Help!! I'm suffering from withdrawal!!!

Royal Glory

New Member
I want to take my hair down!! I want to touch it, twirl it, fluff it! Play with it, swaaannng it! :bouncegre I wore my hair up Friday... Saturday...Sunday... washed (proteined and DC'd) it Sunday afternoon...rolled it...wore it down Monday...wore it up yesterday and today and plan to wear it up 'til Friday! I'm going out of town for the weekend and plan to wear it down maybe through Monday, then back up again. I'm suffering from withdrawal!

Okay, okay. I know that right about now you are saying, "Want some cheese with that whine?" So I'll stop now. Here is the question: How do you perpetual-protective-style-wearers do it for so long without suffering from an extreme case of maddening boredom?!:eek:
O-My- Goodness. This is me!!! :p I want to wear my hair out soooooo badly. I take it out as soon as I get home every night b4 moisturizing and just let it hang free for a while. I want to wear it outside, but, alas... I have to stay disciplined.

I bought some assesories for my hair... maybe this will help add a little excitement? :cool:
Royal Glory said:
I want to take my hair down!! I want to touch it, twirl it, fluff it! Play with it, swaaannng it! :bouncegre I wore my hair up Friday... Saturday...Sunday... washed (proteined and DC'd) it Sunday afternoon...rolled it...wore it down Monday...wore it up yesterday and today and plan to wear it up 'til Friday! I'm going out of town for the weekend and plan to wear it down maybe through Monday, then back up again. I'm suffering from withdrawal!

Okay, okay. I know that right about now you are saying, "Want some cheese with that whine?" So I'll stop now. Here is the question: How do you perpetual-protective-style-wearers do it for so long without suffering from an extreme case of maddening boredom?!:eek:

:lachen: I am the complete opposite. I flat ironed my hair last week for the first time in months. after the 3rd or 4th day i was itchin to cowash and put back in a bun and thats what i did. I felt so much better afterwards kind of relieved. I know sometimes it boring but its for your hairs health. Dress it up, chopsticks,pins,flowers,ribbons,scarves.
At this point, I have worn a bun for so long, it is like I was born with it. It is just so easy, though, to put it in a bun. When I had a relaxer and was curling my hair everyday, it took a chunk of time out of my mornings to do my hair; now its takes about 45 seconds. I do get bored sometimes, but I know that soon I will start wearing it down again and switching up styles -- french braid, loose ponytail, etc. -- but that target month isn't until December, so basically, I am just marking time....

P.S. Royal Glory: You have very pretty hair.
adw425 said:
At this point, I have worn a bun for so long, it is like I was born with it. It is just so easy, though, to put it in a bun. When I had a relaxer and was curling my hair everyday, it took a chunk of time out of my mornings to do my hair; now its takes about 45 seconds. I do get bored sometimes, but I know that soon I will start wearing it down again and switching up styles -- french braid, loose ponytail, etc. -- but that target month isn't until December, so basically, I am just marking time....

P.S. Royal Glory: You have very pretty hair.

Ohh, thanks for the complement adw425.

You're right about the time in the morning. I just have to get disciplined with my hair styles. It's's coming. I know the rewards will be great!
I say take it down for a while and play in it a little. I really don't think it'll hurt. You should be able to enjoy your hair for awhile. I take mine out every day almost before I moisturize and get it ready for bed. I look at it in the mirror and touch it and stuff. It helps us get better aquainted, lol. Seriously though, I feel much better after I do it and it gets out of my system. Honestly I don't think it'll hurt too much.
angelita842002 said:
:lachen: I am the complete opposite. I flat ironed my hair last week for the first time in months. after the 3rd or 4th day i was itchin to cowash and put back in a bun and thats what i did. I felt so much better afterwards kind of relieved. I know sometimes it boring but its for your hairs health. Dress it up, chopsticks, pins, flowers, ribbons, scarves.

Yeah this is how i feel too. I usually wear my hair out over the wknd, when i go out with my BF. However, after a couple of hours, i am itching to put it back up. I hate wearing my hair down..... i guess im not used to it anymore. I feel like it gets caught on things easily and thats really annoying. By the late afternoon, its usually in a bun. I keep hair pins in my purse "just in case," and i always end up using those emergency pins before i know it! :lol:
I was going through this last week. Had my self-done weave in and was planning on keeping it in till Thanksgiving! NOT.....After 3 weeks of having that bad boy in wanted to just touch my own hair again. So I took it out a week ago and boy did it feel good to touch my own hair again :lol: Only issue now is...What am I going to do with this 19 week post hair :confused: