Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!!


New Member
First, I should say that I last relaxed my hair Oct. 2009. I did my own BC 7/25/2010 and have made significant progress with growth since. I mostly take care of my hair myself except for trims. After noticing that my hair needed a trim, I went back to a salon that i went to once while I was in the transitioning phase.

So I got a wash, blow-out, flat iron, and trim. Since being natural I almost never apply heat to my hair and have been using natural hair products, I always air dry after a wash, etc. Thinking that in order to trim natural hair the hair needed to be staight (I love a percise trim/cut).

After washing my hair a week later my hair has lost its curl pattern and the hair is pretty straight still.

So here are my questions:

1. Does it take a while to get the curl pattern back after a flat-iron?
2. If this is heat damage, do i have to cut off again my collar bone length
hair? :crying3:
3. Should I just be patient and wash it every day for a week?
4. Should I complain to the salon?

Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

I don't think your hair could be permanently damaged by a one-time flat iron, I'm not sure. You should try one of those protein treatments, Aphogee and Ion make good ones, or even an egg mix followed by a good condition. See if that works I wouldn't wash it everyday though, maybe every three days. I know after I flat iron mine it takes two days or so to go back to its normal curliness.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

I am sorta going through the same thing. I have not had a perm since 2004 and in November I got a BKT treatment at a salon and have been wearing it straight for the winter which I have been doing every year. Now my hair looks rough ragged and won't curl back up even when I wash it. I have been wearing a sad puff and two strand twist which it will not hold. I have been trying to deep condition every week and sit under the steamer and henna. I don't know what else to do.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

This happened to me before -- and it seemed like it was on the verge of heat damage in some places. Like cheryl26 said, I had to wash it a few times. One thing I did was spritz my hair with a water/conditioner mix and scrunch it during the day (when it was in a natural style). After a few washes w/repeat treatment, I was ok. Some of it may depend on how your hair responds to being saturated. My hair is straighter when it's saturated but has more coil when it's wet. (My def. of saturated: submerged in water (running) over 1+minutes w/o products)
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

So here are my questions:

1. Does it take a while to get the curl pattern back after a flat-iron? Yes
2. If this is heat damage, do i have to cut off again my collar bone length
hair? :crying3: That's completely up to you, I'm doubting a one-time straightening has caused TOO much damage. It has for me, but I smelled it coming...
3. Should I just be patient and wash it every day for a week? Yes, more frequently deep conditioning can help.
4. Should I complain to the salon? I say most definitely


Pics may be helpful to see the extent of it.
Either way, sorry & best of luck.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

I don't think your hair could be permanently damaged by a one-time flat iron, I'm not sure. You should try one of those protein treatments, Aphogee and Ion make good ones, or even an egg mix followed by a good condition. See if that works I wouldn't wash it everyday though, maybe every three days. I know after I flat iron mine it takes two days or so to go back to its normal curliness.

Thanks, I will try one of your recommended protein treatments and hope for the best. I may not want to flat-iron again if this is whats going to happen. I may have to learn how to trim my own hair curly.

This happened to me before -- and it seemed like it was on the verge of heat damage in some places. Like @cheryl26 said, I had to wash it a few times. One thing I did was spritz my hair with a water/conditioner mix and scrunch it during the day (when it was in a natural style). After a few washes w/repeat treatment, I was ok. Some of it may depend on how your hair responds to being saturated. My hair is straighter when it's saturated but has more coil when it's wet. (My def. of saturated: submerged in water (running) over 1+minutes w/o products)

I normally don't wear my hair wet, but i may want to try it just to see if that helps. Even when it was saturated with water some areas still stayed bone straight. My hair is normally a 4A or 4B curl pattern and now it looks with a very loose 3C light wave. I hope my natural curl pattern comes back.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

I find that a moderate-to-heavy protein treatment after flatironing works well for me. My hair is flatironed right now and I'll be clarifying and using a reconstructor this weekend when I wash, and then pampering the heck out of it for a few weeks until it forgives me :lol:. And then I'll do it again :look:.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

I find that a moderate-to-heavy protein treatment after flatironing works well for me. My hair is flatironed right now and I'll be clarifying and using a reconstructor this weekend when I wash, and then pampering the heck out of it for a few weeks until it forgives me :lol:. And then I'll do it again :look:.

Been there. :lol:
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

sigh..join the club. I flat ironed my hair once..and now 25% is bone straight. I did the egg treatment..deep conditioning treatment and washed my hair about six times. It's been almost a month..and my hair is still straight. No breakage..just flipping straight.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

I find that a moderate-to-heavy protein treatment after flatironing works well for me. My hair is flatironed right now and I'll be clarifying and using a reconstructor this weekend when I wash, and then pampering the heck out of it for a few weeks until it forgives me :lol:. And then I'll do it again :look:.

lol:grin: Thanks, that made me laugh. I will be pampering mine also. When you mentioned the moderate-to-heavy protein treatment, which one are you using?
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

idk, I heard someone on youtube say flat beer that is at room temperature. Do some research before trying.
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Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

lol:grin: Thanks, that made me laugh. I will be pampering mine also. When you mentioned the moderate-to-heavy protein treatment, which one are you using?

I use the Joico Intensive Reconstructor mixed with the Intense Hydrator, in a 2:1 ratio under a steamer for around 30-45 minutes.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

Try clarifying. I noticed that heat protectants used befored a flat iron needed to be shampooed out well with a sulfate based shampoo in order for all my curls to revert.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

Try clarifying. I noticed that heat protectants used befored a flat iron needed to be shampooed out well with a sulfate based shampoo in order for all my curls to revert.

The thing that I am not sure of is if the stylist even used a heat protectant at all. When I asked him before he put the flat iron in my hair he mentioned that the leave-in conditioner was also a heat protectant. I never heard of a leave-in having heat protection in it but, I assumed he was current being that he is the professional. So, I am hoping he did.

Also, before I washed I did saturate my hair with extra virgin olive oil. My hair felt butter soft this morning maybe I need to clarify. Maybe that is why my curls aren't popping back. I dunno, but I will clarify wash in a couple days as advised and do the protein treatment. Thanks again.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP, I don't think your hair will ever revert back. It only takes one time to damage your hair. A lot of people said they have done this and they have done that and their hair reverted back, but I have yet to see any before and I don't believe it. My hair got heat damaged after being flat ironed once. Thankfully, it wasn't "stick straight" so no one can really tell that it's damaged. It's not dry, it's not breaking, but it's just not my hairs natural texture. I did not cut my hair off because I'm greedy for length right now and since I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time it really doesn't matter.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP, I don't think your hair will ever revert back. It only takes one time to damage your hair. A lot of people said they have done this and they have done that and their hair reverted back, but I have yet to see any before and I don't believe it. My hair got heat damaged after being flat ironed once. Thankfully, it wasn't "stick straight" so no one can really tell that it's damaged. It's not dry, it's not breaking, but it's just not my hairs natural texture. I did not cut my hair off because I'm greedy for length right now and since I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time it really doesn't matter.

Really?!? Was that all necessary? OP asked a question about helping her hair revert back. You're right, it may not revert back. But that doesn't mean that those of us who've straightened before, who are giving advice based on our own experiences, are lying just because we don't post pics. Heck, I'm on my lunch break; I don't have pics lying around at work. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't make the REST of us liars.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

Really?!? Was that all necessary? OP asked a question about helping her hair revert back. You're right, it may not revert back. But that doesn't mean that those of us who've straightened before, who are giving advice based on our own experiences, are lying just because we don't post pics. Heck, I'm on my lunch break; I don't have pics lying around at work. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't make the REST of us liars.

I gave my opinion, which I'm entitled to do. I said to the OP "I don't think your hair will ever revert back." And what I choose to believe is up to me. I've made this same statement in other threads. If anyone is really taking offense to my post and they want to prove me wrong, I have no problem with that. Post some pics and it's possible that I may stand to be corrected. Otherwise, I still hold to what I said originally.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

Double Post...Forum's acting a lil funny...
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

BlackDiamond1, thanks, I'm glad I take a million n one pics, cuz it don't feel like it's doing anything, LOL.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

The thing that I am not sure of is if the stylist even used a heat protectant at all. When I asked him before he put the flat iron in my hair he mentioned that the leave-in conditioner was also a heat protectant. I never heard of a leave-in having heat protection in it but, I assumed he was current being that he is the professional. So, I am hoping he did.

Also, before I washed I did saturate my hair with extra virgin olive oil. My hair felt butter soft this morning maybe I need to clarify. Maybe that is why my curls aren't popping back. I dunno, but I will clarify wash in a couple days as advised and do the protein treatment. Thanks again.

There are a number of leave in products which also act as a heat protectant.

With heat damage, its pretty likely that either the strands were slightly weaker, his iron was too hot (or he held it in the section just a tad too long) - or both. It happens.

Some have reported success by babying the hair with protein treatments followed by moisture. Others simply cut the strands off. What you do really depends on the hair style you wear the most. If you can hide it, I would keep the strands and slowly trim them with overall trims.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

there is no straight answer i can give you on this. it may revert back, it may not. im not going to lie to you.

the best thing you can do now is keep your protein/moisture balance up and deal with the pieces that may or may not revert. you dont have to cut them off if you dont want to.

but this is why i will never go to a salon to get my hair straightened. they have one goal: GET IT STRAIGHT. no matter how much heat they have to use to do it.

and it's heat damage is like having sex, yes you can only just do it one time and get pregnant just like you can flat iron that one time only and get damage.

but if you decide to flat iron in the future, do it yourself.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

My cousin (who has completely natural hair) decided that on a night out she would flatiron her bangs.
It never went back to normal. :/
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

My cousin (who has completely natural hair) decided that on a night out she would flatiron her bangs.
It never went back to normal. :/

it's like this, YOU yourself have to know just how much heat your hair can withstand before you can do permanent damage. now ive been doing my own natural hair since...2001 so i know what's too hot and how hot to get my flat iron to where my hair is straight enough for my liking. cause im like if im going to flatiron, hell i want it straight, no in between.

but with this came trial and error and i learned this using marcel irons that you put over a stove lol. relaxed hair you can get straight 1-2-3 but natural hair it takes more effort and folks will get going at your hair until it's "i just stepped out of the salon" straight, and most dont even know what the hell heat damage is.

i nearly fell out when my own stylist knew about heat damaged and told a lady in his shop that if you're over zealous with the flat ironing that your curls might not revert back. (well now that i think about it, he's the only one ive let flat iron my natural hair. i wont let anyone else so much as breathe on it.)
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP I hope your hair reverts asap! My hair stays straight when I rinse my hair and half the shampooing. I don't really revert completely until I DC really. Hope everything works out for you!
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP- Have you done research yet on the beer rinse.

Fpund the below on the internet for you OP good luck.

Simple Beer Rinse: After shampooing, rinse your hair well with warm, flat beer. Use a beer that does not have a strong odor. After about 10 minutes, rinse the beer out with WARM (not hot) water. The beer smell usually does not linger.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP, I don't think your hair will ever revert back. It only takes one time to damage your hair. A lot of people said they have done this and they have done that and their hair reverted back, but I have yet to see any before and I don't believe it. My hair got heat damaged after being flat ironed once. Thankfully, it wasn't "stick straight" so no one can really tell that it's damaged. It's not dry, it's not breaking, but it's just not my hairs natural texture. I did not cut my hair off because I'm greedy for length right now and since I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time it really doesn't matter.

I agree. I've been there. It may get "better" but it may not go back to your virgin natural texture.

Charge it to the game.
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP I hope your hair reverts asap! My hair stays straight when I rinse my hair and half the shampooing. I don't really revert completely until I DC really. Hope everything works out for you!

I hope so too.. thanks!
Re: Help, I flat Ironed my natural hair for a trim and now it does not Curl Back Up!!

OP- Have you done research yet on the beer rinse.

Fpund the below on the internet for you OP good luck.

Simple Beer Rinse: After shampooing, rinse your hair well with warm, flat beer. Use a beer that does not have a strong odor. After about 10 minutes, rinse the beer out with WARM (not hot) water. The beer smell usually does not linger.

Thanks natural2008! I did hear about the use off bear before. It sounds interesting and I may try it after more research.