
New Member
I've been stretching and my last relaxer was in January. On wash day last friday I noticed that My new growth is comeing in nicely, but at the same time the relaxed part looks thinner than before!!This is scareing me because my hair is already thin. I can't afford it looking any thinner. The wierd thing is I don't have any unusual hair shedding.Could it be that it just looks thinner because it's growing out and it's not actually getting thinner, or should I stop stretching and get a touch-up because it IS thining. :cry: HELP ME PLEEAAASSEEEEE!!!!!!!
not an expert in this, but always notice during the years of staring at my head. With thick new growth, the relax ends will appear thinner. Doing a touch up will create the illusion that your hair is not that thin. HTH

No worries! HHG
My hair has been thinner because of overprocessing and now that the roots are growing in thicker it makes my old hair look thinner. When I relaxed it did look a lot better. Thats why I will be happy when my "new" healthy hair reaches the bottom. My guess is the new growth is making it appear thinner. Stretching is very good though for me. My new growth and the hair that I relaxed last is much thicker. I was relaxing every 4 weeks but now I am waiting 8 weeks at least. More responses? Good question.
When I stretched from January-April my relaxed hair looked thinner. Looking at two different textures can make you eyes play tricks on you.
I did not experience any breakage or shedding once relaxed everything looked fine don't worry hair should be okay. Make sure to keep it moisturize and use protein to keep strands strong.
It probably looks thinner because your NG is so much thicker. This was part of the reason I started texlaxing instead of relaxing. I didn't like how different the textures looked when I was stretching.

If you're worried, you could get a touch up...but almost every bone straight relaxed head here who's stretched can attest to their hair appearing thin compared to the NG. Once you get a relaxer, you probably won't even notice it.

Do what you're most comfortable with. :)
sweetnlow06 said:
My hair has been thinner because of overprocessing and now that the roots are growing in thicker it makes my old hair look thinner. When I relaxed it did look a lot better. Thats why I will be happy when my "new" healthy hair reaches the bottom. My guess is the new growth is making it appear thinner. Stretching is very good though for me. My new growth and the hair that I relaxed last is much thicker. I was relaxing every 4 weeks but now I am waiting 8 weeks at least. More responses? Good question.

Thank you both paula and sweetnlow.:) You laddies are makeing a lot of sense. I just hope my hair listens to the two of you :lol: Im trying to make my hair thicker and not thinner so when I noticed this I got so frustrated. I was like "Hair don't go there cause I know im doing everything right!":naughty:
You're not alone. I'm so experiencing this right now. But I'm not worried. Like the other ladies said, we're dealing with 2 different textures right now so it appears to look this way. When do you plan to relax, if you don't mind my asking?
Divine Inspiration said:
It probably looks thinner because your NG is so much thicker. This was part of the reason I started texlaxing instead of relaxing. I didn't like how different the textures looked when I was stretching.

If you're worried, you could get a touch up...but almost every bone straight relaxed head here who's stretched can attest to their hair appearing thin compared to the NG. Once you get a relaxer, you probably won't even notice it.

Do what you're most comfortable with. :)

Yeah. Guess im going to keep stretching. Two more weary long months to go . Lawd help me.:( By the way Divine I love your new pic. You look hot!:D
e$h said:
You're not alone. I'm so experiencing this right now. But I'm not worried. Like the other ladies said, we're dealing with 2 different textures right now so it appears to look this way. When do you plan to relax, if you don't mind my asking?

At the end of June....... if I ever actually make it to the end of June.:( Im keeping my fingers crossed.
hottestdiva19 said:
I've been stretching and my last relaxer was in January. On wash day last friday I noticed that My new growth is comeing in nicely, but at the same time the relaxed part looks thinner than before!!This is scareing me because my hair is already thin. I can't afford it looking any thinner. The wierd thing is I don't have any unusual hair shedding.Could it be that it just looks thinner because it's growing out and it's not actually getting thinner, or should I stop stretching and get a touch-up because it IS thining. :cry: HELP ME PLEEAAASSEEEEE!!!!!!!

Just an illusion. My last touch up was in Feb and my hair appears thinner because of the thick ng. Congrats on being able to stretch that long. How long do you plan to stretch? I have not had any unusual shedding either and I faithfully wash, deep cond and rollerset on Wed and Sat. Keep stretching girl!
janeemat said:
Just an illusion. My last touch up was in Feb and my hair appears thinner because of the thick ng. Congrats on being able to stretch that long. How long do you plan to stretch? I have not had any unusual shedding either and I faithfully wash, deep cond and rollerset on Wed and Sat. Keep stretching girl!

Thanks Janeemat:)
I don't think that your relaxed hair has gotten any thinner. It's just that the texture of your natural hair is thicker and curlier/kinkier than the relaxed hair. So in comparison your relaxed hair will appear thinner. Also, I think that since your natural hair grows in an outward direction vs downward, it spaces out your relaxed hair making it appear as if there might have been some breakage when really there wasn't. Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I just know that I noticed that when I used to have a relaxer.
Mine does that too, and it appears as if you may need a trim but you really don't. All that NG packed together lifting the strands of hair up make the relaxed ends fall different. As long as your not experience any breakage I wouldn't worry about it.