Help me keep it simple!


New Member
I know there are alot of ladies on here that like to keep their hair regimes simple. I need inspiration and help. So, I'm calling all of those who like to keep it simple.

Wow, I get to be the first reply! YIPPIE! My routine is fairly new- I've only been at it for a little over two months. Basically, I take my vitamins every morning (one biotin, two msm, one b-complex, one multi) with breakfast. I co-wash mid-week and shampoo on Sunday nights. Post co-wash I moisturize with a ton of oil so my hair doesn't lock or anything and I pull it back into a tiny little bun until Thursday or Friday. Whenever I get around to it, I take it down and oil my scalp with Sulfur 8 and olive oil my ends and back into the bun. On Sat. or Sun, I shampoo, condition and use my BBD reconstructor. Sit under hooded dryer for half an hr, oil my scalp with Sulfur 8 and back to the bun. The morning of my co-wash I use MTG and everyday I squirt some Wild Growth oil in my hair without taking it out of the bun rubbing it in or anything. And I drink a ton of water, justout of habit.
I suppose this seems complicated, but in terms of time/effort its a breeze- especially when you break it down day-by-day.

Hope this helps!
I like to keep it simple. I wash, deep condition and rollerset once a week(sometimes every 2 weeks). I wear my hair down most of the time.

What is your current routine like now?
My basic relaxed-hair regimen is straight-forward, but time-consuming. I CO-wash and deep condition on Wednesdays. I shampoo on Saturday nights followed by a deep protein conditioner and a deep moisturizing conditioner. I usually let my hair air-dry.

Six days out of the week, I roller set my hair at night (for work & church) which takes me about 45 minutes.:ohwell: Every morning, I massage my scalp with Tea Tree oil after taking my rollers out. In the evenings, I saturate my hair with moisturizer when I get home from work and let it dry out a bit before massaging with tea tree oil again and roller-setting.

I change up my routine a bit according to my hair-feel and the environment dictates, though. I’m also conducing a bit of an experiment as well which adds an extra step on wash days.

I do take supplements, but it’s mostly for my health, not necessarily my hair.
Keeping it simple is the way to go, IMO. I cowash daily and then use a leave in OR use some kind of butter (shea, hemp, etc.) and put my hair in a loose bun or ponytail. That is all. :) I no longer have a gazillion products cluttering up my cabinets and shower. I used to be a real certified PJ.
Mine is pretty simple too:

I wash and regular condition once a week. I sit under a hooded dryer, then get the roots blown out.

I take Nexxus Vitatress Hair Supplement (vitamins) 2-3 a day. I have def. seen the difference, in hair and NAIL thickness. I also put MSM poweder in my juice and iced tea throughout the week--dont know the dosage, I just put in whatever amount.

Monday thru Thursday I use MTG in the evenings on the scalp (generously), and make sure the ends are moisturized w/something, be it WGO or whatever other products I have. I sleep w/a plastic capy and scarf. I Surge occasionally.... if anything, it's to mask the MTG smell during the day. Cant really say if Ive noticed anything great resulting from the Surging, but that could be because i dont do it regularly.

I dust only when needed.... and this usually pans out to be around every several months. Anything more will derail my growth. Once Ive reached a specific goal, Im more comfortable trimming.

I wear protective styles Mon-Sun, for the most part.... the only time I wear my hair out is those first few hours after I leave the salon on Friday. And that's only for the benefit of my BF, who is so sick of seeing me in a bun all the time. Thats his "treat" for the week. :lol: My MTG application starts again on Monday, after Ive enjoyed clean, fresh hair all weekend (still worn in a protective style).

Mmm, thats pretty much my regimen. I average about 1/2" per month of growth. That probably doesnt sound like a lot to many of the ladies on here (as I know some get around 1" per month?), but that is the BEST growth i've ever gotten.... in my LIFE. So Im pretty happy w/this regimen. I met my hair goal of armpit length just recently, so im pumped about that. CHIA!!!!! :D
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Thanks alot you guys for the replies, I did not expect this many.

MY ROUTINE SO FAR .... ever since I noticed my terrible ends.

Wash 2x a week
Deep condition 1x a week
Protein the alternate week (keraphix)
Heavy protein 1x a month
Oil scalp 3x a week with dax super gro or island oil
I style it into a bantu knot at night and in the morning I moisturize and wrap, then comb and put in my bananna clip with a swop bang.

This sounds so organized but I rarely stick to it. The problem I run into is with the products.
I have so many and I think I need to use them all.

I keep it waay simple. But I still have a lot of products because I like to try new things but I am working on that lol.

I DC every week (Every other week I skip the shampoo and DC on dry hair) with silicon mix +evoo

add leave-in which is more silicon mix sealed with evoo

apply loose ponytail and airdry. bun/baggie throughout the week

i moisturize daily with a cheapie v05 conditioner

Products may vary every now and then but for the most part the regimen stays the same.
I try to keep it super simple as well.

I wash and deep condition on Saturday or Sunday with whatever is calling my name. I plan to start skipping shampoo every other weekend as well to up my moisture levels. When I don't skip, I'll clarify first.

I CW once or twice during the week, again with whatever is my product of the moment.

I plan to henna every now and then (maybe monthly).

After wash, it's a leave-in and an oil or serum, and I airdry in a pony.

I moisturize my hair once or twice per day, and wear a bun 99% of the time.

That's it! I spend more time reading about hair than actually taking care of it. :lol:
My reg is pretty simple I guess. I pre poo with a cheapie con, wash or clarify then DC for 30 minutes under heat once a week (usually Saturday). Then roller set and dry under hooded dryer...oh, use Dove Sheer Mist leave in and water to roller set. I'll wear my hair down usually Sunday (for church) and then Monday. Then it gets pinned up until Wednesday.

Then Wednesday, I pre poo with cheapie con then co-wash using the C-O-W method (squirt poo, 3 squirts con, rest water) then DC for 15 min in shower. Moisturize with elasta mango butter and seal with coconut oil, air dry in bun or braid and it stays bunned rest of the week. Wednesday-Friday night I baggie. I 4got I started this thread. I have been slacking on my hair so I guess that is keeping it simple. I also have a weave in so my regimen is now different. I am so tempeted to take this out b4 my 4 weeks rolls around.
pink_flower said:
I like to keep it simple. I wash, deep condition and rollerset once a week(sometimes every 2 weeks). I wear my hair down most of the time.

What is your current routine like now?

This is exacty what I do, I have been using henna for the last few weeks, I don't use it every week.
I wash my hair 2-3 days a week (it actually varies because I go to the gym) and DC on Sundays. After I wash my hair, I put it in 4 plaits with rollers on the ends. In the morning I put it up in a clip.
I shampoo and deep condition my hair two or three times a week. Apply leave in and avocado butter afterward.

I avoid combing as much as possible.

I wear my hair in a loose bun most of the time.

If my hair needs moisture between washings I mist it with water.

I clarify once every three weeks.

I use a light protein (Keraphix or Enphuse) once every two weeks.
I think mey reg is pretty simple too-
Once a week-

I pre-poo condition for 15 min w/ v05, suave or a protein<-(if needed) and oil for 15 min.

I then (in 4 sects) wash and deep condition for 15 min. w/a deep conditioner.

After that I add my leave in and moisturizer (in 4 sects).

I then make fat twists to help stretch and then let air dry.
In the week I wear a clip to keep my hair in a bun- I spray w/some water and ceap conditioner mix in the mornings for pliability.

At night I will either baggie or wear two braids.
I've worked a long-time at trying to simplify my HCR and it's truly an ongoing process, but here's what I'm working with now:

Winter Hair Care Regimen (varies according to the season)

Deep Conditioning Wash: weekly protein treatments followed by moisturizing conditioner
Moisturizers: UBH Lotion Creme Moisturizer, Nexxus Humectress Ultimate Moisturizing Conditioner
Protein Treatment: Coconut Milk Recipe, Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair, Nexxus KerapHix Restorative Protein Creme Reconstructor, Cholesterol Plus Aloe Formula
Once I use these up, I’m only going to use the coconut milk recipe and the cholesterol, then switch back to the others for the Spring.
Moisture-Lock: Oil mix (castor oil, olive oil, carrot oil and jojoba oil)
Leave-In Detangler: Lanza Dry Hair Formula Detangler
Daily moisture lock applied before bed: Leave-in conditioner
Color rinse: Weekly with Clairol Beautiful Collection Jet Black
Shampoo (recently modified): Semi-monthly with Aubrey Organics Tea Tree Clarifying Poo
Relaxer: Every 3-4 months (Salon: Affirm Home: PROFECTIV)
Heat protectant: PROFECTIV Mega Growth (currently abstaining from heat usage)
Scalp treatment: jojoba oil when stretching relaxer and Curel lotion when I’m not
Rollerset: Elasta QP Design Foam
Flat Iron (occasionally): Conair Instant Heat Ceramic 2" Wet/Dry Straightener (LUV IT!)
Styling Gel: Queen Helene Styling gel
I co-wash 2-3 times a week, shampoo once a week. I grease/oil my scalp every day (my scalp is dry). I use my MTG which is almost done, and I use Dr. Miracle's Nape and Balm. I am back to doing my wash and wear styles, no heat at all. I use Jamaican Mango & Lime locking gel mixed with one of the following products that I am trying to get rid of Aveda Curls styling cream, Curls or Blended Beauty to elongate my curls. I tie a satin scarf on at night. In the morning I finger comb and style...tie the scarf back on my head until I am ready to leave for work.
i use no combs, brushes or heat.

Since it is cold I haven't been cowashing daily, instead I spritz my hair with a mix Curls moisturizer and water, then evenly distribute Garnier Curl and Shine on my wet hair and then I seal my ends with JoJoba or Coconut Oil.

I only shampoo my hair when I feel like all the product has built up, usually every 2 weeks.