Help! Flat ironing dissapointment.


New Member
My new Solia arrived today and I just had to try it out.

I washed my hair with Redken Smooth down shampoo and conditioned with Redken Butter Treat mixed with a little macadamia nut oil and honey under a plastic cap for 40 minutes.

I used a small amount of Butter Treat as a leave in on my wet hair and then sealed with with Heat Glide serum. I let my hair air dry loose instead of in a bun to speed up the drying time.

When my hair was 90% dry (the Solia says it can be used on damp to dry hair) I added a little more Heat Glide and flat ironed my hair at 300. I ran the iron quickly down each piece of hair, about 4 seconds on each 1 1/2 section.

I'm so disappointed and feel like throwing this damn iron in the trash and going to have my hair pressed at a shop! My hair is "straight" but it's poofy, like a dolls hair. When I parted it down the middle and looked in the mirror I couldn't believe how high my hair was standing! It didn't look glossy either, just puffy/straight if that makes any kind of sense.:mad:

Should I have used a higher heat setting? A differnt serum? What did I do wrong? Maybe I should have waited until my hair was completely dry? Ugh!:(

I have this problem too sometimes. I'm officially a 4b, and I can honestly say my hair has turned out straight maybe on 3 flat ironing attempts that I can remember in the past 2 years that I have been flat ironing my hair. This shouldn't discourage you because I really don't flat iron that much (once in the last 5 months). If you experiment with different products and different flat ironing techniques, you should be able to get a better flat iron. Sometimes an oil may work better than a cream. Definitely dry your hair completely before flat ironing, no matter what the instructions say, IMO. Adding setting lotion to your hair before blow drying may help with the straightening. Making sure any bad ends are trimmed will help your hair's appearance. Maybe trying out different kinds of flat irons may change your results.
I would try it again on completely dry hair on the same heat setting you used last. You can also try a higher setting if that doesn't work. Use two small test pieces of hair to see which setting works better for your hair. HTH
I also have a Solia iron, and it has worked for me. However, I've only used it on dry hair. The only serum I've ever used with it was Biosilk. I agree with the poster who suggested experimenting on dry hair and with different products. Personally, I don't see how flatironing damp hair would give someone sleek results (even though that's what Solia advertises). But what do I know?:look:
Thanks, ladies. I should have known better than to flat iron damp hair. I really think that's where I went wrong.:perplexed

I was just so excited to try this iron out. I haven't used heat in so long now, well over a year and a half... Oh well...

I applied some coconut oil to my hair and slept with it in a bun. Now it has some shine but it's still too fluffy and fly away.
I also wanted to add that majybe 4 seconds is too short a time. I know you don't want heat damage but it is the heat that actually straightens the hair. The heat needs time to work so maybe you should go a little slower and not use any water based products until after you have flat ironed with the silicone based heat protectant. Good Luck!
yeah that's what I said D! :)
But some flatirons are marketed to say that they can be used on wet or dry hair. It just doesn't work that I have seen.
I get better results when I use less (to no) product. When I did use heat protectant it was QP Elasta "Silk" (but it was water based). Like the other ladies said, try it on dry hair and maybe increase the heat. :)
Okay, I'm over my tantrum.:lol:

I'm not going to chuck the Solia. I guess I've just forgotten how to properly flat iron. The Heat Glide has always worked wonders for me before, so next time I'm going to let my hair dry 100% and then try holding the iron down on each section for a little longer.

Luckily my ends aren't as bad as I thought they were. I need a trim but I think I can get away with only an inch, instead of the 2 or even 3 inches I was thinking would have to go.

When my DH gets home I'll ask him to take some pictures of the back so I can show you all what I mean about the "fluff".

Just out of curiosity, how much do you think it would cost me to have my hair pressed at a shop? I haven't been to the salon in over eight years. My hair was about BSL and I had it washed, deep conditioned, blown out and flat ironed for about $100 back then. That was in Chicago.
camellia said:
Just out of curiosity, how much do you think it would cost me to have my hair pressed at a shop? I haven't been to the salon in over eight years. My hair was about BSL and I had it washed, deep conditioned, blown out and flat ironed for about $100 back then. That was in Chicago.

Camellia: With all them hurrs on your head, it would probably cost you your firstborn child!:eek:
crlsweetie912 said:
Camellia: With all them hurrs on your head, it would probably cost you your firstborn child!:eek:

Damn! We've gotten pretty attached to him over these past eight years! Oh well...:lachen: :lachen:
camellia said:
Okay, I'm over my tantrum.:lol:

I'm not going to chuck the Solia. I guess I've just forgotten how to properly flat iron. The Heat Glide has always worked wonders for me before, so next time I'm going to let my hair dry 100% and then try holding the iron down on each section for a little longer.

Luckily my ends aren't as bad as I thought they were. I need a trim but I think I can get away with only an inch, instead of the 2 or even 3 inches I was thinking would have to go.

When my DH gets home I'll ask him to take some pictures of the back so I can show you all what I mean about the "fluff".

Just out of curiosity, how much do you think it would cost me to have my hair pressed at a shop? I haven't been to the salon in over eight years. My hair was about BSL and I had it washed, deep conditioned, blown out and flat ironed for about $100 back then. That was in Chicago.

Ummm... Tell me the name of this place so I'll be sure to never go there!:look: Although I have not had my hair pressed since in many years...

Just a suggestion... But if it's a one time thing and you're still in Chicago... I would suggest visiting Max & Co. [Egyptian Shop] in Hyde Park across the street from Kenwood H.S. (51st & Blackstone?) Max doesn't press hair but he can get straight. It costs $35 for a blow dry & curl. However I would suggest getting a deep conditioning under the steamer for an extra $10. I like to have my super moisturized before meeting with a blow dryer.
I agree with pretty much what everyone said about letting your hair dry and maybe using a little less product. Also I know for me I get better results if the sections that I am flat ironing are kinda small. It seems like I miss some hair by flat ironing in bigger sections.
I also have a Solia, get great results from it, but it may take some experimenting to get the desired results. Make sure you have minimal product in your hair, and like the ladies said...make sure it's dry. A little serum goes a looooong way.

Can't wait to see how long your hair is please!!!!
I know this may make me sound almost stalkerish, but you live pretty close to me and there's an Egyptian salon one town east of you, I can pm you with their name and address if you want. But if you google it you may be able to find it.

I don't think they charge much more for longer hair, but moreso for natural vs relaxed. I've never gotten my hair done there, but everyone I've seen get it done had a great experience.

I say you should just run the iron down your hair a little longer and it'll come out great. I get the same type of results you're describing when I'm half arsed and try to go too quickly. Heat Glide is wonderful, so I don't think that's the problem.
I can't get my hair strait with my solia or any flat iron. Even my so called texlaxed hair.:ohwell: Please give me the secrets to your success, guys.
Hi. I'm kinda new to this board and I rarely post as you can see. I have a Solia and I was sort of disappointed until I turned it up to about 380/390 this past weekend. I used a little serum on my ends before using. My hair was really bouncy.

I have 4b hair that's seems underprocessed in places.
I agree w/ the ladies about flat ironing completely dry hair. I used to have the same puffy hair problem until I found the maxiglide. Did you take pics camellia? I'd love to see your flat ironed hair, puffy and all :).
Well............when I had hair:confused: . My flatironing always was best on dry and clean ( product free) hair. I would use any sealants or oils afterwards. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until my hair grows more to really have any use for a flatiron again. But I loved the results.
Candiss said:
I also wanted to add that majybe 4 seconds is too short a time. I know you don't want heat damage but it is the heat that actually straightens the hair. The heat needs time to work so maybe you should go a little slower and not use any water based products until after you have flat ironed with the silicone based heat protectant. Good Luck!

I agree with this advice.