Help me read the bible

Hi ladies
I am going to make my millionth attempt to read the bible completely. The problem is i dont know where to start from - i want to read the bible with a purpose - to draw closer to God but - whenever i begin i never finish. Any suggestions? are there any good devotionals i could use as a supplement?
This happens to all of us. Even with our Pastors, because as humans there is so much going on around us to distract us. Even with a Devotional, we will be distracted.

So, the first thing to do is not be so hard on yourself and relax. ;)

Just flow with the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to lead you to where He wants to speak to you each day. It may be one verse, if it is just meditate on it; highlight the scripture and make notes in your Bible how the scripture speaks to your heart.

Start with reading one of the Psalms. They minister and quiet the soul.

Write down scriptures that you hear in church or from a message then go back and read it for review. It will lead to another scripture and another.

Right now in our Bible Study Class, we are focusing on The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. And guess what? He has several resources which you will find very helpful.

Here's the website of all of his materials :)

Here's a Bible Study Help - Just for you :yep: ;)

You can also sign up for his daily email devotionals: While at your desk, you can be blessed. ;)

Here's one more, a FREE online Bible Study Guide. You can select from a 30-day to a 1 year format with a guide listing scriptures to study. The link below is for 30 days; but you can click on the link 'Free Tools', scroll down and you will see the selection for Bible Study online.

No matter what, even if you read just one scripture for an entire month, the Word of God will always come alive with newer and fresher revelation each time, because God is speaking directly to you...Yes, You...;)

Enjoy your special time with Him...
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Thanks Shimmie for the links. My bible reading was erratic, a plan like this will give me more discipline. Thanks again.
Start from the beginning and go to the end. Also get yourself a children's or teen Bible-they make the scriptures easy to read and give lots of explanations. Also pick up a Biblical dictionary and a map, it helps to know what they mean and where stuff is. It's taken me almost a year to get to Psalms, but I take my time in order to read and understand the Word, and I refuse to feel bad about. I read as much as I can a night, no matter how tired I am, or how busy. Even if it's one of the blurbs, it's enough.

Think about using the Our Daily Word pamphlet which gives scriptures and strutcture Bible reading throughout Bible it gives bible reading in chronicle order. It is free and really good information.
star said:
Think about using the Our Daily Word pamphlet which gives scriptures and strutcture Bible reading throughout Bible it gives bible reading in chronicle order. It is free and really good information.

I love this ministry; it was one of the first Devotionals that I subcribed to. My mom used to read "Our Daily Bread" all the time. It even comes in big print booklets which is great for late night reading and your eyes are tired.

Another wonderful ministry is "The Upper Room" . You can also receive their free Devotional emails each day. You can sign up here .

I get them at both work and at home. I look forward to my daily devotionals from them. There is a lot of wonderful resources available to us to encourage our faith and growth in Christ Jesus. And it's such a blessing to discover them.

Another blessed website is

Check out the menus. One of my favorites is their magazine:

The list of resources is endless... :lol: Still a blessing to discover.
I know that for myself, reading the bible from beginning to end wasn't going to work. So I went on and now I'm using their chronological reading plan. It's a 61 day plan and it highlights the key stories of the Bible. It's a start.
Poobity said:
I know that for myself, reading the bible from beginning to end wasn't going to work. So I went on and now I'm using their chronological reading plan. It's a 61 day plan and it highlights the key stories of the Bible. It's a start.

It's a wonderful start. ;) God knows where to meet us.

And isn't wonderful to know that no matter where we are, He is always there waiting for us. At our desk, He is and others mentioned and those we haven't explored yet.

On the train, relax and read the word or a Devotional. In your car, a radio station and up comes, Focus on the Family, Dr. David Jeremiah. The places are not unreachable by God. For His word follows us everywhere we go. Day and night; night and day. Wherever we are, God is...loving us all the way.