Help! Curling hair with flat iron?


New Member
Hey ladies,

I'm trying to explain to someone how to get curls with a flat iron. Wasn't there a video or something posted on this site? I can't find it. :(

Anyway, anyone got a video or tutorial I can show my friend? Thanks!
Just flat iron like you normally would, but pull the iron down the hair at an angle.
The more drastic the angle, the tighter the curl.
The more obtuse the angle, the looser the curl.
Bumping because I'm not too good at curling with my flatiron either. I want to be able to curl tightly, then wrap it every once in awhile while still having some BUMP to it before it goes completely flat.
I curl my hair with a flat iron all the time. I imitate the flat iron like it's a curling iron, it just that I don't hold it in one place. Guide the flat iron down your hair but roll it like a curling iron.

For example. Start at the root, Pull the flat iron down a bit and then turn the flat iron under like it's a curling iron and continue to pull it all the way down. Once your done you should have a curl. The more you turn the flat iron under like a curling iron the tighter the curl.
