Help!!! Dominican Blow Out Naturals/Texlaxed


Well-Known Member
Ladies please help me understand something here.....My hair is about 90% Natural...I had a relaxer after being natural for a long time and my hair resisted big time.....only my hairline got straight...and the rest of my hair is pretty much natural with a little less shrinkage and tangles when wet than b4..... I think I decided against the corrective relaxer and decided to stick with being chemical free....I do not want to force my hair to do what it doesn't want to do....

I am interested in trying the infamous dominican blowout....I wanted to know If I should expect that my hair would be straight enough from the rollerset so I could only get the roots blown out and then get a wrap/doobie??? or would this only work for relaxed heads?? I am trying to minimize the heat as much as I can by avoiding blowing out all my hair...:)
I would only get my roots blown when I was relaxed. However, when I went natural and continued going to the Dominicans, I found that my hair would respond better when I got my whole head blown. I don't go to them anymore though. I mean, if you don't use heat that much then I don't see a reason why you should skip on getting your whole head blown depending on the texture you're trying to receive
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