HELP...Hair Matting Disaster


New Member
I will make this as short as possible...

I got a sewn-in to give my transitioning hair a break from my everyday ponytail. At my cousin's suggestion I got most of my head done in a sewn-in, and i have had it in for a month. This is my second time wearing a sewn-in (the last was 3 years ago, and only 2 tracks), and I can had to take it out b/c of a flaky and itchy scalp condition.

After the hour long removal of the sewn-in, I finger combed my hair, and started to wash it with KeraCare detangling shampoo. Everything was fine, or so it seemed. While using the Chi moisturizing shampoo, I made the mistake of rubbing my hair together :nono: .... and on each side of my head I have 2 big dread-lock type knotted mats. :cry:

I put in a deep conditioner, used a heating cap and went to sleep after a very long prayer. I wake up this morning, and was able to detangle (and lose) the back of my hair, and parts of the fronts...the middle of my hair, where the mats are, is resistant to the detangling methods.

I have used every conditioner, deep conditioner and detangler I have in my possession. I also used coconut oil, and that help with the front and back of my hair.

A cut is inevitable at this point :perplexed, but I'm trying to salvage as much hair as possible so I can at least cut it into a mushroom or something. Any advice is most welcomed!
Sorry you are having issues with your hair matting. You didn't get all of the shed hair out and when you shampooed that clung together. I always advise removing the shed hair first finger detangling, then with a comb. I also advise skipping the shampoo the first time and just washing with conditioner and oil. The hair may feel like it is ok but it usually is lacking a lot of moisture when coming out of weaves and extensions. Applying shampoo just strips any that is in there.

With that said, it still may be possible for you to salvage your hair. But it will take a lot of patience of pulling out small sections of hair from the matted hair. For my hair oil works better than conditioner. I oil my hair and then sit under a heat cap (not a dryer... too much heat). I let the oil soak into my hair as much as possible. Then I start trying to smooth and separate.

Here are some links that may help
NicBenny said:
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would douse your hair, completely soak it in olive oil and then work your way from ends to roots. There is no way ur hair could resist the power of that much lubricant. Coconut oil isn't as viscous as olive oil and doesn't stay in liquid form. U could also use corn oil/ vegetable oil which is cheaper.
Sorry for you hair troubles! Just terrible! :(

I agree. Oil it down. If you have a conditioner with ZERO protein that will help as well using it with the oil.
I just got my dreaded twist out by bagging with oil. It took a week and a half because my hair was one big dread. It can be done if you have patience.
My advice, don't cut your hair. One of my friends recently decided to pick her locks out that she had been growing for 3yrs. She used a pin to pick them out one by one. It took weeks, but she got them picked out and now she has a head full of natural unlocked hair.

If somebody can pick out dreadlocks, then I belive that there is no matt too big to untangle. Just takee your time and work in small sections. Use lots of oil and conditioner. With some time and a lot of patience you can get the matts out. Better than cutting your hair!
Have u already tried putting a Keratin Protein Treatment on that section, letting it sit, rinsing it out and then dousing it in coconut to separate the strands? Hair tends to stick to itself when its lacking in Keratin Protein and coconut oil works wonders in the tangling department. At this point you are going to have to pull each hair apart. HTH! and Good luck!
That is one of my biggest fear with using weaves or keeping braids in my hair long term. I second the suggestions of using lots of oil and detangling with your fingers then using a comb.
I remember a few old threads about hair matting/detangling. The general consensus was that heavy amounts of oil work best. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Olive oil or vegetable oil will do the trick. I've heard this works to remove gum out of hair so I'm sure it will work with hair on top of hair.

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this but I don't think all hope is lost. I'm really confused as to how the situation is this bad after a month. I've worn braids for up to 4 months and didn't have matting this bad. Granted I make sure that I come through my hair thoroughly before washing it but it still doesn't seem right that you'd have that much shed hair to cause problems like this.
I don't think you got all the shed hair out before you washed. Finger detangling won't cut it. You have to get all shed hairs out before the water hits it. Keep trying with the oil.
Did you cut it yet!? Don't!!!

This has happened to me three times! The first time, was a major setback, and I actually lost clumps of hair...

The other two times I got wise.

Moisturise, of course, but the shampoo messed with your hair's PH balance, an apogee treatment to restore the PH would be perfect, then deep condition,
And with the conditioner in, get the best tangle releasing comb or brush you can and start going through the clumps. It's tedious, but you won't end up losing as much hair as if you did with other methods.

Hope this helps!