HELP Hair Dried Up into a Big Ball!!! How can I prevent that from happening?


Active Member
Okay, I fell for all the raves about Fantasia IC gel w/Sparklettes. I'm a 4a/b natural. When my hair is stretched it's a little past shoulder length. I haven't used heat in almost two years.

I usually wear my slicked back with a puff or in briads. I'm so tired of those two styles. So I tried chaning it up a bit. After I shampooed and conditioned I moisturized with ORS Olive Oil in the bottle and slathered on the Fantasia gel and boy you couldn't tell me nothing :naughty: cause I had the cutest pen sized corkscrew curls eva:yep: I knew I would need to stay moisturized so I had a little squirt bottle w/water. Well by the end of the day I went from having the cutest curlie cues to having the biggest afro puff ever known to mankind. Something like Bozo the clown.

I've tried twist outs but my curls aren't very defined with a twist/briad out and after 2 years of trying them I've given up.

Until I came to LHCF I thought I had course hair, to the contrary I have fine but extremely thick dry hair with about 70% shrinkage. How do other 4a/bs wear a wash in go or keep their curls defined all day. I really need help cause right now a relaxer is looking mighty good, but I know i'll regret if I went that route.

How do my fellow 4a/bs wear their hair out and keep it moisturized all day while keeping thier curls defined? I'm open to all suggestions -Please help!
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How much gel did you use? I've just started using the gel as well and I separate my hair into four sections. So I can distribute the products evenly to each section. I use a little creamy leave in conditioner followed by the gel. My hair stays soft and defined the entire day. Oh and once I distribute the products and get rid of the parts in my hair I DO NOT touch it anymore until it's dry.
Humm, it's quite likely I used too much gel, I tend to be a bit heavy handed with products. I assume because I have thick hair - if a little is good, then more is better. I'll try using less. Also I was so amazed with the defined curls, I ran to the bathroom every 30 minutes to "play" with them. So I'll try it again tomorrow without touching it until it's dry. Thank you - that was very helpful. Please keep the suggestions coming.
UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
How much gel did you use? I've just started using the gel as well and I separate my hair into four sections. So I can distribute the products evenly to each section. I use a little creamy leave in conditioner followed by the gel. My hair stays soft and defined the entire day. Oh and once I distribute the products and get rid of the parts in my hair I DO NOT touch it anymore until it's dry.

I think I have to try that technique. I usually hit the top and then the bottom.
I am sorry it did not work out for you today. I really like the fantasia ic gel. What I do is while still in the shower put some avacado butter (a SMALL amount) onto my hair hair while its dripping wet. Then I put on the gel in sections. I only use a small amount of gel also. Maybe a quarter size for each half. If I feel I need more then I add it. If I feel I have over did it then I just wet my hair a little (I'm still in the shower at this point). After this point I DO NOT TOUCH it with my hands any more. I do some plopping on my microfiber towel and then wrap it up in the towel. I leave it like that while I finish getting ready then let it out and let the rest air dry...all the while not touching. I wait until its dry at least on the parts I'm going to touch (the top) until I try to style it. Thats what has been working for me, good luck!
ok, your description was hilarious and it does not help that i just had a glass of wine.

honestly, i don't think there is anything you can do to stop what you experienced...water and gel=shrinkage in my experience and observations of others with natural 4a/b hair.

i wish i had a solution, but there isn't one as far as i know.
Thank you Braided Beauty. I think I will try styling in the shower. Can someone explain what "plopping" is? TIA
No Twisties, say it at so, I want to have a wash in go style for ease and versatility. Hum, maybe that means I have to learn to accept what my hair does and go with that. I tried to pull it off with confidence on the train ride home - I put on my MAC lipgloss in viva glam and held my head (and hair) up high - :grin:
Did you put a leave in or moisturizer on your hair before putting the gel on top? Some other members said the gel can be drying to your hair if you don't. But I haven't experienced that problem. My hair stays the same as it dries. The gel weighs it down some. Also you could have used too much gel.
I used a little ORS Olive Oil moisturizer in the bottle. I did use quite a bit of gel, so I'm thinking decreasing the amount of gel might help. Bmore, do you have to redo your hair everyday? Or does it last for a while? If so, what do you do to get it to last?