
New Member
Hello, everyone!!! I wouldnt consider myself as newly natural due to the fact that I've BC'ed 3 times in the pass 3 years. I either have a growth setback or slip back to perms, but this time I'm determined... And I'm actually loving my hair!!! My issue now is GROWTH!!!! I cut alot of my hair off in Oct. Almost as short as my husband's (and he's military)!!! I did a length check about a week ago and the front of my hair is only to the my eyebrows... TALK about is discouraging!!! Im even wondering does my hair grow.... Anyone have any regimen tips or products... Advice... Im accepting it all!!!


:welcome4: to the board. I don't have any advice, but don't get discouraged!

Everyone has a growth spurt (higher rate of growth) during the summer. I'm sure someone will be along to help you.
How big/long is your forehead? If you cut your hair super low in October and are reaching your eyebrows that doesn't seem as your hair is growing slow at all. It may actually fall in line with what is average. Take a look at the 12 inches in 12 months thread and see if you can maximize on your growth and retention with the suggestions listed in the first post.
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Calm down! It is growing. Our hair often seems like it is not because of shrinkage. My hair actually grows pretty slow on average (1/4 inch w/o vitamins 1/3 w vitamins & exercise). I managed to grow my hair to waist length. It took me a while to get there including set backs and trims but it is possible. At your current length focus on a healthy diet, take vitamins, and keep your hair properly conditioned and moisturized.
NaturalHill, let's evaluate this.

You do know hair grows on average just 6 inches in 12 months right? And that is without any breakage which is near impossible especially if your ends are exposed. So if you can retain 5 inches of that, you are doing pretty well.

OK, I dunno about you but my forehead is about 3 inches in height:


So if in 8 months I had retained 3 inches w/o protective styling, then I can hope to retain a little over 4 inches by October. That may not sound like much coz it is less than 6 inches but IMO it is realistiic and seems to be your rate.

Here is why I say that. For over 30 years, I thought making it to barely SL (end of NL) is all I could achieve. Then I discovered dusting and starting dusting off about 1/4 or so every 2 months. That means in a year, I lost 1.5 inches from dusting. Dusting stopped my hair from breaking on its own as I got rid of those weak ends before they broke off in a damaging way.

I started doing it when I had 1 inch of natural hair and in 12 months, I had a total of 5-6 inches of length. A gain of about 4.5 inches:

In another 12 months of dusting every 8 weeks, I had 9-11 inches long hair:

Now I dunno about you, but ^^that was HUGE and the longest my hair had ever been. My nape hair was at full SL aka CBL. To me that was no minor feat. And I was growing my hair at the rate you are growing yours and in two years made it to CBL.

I don't say that to mean that you will have the same story, but to point out that it doesn't matter how long it takes to make it. You will eventually get there and the excitement will still be just as sweet. There is no need to treat the journey as if it's some race. When you eventually finish a marathon for the first time, no one cares how long it took; that you finished is all that matters. I wish everyone could focus on making the most of whatever length you are NOW: exploring new styles, discovering new things to do with that length before you find you are beyond it and can't do those styles w/o cutting your hair. If you focused on having fun with styling and getting to know your hair, length would creep up on you and surprise achievements are way more exciting than a watched pot that takes forever to boil.
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