HELP ME!!!!!!


New Member
Ladies i need help. I haven't had a relaxer since August 05, i'm pregnant, my husband won't let me cut my relaxed ends off and i am getting very frustrated with my hair!!!! The creamy crack is calling my name!!!! I am fading fast and i am ready to relax!!!! Please help me.
Why won't your husband "let" you cut off the relaxed ends? If you are three months or further along, maybe you should get a relaxer. Be blessed :)
He just likes me with long hair. Right now it comes just centimeters shy of bra strap and to cut off the relaxed ends would be a substantial cut!! I have about 8 inches of natural hair but bra strap to 8 inches is still a big difference for any man that is in love with long hair.
Were u trying to go natural? What about a twist out or braid out or braids or rod set or blow out? There are so many different things to try. If youve gone 9 months already why not keep going? :) Besides its your head... Didnt he know back in november what was up?
redeemed516 said:
Ladies i need help. I haven't had a relaxer since August 05, i'm pregnant, my husband won't let me cut my relaxed ends off and i am getting very frustrated with my hair!!!! The creamy crack is calling my name!!!! I am fading fast and i am ready to relax!!!! Please help me.

Were you consideriing transitioning, or were you just on a really long stretch? I say talk it over with your husband some more if you want to big chop.

I don't know much about pregnancy and relaxers, so I can't advise you there.

If you just want a new look without relaxing you could:

1)Flat iron your hair
2)Braid it up
3)Weave it up
4)Try some transitioning styles like bantu knots, braidouts, etc.

Hopefully some other ladies will chime in with additional suggestions.
He knew but he didn't want me to cut it back then either. So i knew one day it would come to this....whether to keep going or just give in.
Unless he grew that hair himself, I don't think he has the right to tell you what to do with it.
You're the one that has to take care of it...and being pregnant to boot? It's going to be quite a hassle.

Have you asked your doctor about relaxing while pregnant? It may be a medical necessity to hold off until the baby's born, I just don't know.
Also, think how long it took you to grow your hair out natural to such a it worth it to just throw that away? You need to think long and hard, I'd hate to see you regret any decision you make.

Bottom line: Just think about it, and weigh all the pros and cons before you jump into anything.
And while it's nice to take his opinion into consideration, it's still YOUR hair. Shoot, hubby likes long hair so much, let him get a subscription here and grow some himself.
It's your head, dearie. Cut away if you want- it will only grow back healthier if you don't relax. He'll deal.

BTW: Congratulations on the bun in the oven! :look:
Maybe you should consider getting a flat iron (if you don't have one) and teach him to be your hairdresser. That way you won't have to cut your hair and it will always be on point!!! :grin: :lol: :lachen:

redeemed516 said:
He knew but he didn't want me to cut it back then either. So i knew one day it would come to this....whether to keep going or just give in.
redeemed516 said:
Ladies i need help. I haven't had a relaxer since August 05, i'm pregnant, my husband won't let me cut my relaxed ends off

I'm probably no help, because I'm still stuck at the "won't let me".....
JLove74 said:
I'm probably no help, because I'm still stuck at the "won't let me".....

I think a lot of us are.

What does he want you to do with your hair?

Have you considered braids?
If you want to Big Chop, transition or relax, then, go for it! He'll get used to it. Congrats on your pregnancy!
mzjones said:
Maybe you should consider getting a flat iron (if you don't have one) and teach him to be your hairdresser. That way you won't have to cut your hair and it will always be on point!!! :grin: :lol: :lachen:
I like that idea!
Kindly remind him that you want to do this for a, b, and c reasons and also that your vows di dnot include you not cutting your hair. Maybe yall can come to some sort of deal (maybe you gradually trim while wearing braids or something). In the end dont give up on what you want just because he's against it. Thats not fair for him to not even work with you on it. In the end youre still an INDIVIDUAL inside the partnership you both share, he needs to be a little more accepting to what you want to do with your body. Its not like you want to get plactic surgery or sumthin...
Can you wear wet sets until after your pregnancy? :) You'll probably get some even greater growth until it's over. Then you may want change your mind about cutting it and/or going back to a relaxer.
