerine being a humectant , if there is no moisture in the air it very well could then draw the moisture out of your hair, and it will

I stay away from glycerine for this reason (besides it feels sticky/tacky to me) I saw what using it long term did to my daughter's hair. Very brittle and dry and it went through some kind of glycerine withdrawl, like the only thing it wanted was glycerine , the very thing that was making it worse

I Broke her hair of it and never looked back again at glycerine
I was using it at the end of winter when I first started using it and loved it.

I cannot imagine going to bed with jheri curl product on my hair and not wearing a baggy so I really can't say coz I never have. A pillow or scarf soaked with product is just icky gross to me, so I really have never not baggied my hair for the night since jheri curl days if I wasn't wearing my hair straight. I used Paltas in the past and that's oily and thick like Castor oil and even then I used a baggy at night. When I was trying to grow back my bald spots and used the Essential Oil Blend, I still baggied. Let's just say, I rarely go to bed w/o a baggy.

I think baggying encourages product penetration into the strands and just keeps the moisturizer in my hair instead of on my face and sheets and scarf.

Thanks Noni. I went and got some S Curl today because I've been using like 5 different products to moisturize and I know that can't be right.

So when you remove your baggy do you leave the s curl in....if so, does it stay moisturized?
Uhh yeah. Back when people used it for their jheri curls (and even those who STILL use it for that purpose :grin:) are just fine in winter. It was made to be used all year 'round.

LOL. Yeah I thought about that, but I was trying to remember if people w/ Jheri curls had nice moisturized hair or if it was just juicy.
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That was my main concern because I've tried to make my own glycerin concoction and MAN was my hair hard! But the glycerin in the s curl doesn't seem to be as...obvious (for lack of a better word) so I am going to try it. Wish me luck!

Also, sorry for kind of jacking your thread op...but I do agree w/ Irresistible who said to cut out the infusium 23. I find that unless my hair is in moisture overload the 23 will make it hard. I think It really is to be used as a treatment on a need only basis.
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girl, my miracle worker is the wave nouveau moisturizing finishing lotion. This keeps your hair hydraded for at least 24hrs. I promise you will not regret it. It will make her hair EXTRA soft and you will fall in love with it just like I did.

I completely agree. My DD is 6 years old and HAD the same problem. Both when she was natural and now that she has a texurizer (:wallbash:). I moisturize it with wave nouveau moisturizing finishing lotion and seal with either Shescenti sheyani (sp?) butter or Hairveda vatika frosting and hair stays moisturized for days.:lick:
Thanks Noni. I went and got some S Curl today because I've been using like 5 different products to moisturize and I know that can't be right.

So when you remove your baggy do you leave the s curl in....if so, does it stay moisturized?

Absolutely! Let me tell you (again for those tired of hearing it) my experience with S Curl. It was after my BC when I was familiarizing myself with different products trying to find what works. Tried all the favorites on the boards: butters, creams/cremes...and my hair just was not happy. Then I tried S Curl. I applied it to damp hair (I had just washed it) and my hair felt soft and easy to comb. I wore a cute afro puff all day.

At night, my hair although looking soft, felt a little hard/dry-ish compared to how it'd felt in the AM. I always plait my hair for the night, and to plait, I comb first so I needed slip for the comb to glide. That called for more S Curl. I would spray a braid section (as big as I could get them with my TWA), comb and plait. Then I baggied my plaited head for the night.

In the AM, my hair felt kinda wet. I undid the plaits and combed my hair with so much ease. Hair felt so soft. The afro was so cute and fluffy and looked as soft as it really felt. The best part was later when I touched my hair: it felt so cool and moist but not sticky or icky the way say the gel or other product had felt. And my hair was baby soft. By evening, my hair still felt oh so soft and if wet, without leaving my fingers greasy. I couldn't be more thrilled.

I always worried about leaving grease marks on furniture or walls due to product use but that didn't happen with S Curl. I don't do WNGs but love to comb out my afros so my hair looks like a cloud but if you get close you get so witness how soft it really is, just from its appearance and texture.

My experience with S Curl (the spray not gel) has made me not seek out any other products. Hawaiian Silky is the only other product I use, if I'm out of S Curl, and that's only because it behaves like S Curl.

BTW, by the end of day 2, there's no need to apply S Curl again. I would just plait my hair for the night, baggy and in the morning enjoy another head of soft hair that feels moist and stays that cute all day! In fact, day 1's application with baggying lasts until next wash. Love it!

ETA my first days of discovering S Curl:
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My 7 yo DD is sort of texturized (I used a "texture softener" on her hair without realizing it was a relaxer), and she had been swimming a lot. Result: super dry hair!! Thanks to this board I have started using Scurl on her hair, since sept. I use it every night then seal with coconut oil. Her hair is super soft and moisturized now.
I agree with the clarifying posts. Two things that make my hair feel stiff and hard is protein overload and mineral oil. Maybe there's something in the products you are using that her hair doesn't agree with. A deep treatment I used to use that you can find at most grocery stores is Aussie 3 minute miracle (the one in the "moist" line). Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose and White Camellia conditioner work really well as moisturizing DC's as well, and you can find them at the Vitamin Shoppe and certain health food supermarkets.
Absolutely! Let me tell you (again for those tired of hearing it) my experience with S Curl. It was after my BC when I was familiarizing myself with different products trying to find what works. Tried all the favorites on the boards: butters, creams/cremes...and my hair just was not happy. Then I tried S Curl. I applied it to damp hair (I had just washed it) and my hair felt soft and easy to comb. I wore a cute afro puff all day.

At night, my hair although looking soft, felt a little hard/dry-ish compared to how it'd felt in the AM. I always plait my hair for the night, and to plait, I comb first so I needed slip for the comb to glide. That called for more S Curl. I would spray a braid section (as big as I could get them with my TWA), comb and plait. Then I baggied my plaited head for the night.

In the AM, my hair felt kinda wet. I undid the plaits and combed my hair with so much ease. Hair felt so soft. The afro was so cute and fluffy and looked as soft as it really felt. The best part was later when I touched my hair: it felt so cool and moist but not sticky or icky the way say the gel or other product had felt. And my hair was baby soft. By evening, my hair still felt oh so soft and if wet, without leaving my fingers greasy. I couldn't be more thrilled.

I always worried about leaving grease marks on furniture or walls due to product use but that didn't happen with S Curl. I don't do WNGs but love to comb out my afros so my hair looks like a cloud but if you get close you get so witness how soft it really is, just from its appearance and texture.

My experience with S Curl (the spray not gel) has made me not seek out any other products. Hawaiian Silky is the only other product I use, if I'm out of S Curl, and that's only because it behaves like S Curl.

BTW, by the end of day 2, there's no need to apply S Curl again. I would just plait my hair for the night, baggy and in the morning enjoy another head of soft hair that feels moist and stays that cute all day! In fact, day 1's application with baggying lasts until next wash. Love it!

ETA my first days of discovering S Curl:
I cant believe I' m almost being sold on S curl here

Runs away!!!!!!! LOL

Still scurred of gycerine , but you make it sound so good
I cant believe I' m almost being sold on S curl here

Runs away!!!!!!! LOL

Still scurred of gycerine , but you make it sound so good

:poke: G'wan, don't be skurred. I'm not a fan of glycerin and never stuck to my spritzing reggie with a glycerin spritz I'd made coz I didn't get an O from using it. S Curl is another thing altogether. I don't get the juice dripping effect I used to have with jheri curls. My hair doesn't feel wet either. It feels cold as if it's got something moist in it but I can handle paper afterward without leaving translucent finger marks all over.

Perhaps start of light, if you're afraid of the juice dripping (especially since your hair texture is slicker than mine) and baggy. Be prepared for a wetness when you take the baggy off but that dries up a bit so that your hair is left feeling soft but not wet. Do not apply anymore. Just baggy...and enjoy baby soft hair. :yep:

BTW, please try S Curl alone. I think when it feels juicy but dry is because something else is not allowing it to moisturize your hair from the inside out. The baggying I think allows for penetration and it's best if there's nothing else on your hair, methinks.
:poke: G'wan, don't be skurred. I'm not a fan of glycerin and never stuck to my spritzing reggie with a glycerin spritz I'd made coz I didn't get an O from using it. S Curl is another thing altogether. I don't get the juice dripping effect I used to have with jheri curls. My hair doesn't feel wet either. It feels cold as if it's got something moist in it but I can handle paper afterward without leaving translucent finger marks all over.

Perhaps start of light, if you're afraid of the juice dripping (especially since your hair texture is slicker than mine) and baggy. Be prepared for a wetness when you take the baggy off but that dries up a bit so that your hair is left feeling soft but not wet. Do not apply anymore. Just baggy...and enjoy baby soft hair. :yep:

BTW, please try S Curl alone. I think when it feels juicy but dry is because something else is not allowing it to moisturize your hair from the inside out. The baggying I think allows for penetration and it's best if there's nothing else on your hair, methinks.
you use the spray Nonie?

I dont know what products/kinds they have