Help Meeting His Parents this weekend!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!

I've been going out with this guy for about 6 months. We made it official 2 days ago and his parents are in town and he wants me to meet them. I met his sisters 3 weeks ago. I was only able to go to church with them but they were really quiet. We only had really small talk. So this weekend he is taking them out which involves a long drive. He wants me to come along. I met my ex's parents before and they were chatty and asked me all the questions. Im basically asking for some tips just in case his parents are quiet. They are Caribbean btw. Im Nigerian so Im just used to older people taking the lead in conversations.
Just be yourself.
If looking for topics ask about their interests, what your guy was like as a child, their jobs (like how they started out, etc).
If nothing else works talk about the weather, or something on tv....:look:
If they Caribbean, they will NOT be quiet. LOL. I just know my people.

Be your pretty self, smile, make useless small talk. But I typically take the approach of not be afraid of silence too.
Try to stay clear of politics and religion (unless you know you share the same views as them). If your guy has already let you know what your parents interests are, maybe you can do a bit of research just so that you can be more familiar, and bring them up for discussion at some point along the ride.

Also, make sure you have some good music in the car (music that you both can identify with - or at the very least, that they are comfortable with) just in case things get a little too quiet. They may be quiet people. I'm from the Caribbean and my family tends to be quiet around people who they are not very familiar with. That's just who we are as a family, and every family varies.

In any case, just be respectful, be yourself, and look to your guy for cues if necessary.
Just relax, ask your SO their interests and go from their. I find it easier to have conversations with older folks more so than younger.

I agree, stay away from poltics and religion even if you do know their views.
Bring a small (don't go overboard) gift to show good manners, especially if you are going to his parents' home. That is an instant icebreaker and will start conversation easily with positive comments and questions about where you got it from. Remember that you are not just trying to impress them; you are also seeing how well his family dynamic fits in with your values and your idea of what a good family should be. Keeping in mind that you should be evaluating them too (are they hospitable? polite? sincere? close-knit?) will take some of the edge off the need to impress and jump through hoops to secure their approval.
Good luck! I'm sure you will be fine. Don't think of it as an interview. Tell yourself that they are very lucky to be meeting you :)
Don't pretend to be someone you're not. I made that mistake talm'bout 'the vulgarity of music nowadays' then a couple of months down the line I'm pumping the ying yang twins 'whisper song' (uncensored) while picking up mum-in-law
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