Help... is my hair thin at the ends?


New Member
I have a few layers in my hair that I'm slowly growing out, but I think that my hair is still too thin at the ends.

Here's a pic that I took a few minutes ago. Look at the braid. It starts out thick, then gradually gets thinner.

I need some honest opinions... I think that my texturizer may be doing this.

Is this normal or am I just buggin?



P.S. Pay no attention to the rest of my hair! It's a mess because a certain someone has been playing with it.
If all the hair is not the same length in the braid that could possibly be the reason why they appear thin. But if the hair is all the same length then it is thin.

You're so cute! Your hair doesn't look thin on the ends to me. I think braids do that because all of the hair doesn't end at the same spot at the end of the braid.

Now, you spend time with your hair everyday and you may see something absolutely different than what we see. You are probably the best judge. If you are growing out layers, that will make your ends look thin because all of your hair is not laying together at the ends. Make sense?
Thanks for your replies millah03 and supergirl... :)

Me, cute... in THAT pic? Wow... lol I don't think so, but thanks!

I think that it's at the least partially the fault of the layers, but I'm definitely going to take even better care of it... maybe even switching the relaxer I use. And as soon as I get to shoulder length I'm taking off and inch or two all around to get it more even. Hopefully that will happen befpore this time next year! :)
I'm growwing my hair out w/layers and that can happen because the hair is different lengths, as you continue to braid down the lenth of the braid it gets thinner because the shorter layer strands are no longer being braided. If that makes since.
It doesn't look thin to me. My braids do that as well and I'm natural- I think that unless you made a point of making your hair perfectly even recently, your bound to have hairs of varying lengths.