Help... I cant retain


Active Member
Hey fellow veterans I have a question. I've been trying to grow my hair for the past 2 years now... and I have no problem with hair growth but the thing is I cant retain anything. I've been shoulder length for the past 2 years but i cant seem to get to APL. I know i have 4b hair and my hair is so dry. I know i've been wearing my hair in protective style mostly a bun, I dont use heat, and i stretch my relaxers 8 weeks to 5 months. and I mosturize whenever i am not lazy about it. ANd for some reason I still cant get past shoulder length. Is there something wrong or anything else i am missing.. HELP. I'd like to be Full APL by June at least.
You should make it a point every day and every night to moisturize and seal with oil. Try ORS Olive Oil hair lotion in the bottle and try sealing with coconut oil. I would try co-washing twice a week as well with a cheapie moisturizing conditioner like V05 Moisture Milks.

your hair sounds like mine. since your hair is dry focuz on giving it the moisture it needs. try drinking more water and take an omega supplement to help with the dryness internally.

hair is like a plant it needs moisture without it breaks off.
Also are you tying your hair down at night with satin or silk scarf and sleep on satin pillow case? You definitely can't slip on the moisturizing.
Try braids instead of bunning. Some people don't do well with that. Don't know why. I've never grown hair with buns, only braiding (my preference is cornrows but whatever.) You may need very little manipulation and lots of moisture. Also take a moisturizing non protein conditioner and place on your ends every day in the place of moisturizer or in addition to it. Its one of my secret weapons to retaining length and the only set back I've had in the last two years is listening to others about protein, and not needing it. I don't have any setbacks from growth month to month and as a result reached an inch past midback this December (NEXT GOAL: going to waist length!
For some reason, I'm guessing that you aren't moisturizing daily. I moisturize twice a day. And don't forget about your protein. Keep searching for the right moisturizer and seal with Coconut Oil.
That is weird. 2 years is a long time and you have been trying.

Are you shedding a lot? Maybe your hair is stuck in that phase. Genetics.
That is weird. 2 years is a long time and you have been trying.

Are you shedding a lot? Maybe your hair is stuck in that phase. Genetics.

I know it's not my terminal length because since I was a kid up to the time I went away to college my hair was a little past APL.And I never tried. But my second semester my hair broke off to shoulder length. That's how I got online and found u guys I wanted to get my hair back. But I mean it's healthy now but for some reason I can get it back to the way it was 3 years ago.
Forgot to add, if you're having shedding, dryness, and/or breakage to get a thorough check up. Tell the doc what's going on. You may have a hormonal imbalance, thyroid issue, etc and some medicine could get you back on the right track. If you have tried everything, and it's still not working, it may be something internal.
FYI: I had this problem and my hair snapped left and right (thyroid disease:grave's) until I got it under control. It was also shedding like crazy and it didn't matter what I did. It's not to be avoided, though and you need medical help to get things under control. I'm not saying it's your thyroid...there's a myriad of other possibilities but you should just check yourself out just to be safe!
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Definitely try moisturizing twice a day. You have gotten some great advice here so far. Just wanted to tell you that I have been at SL for a minute too, about 18 months. It is longer though, but still not APL, I have had a setback or two. Stay positive and keep at it. It's a long way from SL to APL:yep:. Also my nape hair grows really slowly so I know it will take me longer to get there than some ladies. Most of my hair grows around 1/2 inch per month but the nape area grows only 1/4-1/3 inch per month so that's only like an inch every 3 to 4 months, plus my nape hair is fine and fragile and breaks easily. I have to moisturize it like crazy. Just said all that to say you have to really analyze your hair and not compare to other ladies. Good luck girl, we will get there eventually!
Forgot to add, if you're having shedding, dryness, and/or breakage to get a thorough check up. Tell the doc what's going on. You may have a hormonal imbalance, thyroid issue, etc and some medicine could get you back on the right track. If you have tried everything, and it's still not working, it may be something internal.
FYI: I had this problem and my hair snapped left and right (thyroid disease:grave's) until I got it under control. It was also shedding like crazy and it didn't matter what I did. It's not to be avoided, though and you need medical help to get things under control. I'm not saying it's your thyroid...there's a myriad of other possibilities but you should just check yourself out just to be safe!

You may be right about that.I know my hormones is imbalance especially I took like the shot which was bad for me. Made me bleed the whole 3 months and anemic. And then I switched to pills. Which I know messed me up. Now I've been taking this natural herb called "Macca Extract" which is supposed to balance out the hormone. And it's been working great. So I'll continue taking them for a few more months. But I think you are so right though
Also are you tying your hair down at night with satin or silk scarf and sleep on satin pillow case? You definitely can't slip on the moisturizing.

Ok. I am guilty of that. I tie my hair sometimes but not with silk or satin. And I admit I don't moisturize like I'm supposed to. Sometimes I spend a week without moisturizing. I know bad bad. I just get lazy when it comes to moisturizing
Ok. I am guilty of that. I tie my hair sometimes but not with silk or satin. And I admit I don't moisturize like I'm supposed to. Sometimes I spend a week without moisturizing. I know bad bad. I just get lazy when it comes to moisturizing

:eek: do you get lots of breakage?

especially with the winter weather (depending where you are) you cant afford to let your hair dry out.
Now that you know the culprits, you know what to do now. You have gotten some great tips that will enhance growth eventually. Also, make sure when you relax the hairdresser does not overlap - that is a sure way to make your hair weak which leads to breakage. Also, try not to relax bone straight - maybe your hair is too weak to handle it. You are at the right place so I am confident you will begin to see results if you follow the ladies advice.

Ok. I am guilty of that. I tie my hair sometimes but not with silk or satin. And I admit I don't moisturize like I'm supposed to. Sometimes I spend a week without moisturizing. I know bad bad. I just get lazy when it comes to moisturizing
Ok. I am guilty of that. I tie my hair sometimes but not with silk or satin. And I admit I don't moisturize like I'm supposed to. Sometimes I spend a week without moisturizing. I know bad bad. I just get lazy when it comes to moisturizing

Aw, BBG. I know it may be a pain in the butt sometimes to keep the moisture up, but it is absolutely necessary. I don't know what your length goal is, but for some the journey from SL to APL can be a challenge. Consistency with your moisture routine will go a long way in helping you retain your growth. It seems that you have a good handle on the rest of your routine.

Keep in mind that your hair's moisture requirement increases as it gets longer. The longer your hair is, the older the ends are. Those old ends require a lot of moisture to remain on your head. I know, just what you wanted to hear, right?:lachen:
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:eek: do you get lots of breakage?

especially with the winter weather (depending where you are) you cant afford to let your hair dry out.

LOL.. I love that emoticon. Yea I live in NY so you can imagine. Well I dont know what you would consider a lot of shedding. But whenever i fingercomb my hair or even comb my hair. I see little broken hair So i guess you can say that. And my hair is dry to begin with... Even when i moisturize it, it still FEELS very dry but LOOKS wet and shiny. i use MIZAMI H2O intense nighttime treatment, I use Shea butter, and I also use BB hair lotion or something like that. That's one of the reason y i keep getting discourage, because even though i moisturize and seal with oil my hair still feels very dry :wallbash: I am going crazy
How's your diet? Are you drinking lots of water and eating lots of foods that help growth?

Pshhh ummm not so good. I drink about 2 bottles of water a month :rolleyes:..and i need to up my healthy food intake. I think these past 3 weeks made my hair break a lot more because i barely had time to eat and sleep.. But i'll be picking up the slack starting today... But yeah It sucked, I dont really like water.
You may be right about that.I know my hormones is imbalance especially I took like the shot which was bad for me. Made me bleed the whole 3 months and anemic. And then I switched to pills. Which I know messed me up. Now I've been taking this natural herb called "Macca Extract" which is supposed to balance out the hormone. And it's been working great. So I'll continue taking them for a few more months. But I think you are so right though
Wow. Go double check with a doc if you can. They can monitor your blood work to make sure everything gets back in balance. Sounds like you have a lot going on. Don't just try to do it yourself, make sure it's done right so that your hair...and YOU don't suffer.
I DC with motions CPR and ORS hair mayonnaise. I alternate them. I moisturize with Mizami nightime H2O treatment,BB moisturizing lotion, and shea butter.. and i seal with Vatika oil

both of those are protein conditioners and i think the ors is a mixture of protein and moisture. you really should try to use more moisturizing conditioners because it sounds like you may have protein overload. i would avoid using protein for a few weeks and see if it fixes itself. clarify do a deep treatment (with heat) with a strictly moisturizing dc and moisturize twice a day. make sure you sleep with something on your head or on a satin pillowcase. you may also want to try baggying until your hair gets back to normal. i've had protein overload several times. protein is very helpful to your hair but too much will mess it up. hth.
both of those are protein conditioners and i think the ors is a mixture of protein and moisture. you really should try to use more moisturizing conditioners because it sounds like you may have protein overload. i would avoid using protein for a few weeks and see if it fixes itself. clarify do a deep treatment (with heat) with a strictly moisturizing dc and moisturize twice a day. make sure you sleep with something on your head or on a satin pillowcase. you may also want to try baggying until your hair gets back to normal. i've had protein overload several times. protein is very helpful to your hair but too much will mess it up. hth.

I agree with this.

LOL.. I love that emoticon. Yea I live in NY so you can imagine. Well I dont know what you would consider a lot of shedding. But whenever i fingercomb my hair or even comb my hair. I see little broken hair So i guess you can say that. And my hair is dry to begin with... Even when i moisturize it, it still FEELS very dry but LOOKS wet and shiny. i use MIZAMI H2O intense nighttime treatment, I use Shea butter, and I also use BB hair lotion or something like that. That's one of the reason y i keep getting discourage, because even though i moisturize and seal with oil my hair still feels very dry :wallbash: I am going crazy

Maybe you need to try a new moisturizer.

also do you use a no lye relaxer? because you might need to chelate.

I agree with mystic about overlapping. make sure you are not overlapping your relaxers.
I agree with this.

Maybe you need to try a new moisturizer.

also do you use a no lye relaxer? because you might need to chelate.

I agree with mystic about overlapping. make sure you are not overlapping your relaxers.

I know this sound bad but I have no idea what relaxer I use. Not even the name let along if it's lie or not. I do my relaxer at the dominican hair salon. And they don't bring out the box they just mix it in a bowl. I know I know. But for some reason I never care to ask. And I bet u everytime I go they use something different because they always ask me what I wear and I told them I don't know what they put for me last time. They don't remember.
I know this sound bad but I have no idea what relaxer I use. Not even the name let along if it's lie or not. I do my relaxer at the dominican hair salon. And they don't bring out the box they just mix it in a bowl. I know I know. But for some reason I never care to ask. And I bet u everytime I go they use something different because they always ask me what I wear and I told them I don't know what they put for me last time. They don't remember.

girl thats a BIG no-no.

Next time you get a relaxer you need to know what type your using.

you said they mix it, which means it's most likely a no lye. no lye tends to leave the hair very dry because it usually leaves calcium deposits onto the hair, which means you need to use a chelating shampoo to get rid of them. try using ORS creamy aloe shampoo, but DO NOT use it every week because that will dry out your hair.

I am in NY too, I used to let the dominicans do my relaxers but they would overlap too much. But only you would know if they are relaxing way past the ng.

I really hope you find whats works for your hair so that you cna start to retain length:yep: