Help: I think I'm obsessed


New Member
I joined LHCF in May 2007. Since then, I have been obsessed with my hair. I currently have a sew-in but everyday I want to take it out cause I miss my hair and I want to see it and try new things with it. Might I add, that the sew-in is about 4 days old. And Its hard for me to focus at work, cause I have to keep checking the board to see whats going on. I'm offically a LHCF addict.
Aw, sweetie....what you're experiencing is normal.

99% of us are LHCF addicts who are obsessed with our hair and anyone else's hair that looks like they could be a potential cousin of Niko.:cool: The other 1% are in denial and aren't ready to admit they have a problem. :lol:
klb120475 said:
Aw, sweetie....what you're experiencing is normal.

99% of us are LHCF addicts who are obsessed with our hair and anyone else's hair that looks like they could be a potential cousin of Niko.:cool: The other 1% are in denial and aren't ready to admit they have a problem. :lol:

What she said.:lol:
ronakajones said:
I joined LHCF in May 2007. Since then, I have been obsessed with my hair. I currently have a sew-in but everyday I want to take it out cause I miss my hair and I want to see it and try new things with it. Might I add, that the sew-in is about 4 days old. And Its hard for me to focus at work, cause I have to keep checking the board to see whats going on. I'm offically a LHCF addict.

lol That's the precise reason why I don't wear sew-ins anymore!! I now wear wigs and removalbe extensions so that I can do my hair more frequently.
Welcome to our world! We are all obsessed or at the very least extremely preoccupied with hair and the board. I wish that I could say that it will lessen and get better with time but it probably won't. :perplexed
MommaMayhann said:
Welcome to our world! We are all obsessed or at the very least extremely preoccupied with hair and the board. I wish that I could say that it will lessen and get better with time but it probably won't. :perplexed

You're right. It is what, it is......:look:
Hey everyone should be obsessed with themselves.
Don't take out your weave just think about all newgrowth you'll have since you rested your hair and all the thing you could do with that!
ronakajones said:
I joined LHCF in May 2007. Since then, I have been obsessed with my hair. I currently have a sew-in but everyday I want to take it out cause I miss my hair and I want to see it and try new things with it. Might I add, that the sew-in is about 4 days old. And Its hard for me to focus at work, cause I have to keep checking the board to see whats going on. I'm offically a LHCF addict.

Oh that's normal...I can spend hours here while my hubby goes to 20 different sites...just enjoy the ride and learn all that you can...
Hi, my name is CDW and I am an Addict - "Welcome CDW"

I am so addicted, my cube mate at work looks over and sees me and she just start laughing and say "you are addicted". I am addicted and that's because it seems like someone just turned on a light for me. I am always secretly looking at other women hair. I don't even make eye contact with them anymore, I just go straight for their hair. I LOVE IT!!!
yup, we're all like that.

And I am such a hair-watcher. I check out every woman's hair. I try to keep myself from staring but it's hard.
klb120475 said:
Aw, sweetie....what you're experiencing is normal.

99% of us are LHCF addicts who are obsessed with our hair and anyone else's hair that looks like they could be a potential cousin of Niko.:cool: The other 1% are in denial and aren't ready to admit they have a problem. :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Yes…..I’m in love with my hair. :love: I kind of like it, a lot. :grin: Its ‘my full time job & my second boyfriend.:lol:
In the words of my husband, "You're obsessed!"- and he's right cause I sure am, he should thank me though cause he's now discovered Surge in my stash, and yes he does use it:lol: :lol: :lol: .