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Hello all.

My sister shaved her head & has been neglecting her hair underneath a lace front wig. She has long thought that her hair is ugly & thin, so she rarely wears her hair out. I had her wash & deep condition her hair. This is what it looked like after I moisturized & sealed it:


I LOVE my sister's hair & I think that if she goes natural she won't have to worry about relaxers making her fine hair appear even thinner. She's been on the fence about going natural vs relaxing. Please give her some encouragement. I have her permission to post this & I'll let her read the comments. :grin:

*Please note that I am not natural. I LOVE my relaxed hair & have not experienced any negative effects from relaxing. Our curl patterns are VERY different & my hair is much thicker. I firmly believe that a relaxer won't help my sister achieve her hair goals if she's looking for body & thicker strands. I also want to help my sister realize that her natural hair is beautiful.

*Also, that's a dermal piercing near her eye. It looks funny in this pic.

Thanks for reading.
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I would not try to convince anyone to go natural. They have to have that confidence and umph about themselves already to start and complete this journey. It would be hard to listen to someone relaxed like yourself...but then again, the person who told me my natural hair was beautiful and to just wear it was a relaxed stylist herself. I believed her when she said my natural hair was better than my relaxed hair. I let her cut it and haven't looked back since :yep:. What I'm saying is, she has to be ready.
Its her choice. (whispering) but I think your right about it being better for her thin hair. We LHCFers know hair. Show her pics of naturals with/without straightened hair so she can see that natural hair is versatile. (normal voice) Its her choice. lol.

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Her hair looks so fresh and new like baby's hair-soft and wispy!
Out of curiosity, what is her hair goal, what was her intention when she shaved her head and how would she like to be able to wear her hair?

But of course relaxing is counter-productive to thickening, I bet if she grows it out a few more months even she will be able to see how much thicker and less 'scalpy' her hair will be. I have had a couple of friends who have gone natural, but I think it was mostly watching me and others love our own natural hair that gave some inspirationLOL--I'm not sure how you go about it being relaxed, but I'm sure she can find plenty of pics here to inspire...
That reminds me of when I BC'd. My hair coiled up like that too :). The reason I stopped relaxing is because of my fine, low to normal density hair. I have never disliked straight hair, but it never looked good on me when I was relaxed because it was lifeless and limp. Even using mild relaxers didn't give me the results I wanted and my hair was breaking because my hair just can't handle being permanently straight.

I have enjoyed not worrying about rain, heat, humidity, or trying to keep my hair sleek. My hair has the illusion of fullness, is healthier, and retains 100% better than I ever did relaxed. I weighed my options carefully and did a lot of researching before I decided to go natural. She can give it a shot and if she feels it isn't for her, then she can always relax it when she wants to.

Her hair is beautiful.
I think her hair is cute like that! Her natural hair would probably thrive. Tell her to try the natural thing - why not? If she doesn't like it she already has a wig to put over it and if she really hates it she can always go back to the relaxer. I think she will be surprised at how her natural hair evolves.
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I would not try to convince anyone to go natural. They have to have that confidence and umph about themselves already to start and complete this journey. It would be hard to listen to someone relaxed like yourself...but then again, the person who told me my natural hair was beautiful and to just wear it was a relaxed stylist herself. I believed her when she said my natural hair was better than my relaxed hair. I let her cut it and haven't looked back since :yep:. What I'm saying is, she has to be ready.

I agree. The sad thing is that I'm probably the only person that has even suggested going natural to her. I personally, can appreciate natural hair & I can see that relaxing clearly isn't helping her get to where she wants to be. It is her choice in the end & of course I'll support her no matter what she chooses.

At the very beginning of my hair journey I tried to go natural, but I didn't have a support system or a clue on how to style it, so I relaxed. Now, my relaxed hair has thrived, but I think it's cool that my sis has the opportunity to enjoy the hair God gave her. She is also having some health issues right now, & I doubt that now is the time to be reaching for chemicals.
Her hair looks so fresh and new like baby's hair-soft and wispy!
Out of curiosity, what is her hair goal, what was her intention when she shaved her head and how would she like to be able to wear her hair?

But of course relaxing is counter-productive to thickening, I bet if she grows it out a few more months even she will be able to see how much thicker and less 'scalpy' her hair will be. I have had a couple of friends who have gone natural, but I think it was mostly watching me and others love our own natural hair that gave some inspirationLOL--I'm not sure how you go about it being relaxed, but I'm sure she can find plenty of pics here to inspire...

Thanks! I thought the same thing. LOL. She shaved her head in frustration. My sis does NOT know how to care for her hair & will slap a wig on in a minute. I'm surprised it looks this good considering what she put it through. She wants her hair to have body. Her relaxed hair falls a little flat. I don't even think she wants it very long, just more full. She likes the idea of natural hair, but I don't think she realizes that it can be versatile. I can't wait to see it after a few months. :bouncy:
That reminds me of when I BC'd. My hair coiled up like that too :). The reason I stopped relaxing is because of my fine, low to normal density hair. I have never disliked straight hair, but it never looked good on me when I was relaxed because it was lifeless and limp. Even using mild relaxers didn't give me the results I wanted and my hair was breaking because my hair just can't handle being permanently straight.

I have enjoyed not worrying about rain, heat, humidity, or trying to keep my hair sleek. My hair has the illusion of fullness, is healthier, and retains 100% better than I ever did relaxed. I weighed my options carefully and did a lot of researching before I decided to go natural. She can give it a shot and if she feels it isn't for her, then she can always relax it when she wants to.

Her hair is beautiful.

Thanks! I hope your story inspires her. :yep: Your hair is beautiful too!
Her hair is beautiful. Everyone is right it's her choice. I see no harm in letting it grow natural until she decides. She just may learn to love it.
I agree go natural. Your hair is gorgeous and if you give it a chance I think you'll soon see that. Goodluck!
Well first of all her hair is not ugly. I don't know what her volume looks like irl but cameras can pick up on scalp and make fine, thin hair look even thinner. You can't really talk someone into doing what you think they should do to their hair, they have to make that decision on their own. What you could do is get online sometimes and look at natural vlogs, or blogs when she's in the room. Pull up pictures or videos of people with hair like hers to show her what her hair can look like if she lets it grow out and fill in a bit. No one wants to be called out and embarrassed about their hair but if you show her what her hair can do it might inspire her.
She doesn't have to go natural if she doesn't want to.

On the other hand, my hair looks like that and being natural helped make it look thicker. When I straighten you can see the thinness though.
I convinced my coworker to go natural. The thing is, I was sneaky about it. :look:

I think it helped my case when she saw me at work when I was deep into a stretch. She thought I was a straightened natural. I was like "naw girl, I just don't get relaxers too often". At the time, she was relaxing every 7 weeks. Her hair was thinning and she wasn't happy with it.

I offered to help her stretch knowing goodenwell she really needed to go natural. I still remember when she told me she'd made her relaxer appointment when she was around 8 weeks post. I noticed she didn't seem too thrilled about it. I suggested that she cancel the appointment and go the following week. She never made anothner appointment and she never put another relaxer in her hair again. Mission accomplished! :)

I was there for her every step of the way. She called me crying after her bc because her hair wasn't acting right. I gave her some advice and also suggested she go to a natural stylist. That was all she wrote. Today she loves her kinks and will never relax again.

The entire time I never told her she should go natural. It was more like "come relaxer stretch with me". Once she saw how unbelievably thick her natural hair is, she didn't want to go back.

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