Help me control my shedding


Active Member
Dear forum,

My fine thin hair has been falling out every where. In it's well detangled wet and dry state I can just run my fingers over it and pull hair out. Wide tooth comb it and it comes out. Every single time I touch my hair I am seeing at least 5 hairs in my hand. My skinny hair can't really afford this. Since I have rejoined the forum my breakage is under control. I have been using a protein conditioner (aphogee 2 minute reconstructor) once a week and washing every other day with an oil infused shampoo and my hair feels softer and much stronger. My problem lies in shedding. I have been taking biotin and msm for the past two months on and off but mostly on. I bun my hair. This problem has to be internal I'm sure. I have also been sick often, feeling fatigued, weak and friends have been telling me that I look pail. I'm going to get blood work done next week to check for anemia and thyroid problems but in the mean time I really would like to keep more hair on my head. I know some of you do tea rinses and so I wanted to try that. How do you do it? How much tea, and what kind of tea? Do you rinse out or leave it in? Also, I know some of you use garlic shampoo. Is it the nutrine one? That ones seems more affordable on amazon. Help!
Yes, I do Earl Grey tea rinses after every shampoo. I apply the rinse, let it sit for 2 - 3 minutes, then apply my DC over it. This way it's not drying to my hair. (The only reason I use Earl Grey tea is 'cause it was on sale for 50% off.)

Once a month I DC with Alter Ego Garlic Mask Crema al Ajo. Some people also take garlic pills. I don't.

Since I've been doing these 2 things, I haven't had a bout with excessive shedding in 2 years.

And it's good you're going to the doctor; 'cause it may be something internal. The two things I listed above may be superficial and may mask a somewhat serious problem. Excess hair shedding may stem from a number of problems including stress, poor health or the environment.

I wish you luck in restoring your hair's health and thickness.
I have struggled with hair shedding for years.

Aging and stress is a doozie on anyones mane.

here's a list of things that help me

Super B complex vitamins, Folic Acid and Iron.

Spirulina is excellent - but will make you a shade darker.

Nizoral shampoo is far better than garlic shampoo

no grease directly on my scalp

scalp massages.

Groworks hair serum is EXCELLENT PAR NONE

Rooibos tea is the absolute best tea rinse for me and I venture to say for anyone that wants thicker hair. I will eventually do a rooibos tea rinse thread. HOWEVER it can be drying to the scalp.

I love apricot kernal oil for my hair.

I too have fine hair.
Agreed with other posters about garlic conditioners, and tea (or coffee) rinses. I also take garlic supplements in addition to my regular daily vitamins - can't hurt.

The thing about Alter Ego's garlic treatment is that you don't need to use very much of it at one time. So, although pricey, it should last a while.

Hope you get the shedding under control.
Thanks so much to everyone who responded. It seems that i need to get this alter ego conditioner in addition to my blood work and check up. I also need to do these tea rinses. I just washed but I'm going to do a tea rinse this weekend and try to get some alter ego on amazon as soon as I can. wont ship a lot of products to me in europe. Uk is kind of pricey with the pound being high and all. I ordered some aphogee 2 step for 5 pounds with 4 pounds shipping and it ended up being like 17 dollars for a couple of ounces. This product would cost me 5 american dollars in a regular Brooklyn beauty supply shop. I have to be strategic about my black hair care product spending. If I had this info sooner I would have splurged on the alter ego for 40 dollars(yes, that's what it cost) instead.
I'm going to try the tea rinses first and request some alter ego as my Christmas present from my sister. Thank you so much!
I have earl grey tea so I will do the tea rinse this weekend (saturday night) and report back on Monday about how that goes. I eat a ton of garlic normally, at least 1 1/2 heads a week on average so I don't know if a supplement will help me. Vampires will die if they bite me with my garlic consumption. I have eaten 1-2 cloves a day raw with a glass of water to chase when I was high in my flu. I am a garlic fiend.

I'll update on my blood test results sooner. I rescheduled my doc's appt for tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
BlkOnyx488 Thank you for asking that. This is what I was going to do. ladies, please chime in and tell me if this is wrong. I have a 1 liter tea/lemonade pitcher. I was going to put two earl grey tea bags(will get rooibis when I can) and fill it with boiling water from my water boiler. Then I was going to put a plate on it and let it steep for an hour. Then I would squeeze the tea bags of excess nutrients/herbs/ingredients of whatever and use it between my shampoo and conditioner step. I was going to pour it over my entire head and then put conditioner on the actual hair while avoiding my scalp(for shedding). leave it on for 45 minutes, get back in the shower or rinse in the sink, oil my hair with olive oil, bun and scarf then go to bed. Is that fine?
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@Pompous Blue
can someone explain how you do the tea rinses. does it matter what type of tea you use? do you have to boil the water and seep the tea? how many rinses before you notice results? how often?

I make 1 gallon of tea at a time. I use about 2-3 cups per rinse. Do about a 30 sec massage. Apply DC and steam. To make the tea, I fill a 3" mesh tea ball with Earl Grey tea. Add it to a gallon of water. After it comes to a boil, I cut off the stove and let it sit for several hours, pour it back into the gallon jug and refrigerate it.

My excessive shedding had stopped by the time I found out about black-tea rinsing. I had gotten it under control by using the Alter Ego DC; I added add'l garlic oil to the conditioner. It took about 2 treatments before the shedding stopped.

I do the tea-rinsing as a preventative treatment and it works 'cause I haven't had seasonal shedding for two years now. My shedding would start around the end of July and last 'til the 1st of October.

I rinse after every wash or co-wash.


I Boil a Gallon of Water with 3-4 Lipton Black Pearl Tea and usually let it steep overnight.

I do it for a Final Rinse after Rinsing out my DC'er. I let it sit while I put my Hair Supplies away. About 20 minutes. Rinse and Seal.

Sometimes I'll pour over and Add my DC'er on top & Steam.

I noticed an immediate difference
@BlkOnyx488 Thank you for asking that. This is what I was going to do. ladies, please chime in and tell me if this is wrong. I have a 1 liter tea/lemonade pitcher. I was going to put two earl grey tea bags(will get rooibis when I can) and fill it with boiling water from my water boiler. Then I was going to put a plate on it and let it steep for an hour. Then I would squeeze the tea bags of excess nutrients/herbs/ingredients of whatever and use it between my shampoo and conditioner step. I was going to pour it over my entire head and then put conditioner on the actual hair while avoiding my scalp(for shedding). leave it on for 45 minutes, get back in the shower or rinse in the sink, oil my hair with olive oil, bun and scarf then go to bed. Is that fine?
This plan sounds good. I also remember I use to steep Earl Grey, horsetail and nettle teas together because I read that the horsetail and nettle helped with shedding and making your hair follicles stronger, too. So, the combination of Earl Grey and rooibis sounds good. And I would do about 4-6 tea bags per liter 'cause you want it strong.
This plan sounds good. I also remember I use to steep Earl Grey, horsetail and nettle teas together because I read that the horsetail and nettle helped with shedding and making your hair follicles stronger, too. So, the combination of Earl Grey and rooibis sounds good. And I would do about 4-6 tea bags per liter 'cause you want it strong.

I'm going right now to see what Horsetail herb means in german and will go to the herb store down the street tomorrow afternoon. I can get nettles easily. I'm going to make a trio mixture this weekend and leave it on for an hour and post what happens. My hair at this point is coming out 5-10 strands with each pass of my hand in the shower completely DETANGLED. I'll update on the tea rinse when I can. I think I will just eat garlic like I usually do which isn't tough. Garlic is in every meal I prepare. I like spice and flavor, and I cook a lot.
I'm having major shedding issues now too so I know your pain! I would say definitely get the Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner I've heard great things about this in addition to some anti-shedding/hairloss shampoo the one I'm using now is the Una Compensating Shampoo it worked for me when I had shedding issues in the summer but TBH it's not making that much of a difference now mostly because my shedding issues now is related to medication I am currently taking. Scalp drops might also be an option too some good ones are Alter Ego Cren or Alter Ego Energizing Lotion (it comes in a green and white box, respectively.)

I would recommend monitoring your health because I know my shedding is definitely related to my medication because I stopped taking it for a week and it stopped. I'm working with my doctors to see if I can try something else because I don't want to be bald especially since I know there are other ways to treat my condition! HTH and good luck!
I'm going right now to see what Horsetail herb means in german and will go to the herb store down the street tomorrow afternoon. I can get nettles easily. I'm going to make a trio mixture this weekend and leave it on for an hour and post what happens. My hair at this point is coming out 5-10 strands with each pass of my hand in the shower completely DETANGLED. I'll update on the tea rinse when I can. I think I will just eat garlic like I usually do which isn't tough. Garlic is in every meal I prepare. I like spice and flavor, and I cook a lot.
@ the bolded.....I know what you mean. In Sept 2009 so much hair was shedding that I was collecting it in a plastic bag 'cause I wanted to monitor it. My crown shed the most and my husband told me he could see my scalp. I was doing a serious comb-over to hide it. (I believe I lost around 1/4th - 1/3rd volume.)

But all will be well. Just remember consistency is the key to success.

Again, good luck!!
Has any one notice a slight headache when using alter ego garlic conditioner, I have everytime. Its been on now for about 1hour, i want to sleep in it but im not because everytime i try I always get a headache. I can sleep in other conditioners just fine but not alter ego, hmmmmm i wonder y?
Has any one notice a slight headache when using alter ego garlic conditioner, I have everytime. Its been on now for about 1hour, i want to sleep in it but im not because everytime i try I always get a headache. I can sleep in other conditioners just fine but not alter ego, hmmmmm i wonder y?
tajaun I looked on my jar and could not find an English list of ingredients. I would rinse it out and not sleep in it. I'm not sure if it contain ingredients that some individuals may be sensitive to.
I too use Earl Gray tea to help with shedding. The buy the organic tea in bulk at my local health food store and make it almost the same way Pompous Blue makes it.

My shedding is possibly caused by excessive androgens (male hormone) due to having PCOS. For this I also take three tablespoons a day of ground flax seeds. I grind them at home in a dedicated coffee grinder and mix it with a liquid of choice. It's fatty acids helps control the production of excess androgens which can cause excessive shedding.
I too use Earl Gray tea to help with shedding. The buy the organic tea in bulk at my local health food store and make it almost the same way @Pompous Blue makes it.

My shedding is possibly caused by excessive androgens (male hormone) due to having PCOS. For this I also take three tablespoons a day of ground flax seeds. I grind them at home in a dedicated coffee grinder and mix it with a liquid of choice. It's fatty acids helps control the production of excess androgens which can cause excessive shedding.
greenandchic When my scalp was showing because of the excessive shedding, I made some coffee oil to apply to my scalp to remove DHT from it. I got the idea after reading a couple of threads about using caffeine to block the DHT and help prevent hair loss. My Mom has female pattern baldness so I wanted to get a jump on preventing hair loss in my crown. Here's the website someone posted in that thread.
Since that set-back in 2009 my hair has grown back and my crown is as thick as the rest of my hair. I added the coffee oil to Christine Gant's Mixed Greens and apply to my scalp every other day and massage for a few minutes after application.
grownupnai - how's your stress? How long has the shedding been happening? Is it possible it's seasonal or caused by stress? Any medical procedures or change in medications in the last 2-6 months? Hair can have a delayed reaction to those things.

In sep 2011, I started a birth control pill to help with my hormones. Unfortunately the timing was off because I also started seasonal shedding. I upped my dosage of biotin, added MSM and silica and within a month, the shedding calmed down. Where I was losing 100-200 hairs a day, now I lose 5-20 a day.

I'm one of the ones who tried tea rinses and garlic pills and saw no difference.

Good luck to you! Please keep us posted!
Nutrine garlic shampoo and it's conditioner in a tube has been much more effective than alter ego and very much cheaper. Been using it for close to three weeks and it has been heaven sent. I use the one that really smells like garlic, leave it in my hair for 5mins then rinse out. The conditioner doesn't smell like garlic.
greenandchic When my scalp was showing because of the excessive shedding, I made some coffee oil to apply to my scalp to remove DHT from it. I got the idea after reading a couple of threads about using caffeine to block the DHT and help prevent hair loss. My Mom has female pattern baldness so I wanted to get a jump on preventing hair loss in my crown. Here's the website someone posted in that thread.
Since that set-back in 2009 my hair has grown back and my crown is as thick as the rest of my hair. I added the coffee oil to Christine Gant's Mixed Greens and apply to my scalp every other day and massage for a few minutes after application.

Cool, thanks for the tip! Question: Are the beans whole or ground? I only buy whole beans for my coffee, but just making sure I'm not messing up the oil by grinding it or not.

Do you think coffee butter would be good for that?
Cool, thanks for the tip! Question: Are the beans whole or ground? I only buy whole beans for my coffee, but just making sure I'm not messing up the oil by grinding it or not.

Do you think coffee butter would be good for that?
greenandchic I considered using coffee butter but after researching it I couldn't find out how much caffeine was in it; so that's why I decided to make my own coffee oil 'cause that way I can control the concentration and use the oil as a pre-poo, additive to my henna mixture and in my DC.

I bought several packages of regular ground coffee (Target had a B1G1 free sale). To preserve them, I store them in the freezer for later use.