HELP Ladies! I need date hair in a HURRY!

Ms. Alainious

Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

I have a BIG problem.

I have a date tonight :grin:, and my hair is jacked! :wallbash:

It was a cute spiral set...but then I exercised. I thought I'd be able to salvage it, but this morning it was :nono:

I'm 9 weeks post relaxer. :rolleyes:

I bought some flexi rods last night, and I'm thinking these might be my best bet for quick sexy hair. But can I get my hair together using these in under an hour (having never used them before)?

Do I need to wash my hair to use these, or can I just dampen with a spray bottle?

Please chime in with some suggestions ladies !

u could do a wet braid out u kno like do a cowash then braid it then take them out moisturize i dunno do u even like braidouts but thats all i can think of now sorry
Thanks for the reply.

I thought about a braid out...maybe that's a better idea than curls.

I'm just nervous because I dont have any room for error....and my braidouts don't usually turn out that well when I have lot of time to do them!

I'm going to check youtube and see if I can get any ideas.
You can use the flexi rods on dry hair, I used to do that all the time, and it'll only take about 30 minutes or so to set. Maybe add a dab of a light oil to the ends so your hair won't be frizzy.

Hope you have a good time! :)
Maybe you could leave your hair in a french braid, messy bun, etc. That way he can see the beauty in your face ;)

I've been rocking a pony/bun for a few weeks now, and i think it looks OK with my work clothes and causal looks...but not for a date. I don't go on many dates, so I'm kinda giddy about this one and I wanna look great. I feel like i only look good with my bun.

Plus I probably watch too much 'Millionaire Matchmaker', where she's always tell the girls to have straight hair for dates...
You can use the flexi rods on dry hair, I used to do that all the time, and it'll only take about 30 minutes or so to set. Maybe add a dab of a light oil to the ends so your hair won't be frizzy.

Hope you have a good time!

^^^Maybe you could try this and do a half up do. Whatever you decide to do with your hair shouldn't matter. Decide to have a good time!
You can use the flexi rods on dry hair, I used to do that all the time, and it'll only take about 30 minutes or so to set. Maybe add a dab of a light oil to the ends so your hair won't be frizzy.

Hope you have a good time!

^^^Maybe you could try this and do a half up do. Whatever you decide to do with your hair shouldn't matter. Decide to have a good time!
Thanks ladies!

I think I'm going to try the flexi rods and probably pin up one side. I think this hairdo will have enough personality to go with my outfit.

I'm watching youtube vids for I wish I could leave work early to do my hair!

Im not usually this caught up with my hair (could be lying since i'm an LHCFer :look:), but I've never been out with this kind of guy before. I dont really subscribe to the superficial 'hollywood' behavior of the entertainment industry, but I do want to be in Hollywood bringing my A game and looking fab.
Thanks ladies!

I think I'm going to try the flexi rods and probably pin up one side. I think this hairdo will have enough personality to go with my outfit.

I'm watching youtube vids for I wish I could leave work early to do my hair!

Im not usually this caught up with my hair (could be lying since i'm an LHCFer :look:), but I've never been out with this kind of guy before. I dont really subscribe to the superficial 'hollywood' behavior of the entertainment industry, but I do want to be in Hollywood bringing my A game and looking fab.
How was your hair when he met you? Maybe you could do a copycat of that day.
Can you rollerset and wrap for a nice straight look?

I can, but at 9 weeks post, its only a matter of MINUTES before my roots puff up and take control i have less than 90 minutes to do my hair and get ready, so with a roller set I'd definitely be pushing it!
Thanks ladies!

I think I'm going to try the flexi rods and probably pin up one side. I think this hairdo will have enough personality to go with my outfit.

I'm watching youtube vids for I wish I could leave work early to do my hair!

Im not usually this caught up with my hair (could be lying since i'm an LHCFer :look:), but I've never been out with this kind of guy before. I dont really subscribe to the superficial 'hollywood' behavior of the entertainment industry, but I do want to be in Hollywood bringing my A game and looking fab.

Just curious, what kind of guy is he?
Maybe add some fresh flowers?

That's something I hadn't thought of...

I'll see what kind they have outside my building on my way out (I dont have a yard, and if I did, I still doubt I'd have any flowers there!)

I wonder if I can get fired for stealing flowers from