HELP! I'm so frustrated!!! My sides just won't grow


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I am at my wits end. Just to give you a little hair history, I have relaxed 4a hair, SL in the front a little past APL in the back,medium density. For the past two months I've been bunning more frequently(95% of the time) because I know SL is a dangerous stage. I have also been moisturizing and sealing, dc'ing and using the occasional mild protein. The front of my hair won't budge! :nono:Periodically I search and destroy my split ends, I tie my hair up every night with a satin scarf and just in case that slips off I sleep on a satin pillowcase. It just seems as though nothing is helping and my ends are continuing to split even though I do the exact same thing to the back and it's not splitting.:wallbash: I have been SL in the front for years while my back is moving along just fine. Any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated. Help a sistah out!!
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Thats crazy :sad:

So how much is shoulderlength?

If i/we were looking at the back of your head, is it like 1/2 of your head? From the top of your ears and down is APL, and everything on up is SL?

Something has to be giving that part of your hair extra stress if its splitting and breaking off as a reason to why its not getting any longer......

Do you think its exposed more? The APL part of your hair might be covered on the top half with your shoulderlength hair if you wear it in a bun, and the bottom part of the APL hair is in the bun, so it might be completly protected.....and then your shoulderlength hair which is the top part of your bun is exposed to the air & gets dry more, maybe more brushing & combing to get it neat, and maybe your ponytail holder meets at about the end of your shoulderlength hair?.....

Also....when you shampoo, is that wear you usually put all of the product? I know i do that. I take some shampoo, put it in my hands, and start from my hairline & go down so the top part always gets lots of shampoo and the bottom barely any, i also cleanse my scalp with the shampoo more at the front section of my hair, not the back as much so it gets more manipulation. If thats the case maybe the shampoo is too strong/drying.

You might be using water that is too hot when you wash & condition and it effects that part of your hair more

How many months have you been trying to correct this? I see/think you joined in August- but your an old member right? ( i think i read in the fine hair thread someone welcomming you back)....but anyway, if you always had problems with the front part not retaingin length, sometimes it takes a couple of months to correct the problem, and sometimes hair doesnt show damage untill later, and splits are tricky aslo

I really have no clue, just trying to throw some ideas out there, i hope any of these might be a reason & your hair can get right on track....

How many inches apart is your shoulderlength & APL? I have layers and when it gets to APL, one section will be SL in the front, and one APL in the back just like you. Mine are 4" apart.
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I don't have any suggestions but I will be adding this to my favs because I could had written this post. I have the same exact problem. So you are not alone!!!

Ladies, I am at my wits end. Just to give you a little hair history, I have relaxed 4a hair, SL in the front a little past APL in the back,medium density. For the past two months I've been bunning more frequently(95% of the time) because I know SL is a dangerous stage. I have also been moisturizing and sealing, dc'ing and using the occasional mild protein. The front of my hair won't budge! :nono:Periodically I search and destroy my split ends, I tie my hair up every night with a satin scarf and just in case that slips off I sleep on a satin pillowcase. It just seems as though nothing is helping and my ends are continuing to split even though I do the exact same thing to the back and it's not splitting.:wallbash: I have been SL in the front for years while my back is moving along just fine. Any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated. Help a sistah out!! my thread its titled "MY HAIR WONT GROW" and read some really great advice in there.wish you all the best.x
I think that the front of your hair is possible overprocessed or has been overprocessed at some time. If possible I would stretch your relaxer in the front section only, allowing it to grow out, with low manipulation, heat and no trimming. Once you have three or four inches of new growth up front, then it should be okay to give it a touch-up.

I think that a lot of times portions of our hair become over processed over and over again, leading to breakage, split ends, thin hair and it looks like it's not even growing. :yep: I hope this helps.
Thanks for the ideas and concern fluffylocks. I'm a newbie just joined in August, maybe that was someone with a similar name. I guess I should have mentioned that my hair was cut into long layers, but that was so long ago. When I say the front is shorter if I was to make three ponytails( two in the front one in the back). The two in the front are significantly shorter than the one in the back. I'll say about 3-4 inches shorter. When I wash my hair I always do it over the tub so, the back of my hair is actually getting the most poo instead of the front. I don't know. I try to pay extra special attention to the ends in the front with moisturizing.

I don't think your problem is necessarily attributable to breakage, because we all have different growth patterns. My sides ALWAYS outgrow the center of my hair, so I'm constantly having to cut my sides shorter so that it balances out with the center. Folks wonder why I like keeping my hair in a V shape vs. a blunt cut, but it's because I know if I don't, my sides will shoot past the center in a minute, making my hair look raggedy and ridiculous.

I don't mean to discourage you, because I believe your sides are growing, just probably not at the same rate as the rest of your head. Hair goes through growth cycles like the rest of the cells in our body (i.e. Anagen phase = growth phase and telogen phase = resting phase), and different areas of your head can be in different phases at on time.

Girl, just keep doing what you're doing (moisturizing & trimming your locks) and I'm sure it'll work itself out. Just make sure you're not pulling your hair tight on the sides when you put it up in a ponytail, and be sure to rub some moisturizer around your edges at night before wrapping it up. A good scalp massage on those sides wouldn't hurt either.

That's my 2 cents!
Thanks Lana and eve. I do think I may have overprocessed the front area wear I had a bang because it's shorter. But, I'm always very careful with not getting the relaxer on the ends of my hair. I even use a pre-relaxer treatment.Well, Off to read that post.......

I don't think your problem is necessarily attributable to breakage, because we all have different growth patterns. My sides ALWAYS outgrow the center of my hair, so I'm constantly having to cut my sides shorter so that it balances out with the center. Folks wonder why I like keeping my hair in a V shape vs. a blunt cut, but it's because I know if I don't, my sides will shoot past the center in a minute, making my hair look raggedy and ridiculous.

I don't mean to discourage you, because I believe your sides are growing, just probably not at the same rate as the rest of your head. Hair goes through growth cycles like the rest of the cells in our body (i.e. Anagen phase = growth phase and telogen phase = resting phase), and different areas of your head can be in different phases at on time.

Girl, just keep doing what you're doing (moisturizing & trimming your locks) and I'm sure it'll work itself out. Just make sure you're not pulling your hair tight on the sides when you put it up in a ponytail, and be sure to rub some moisturizer around your edges at night before wrapping it up. A good scalp massage on those sides wouldn't hurt either.

That's my 2 cents!

Thanks for the helpful info. I just started doing scalp massages a couple of nights ago. If I can stay consistent(My arms get so tired) maybe I'll see some change.
Thanks for the helpful info. I just started doing scalp massages a couple of nights ago. If I can stay consistent(My arms get so tired) maybe I'll see some change.

I have been doing scalp massages at night too because my sides are very thin. and my arms do get a little tired also but it's getting better.

I just saw your album and your have very pretty hair. it's very healthy looking and thick. Sorry i don't have any advice, just wanted to tell you you have pretty hair.:)
I have been doing scalp massages at night too because my sides are very thin. and my arms do get a little tired also but it's getting better.

I just saw your album and your have very pretty hair. it's very healthy looking and thick. Sorry i don't have any advice, just wanted to tell you you have pretty hair.:)

Thank you!!