Help me Ladies, I'm Scared!


Well-Known Member
I know there is a another post on this very topic, but I was afraid mine would get lost. I have been in tears this past week because of shedding! I have been stressed out big time! (wanting to quit my current job, but also trying to decide if I should go on a trip to New York that I have always wanted to take, but if I take the trip then I can't quit my job.) But I have been stressed out before and never had this problem. I barely touch my hair and I would come away with ten long strands. On Saturday I washed my hair and was extra careful, but I just watched it all wash down the drain. I used a heavy protein with heat and it seems to have stopped. I was one inch from armpit in the back and now I'm three inches. I have tried to pin point what I have been doing differently, I still use my Salarm 21 and NTM Leave in and serum, my Kera Care Hair oil. I did start taking the GNC Hair vitamins. And I have increased my magnesium intake. I wash my hair every two weeks and deep condition with every wash. Should I step it up to once a week? I am a natural who presses. Any help would be most appreciated.
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Perhaps your hair is shedding because of stress. I'm sure the shedding will cease. This happened to my hairdresser when she was stressed. She had natural bra strap length hair, and she had the nerve to ask me what to do :eek: ? And do you know what she did? She relaxed her natural hair that was shedding, as if that would improve the health of her hair. Her decision left her with broken, damaged hair and a bald spot and she was forced to BC. She's not my hairdresser anymore, thank goodness.

I would suggest to just continue to monitor the shedding and give your hair moisture, like you've been doing. Sorry I can't offer more advice...when I have increased shedding, I just moisture my ends and leave my hair alone for a few days. You'll be okay :), just don't do anything drastic.
I have no idea what might be causing your excessive shedding. I just wanted to say I hope you figure out what the problem is. I know how disheartening it is when you are used to shedding a certain amount and that amount increases. :(

Hopefully, some of the other ladies will be able to offer you some good tips and advice.
:( I'm sorry to hear this. Are you sure you aren't getting breakage too? I'm asking because shedding would affect hair thickness more than length (you mentioned being farther away from armpit length).

I would suggest washing more frequently and laying off the heat for a while. Maybe still shampoo every two weeks, but throw in a con wash on the week that you normally don't wash.
Remember also that you might be taking the vitamins for a while before you start to notice the effects. Stick with them! The b-vitamins together with vitamin c are among the most important for combating the effects of stress on your hair, skin, and nails. Make sure your vitamin has plenty of these.

Just be diligent in whatever steps you take. Shedding and breakage can often seem to occur suddenly, but fixing the problem usually takes sticking to a regimen for an extended period of time. You can do it! Just try not to panic--it'll just be more stress!
could it be seasonal shedding? I've been experiencing more shedding these days too. I'm not sure if its because I don't manipulate my hair as much or if it's a seasonal thing. Do you comb your hair every day?
*Dee* said:
could it be seasonal shedding? I've been experiencing more shedding these days too. I'm not sure if its because I don't manipulate my hair as much or if it's a seasonal thing. Do you comb your hair every day?
Yeah that could be it too...I dont comb my hair for two weeks at a you can only imagine how much hair is in the comb...clumps and clumps...feels like Im balding :( I have no advice, but I hope you can combat it soon and put a stop to it.
I basically agree with the ideas above. Stress and possible seasonal shedding.
You might try garlic oil - that helped reduce my shedding when I was having problems with it. Just take a clove or two of garlic and crush it to release the oil... add that to your conditioner and let it marinate for half an hour or so.. then wash it out.

I caution you against using too much though. I did 5 cloves and every time I got a relaxer... my hair released garlic oil :lol: .
*Dee* said:
could it be seasonal shedding? I've been experiencing more shedding these days too. I'm not sure if its because I don't manipulate my hair as much or if it's a seasonal thing. Do you comb your hair every day?

I am going thru this as well and at first I was very scared. I do believe it is seasonal (or stress) so I just try to be gentle and I find Keraphix by Nexxus once a week always helps.
Thank you ladies for all your suggestions. I'm hoping it is, as you say seasonal shedding, maybe since my stress level is up, I've had more than usual. I've turned to yoga and aromathearpy to help combat the stress, so that along with praying for guidance should help. Thanks agian.
Have u ever thought of adding castor oil to your conditioner? I read here that it helps w. shedding. I mix glover's w/ S8. No more shedding for me.