Help for momma seraphinelle!


Well-Known Member
I have introduced my mom to the site, LOL, she hasn't joined, but she's just interested so much with how much people's hair has grown by looking at their fotki's. Very impressed.

Anyway, she is curious to know how to type her hair, lol, this problem runs in the family apparantly.

So the front, we already agree that her hair is definetly a 4a/4b combo. It's very much like mine... Or maybe even a 3C

The back is dead straight, like no curl pattern AT ALL, and very silky soft.

The middle, whe it's wet it's wavy, not curly at all. When it's dry, it's also wavy.

I'm pretty sure she's not a 3, because her hair doesn't do any kind of coiling, or curls like that.

Just wanted to know if there were any people on this board that consider their hair type 3, but don't have curls