help for soft and breaking 4a/b hair!!!


New Member
How do you tell when its time to use protein?? I just did aphogee two min reconstruct then Aussie 3 min and my hair is soft but falling out like crazy!!

Should I have done joico reconstruct instead?? Does that mean I need I need a deeper protein treatment?

I didn't clarify..instead I used a moisturising shampoo ...I was scared that if I didn't my hair would end up really dry like the first time I did a protein treatment...

I haven't gotten my hair relaxed since Dec 15 09...and I really want my hair to be healthy before I relax again... Any advice would help...thanks!
Not a relaxed head, but I'd try a harder protein or better yet, retry the Aphogee 2 min but for a bit longer ~15 mins. Don't comb or manipulate too much when wet because I don't care how strong your hair is its going to be more stretchy and soft when its wet.
When you say your hair is coming out, are these long pieces or broken pieces of hair? If these are broken pieces of hair- that's breakage and yes, I would consider using the Aphogee 2 step followed by an ultra moisturizing DC. If your hair is shedding, try a garlic conditioner like Alter Ego Garlic.
Use a strong protein treament. Like aphogee two step. I used it last weekend and my hair is so strong. Make sure you DC with a very moisturizing DC afterwords.
When you say your hair is coming out, are these long pieces or broken pieces of hair? If these are broken pieces of hair- that's breakage and yes, I would consider using the Aphogee 2 step followed by an ultra moisturizing DC. If your hair is shedding, try a garlic conditioner like Alter Ego Garlic.

Thanks for clarifying that for me... But I think it might me hair breaks when its dry and when its been shedding as well... Why is garlic good for shedding?