Help Me, Help My Friend's Weave-Damaged Hair!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, my friend wears weave constantly! She does full-head sew-ins or microbraids, approximately every three weeks with no break in between.

I've known her for over 1.5 years and have still only seen parts of her real hair! Inspired by my hair growth sans extensions, she finally took her weave down a few days ago. I have yet to see the full damage, but she says that it has broken off a lot, there are tons of split ends and it is see-through thin.

She wants me to "treat it," and give her a trim when I see her tomorrow. I'm really not sure what to do. I was thinking of doing an Aphogee treatment which is fine for my own hair, however I use LYE relaxers and my hair is healthy-- I'm worried it might be too much for hers, she uses boxed No-Lye perms. I also have Motions CPR as a lighter protein.

So what do you think: Hard-Core protein followed with a DC? Light Protein still followed with a DC, or just a DC?
I just wanted to wish you and your friend luck. I don't feel experienced enough to give advice in this situation though I agree with you about the protein/damage treatment--idk whether she should use something intense or light.

Best wishes!
what is her hair type? I think she could use any protein. Just use the best moisturizer to counteract the hardness

I think she needs to take the time and nurse her hair & scalp back to health: like yours.
-Rollersetting? or
-Hair drying

before her next relaxer
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