help me find a weave style on my hair.please ladies !


Well-Known Member
Im fed up. My new job only allows tight buns. .no braids, no nothing! And im a natural 4 hair !!!! What weaves can i do? Only did 1 in my life !! I gotta do it. Next week. Thank jour
If you're into beauty supply store brands then try model model or milkyway curly/wavy to straight. Go to youtube and search on these names and you'll be able to see video reviews. Youtube is your best source for extension reviews coz you aren't just reading about the hair you can see it on the head of the reviewer plus get an idea of how it falls and moves.
Why do you need a weave. It looks like your hair is long enough to do a bun without a weave. Or you could purchase a phony bun and put it over your own hair during work. I mean, if you want to do a weave, then of course it is your perogative, I just don't see why you feel as though that is the only option you have.
thanks so much for your answers!
I wanted to do braids or twists with my hair ,guess what= THEY SAID ITS NOT ALLOWED!! its really pissing me off and ive started just 4 weeks ago! it says on their company rules "hair not to crunchy".....pulled back for face to be clearly visible. so i cant do my favorite protective style= gonna force it and be one of the first blacks to do my twists and thats it! i cant just go on damaging my hair.i feel pain on the front part of my scalp when i bun. so i need to let it loosen. its really hurts especialy at a part where i lost some from tight braids long ago
It sounds like your quickest solution is a half wig or a lace wig. For a half wig all you'd have to do is smooth some of your hair over the front and make a bun out of the wig hair. This will take the tension off your hair line that comes from pulling your own hair back. If you blend well no one will know it's not yours. The downside since you're natural is you'll have to keep ironing your leave out hair - assuming that your hair is supposed to be straight. A lace wig is full head coverage and you can pull it back into a realistic bun. Don't use the glue though - that can mess up your hairline. You can find a lot of advice on youtube on how to wear them without the glue. Search "lace wig install". It can take time to find the right weave hair to match yours so while you're searching at least you can use wigs if it's what your job requires.
LOL ladies i am definetly not a nurse and medical stuff. LOL

Im in tourism( people think its cool and all huh,it depends) i work at a big hotel thats just in front of the eiffel tower,so they are very strict! no this not hat,hills should be no more that 6 cm no less that 3 and nails and this and that,the perfum and all. well the clients got money to spend sot the quality should be there.....but really its annoying me. i might as well return to my real secter= travel tourisme (you know travel agencies and all that) at least i'll get some good prices on travelling AND i won't have to complicate my life on styling my hair!