Bug HELP! Can only lurk but can't do anything else (account features disabled)


Instagram: adaybyjay
dimopoulos, the below message is posted on behalf of @Myjourney2009 since she is unable to post to LHCF and doesn't have unlimited access to her LHCF account . She emailed the below to me to post in the forum on her behalf for assistance.

Hey Diva,

I am having some problems with my subscription on LHCF and I cant log in and do anything. I am paid up, but for some reason the site is not seeing me as so I am now just a lurker until this can get taken care of.

I put in a ticket, but Nikos has not gotten back to me yet about it. Can you drop Nikos a line over there in the suggestions, Q&A forum with this ticket # and copy and paste this email in the body.

The ticket # is OMM-814719

If a ticket is opened we reply them within 48 hours.

I would appreciate it if you (plural) do not tag me multiple times on same or similar topics. The same happens with mentions. One is enough.

If a ticket is opened we reply them within 48 hours.

I would appreciate it if you (plural) do not tag me multiple times on same or similar topics. The same happens with mentions. One is enough.


Understood -- and I meant no disrespect by it.
Understood -- and I meant no disrespect by it.

I did not perceive it as disrespect at all. :kiss: I just mentioned it because a lot of people tend to do it. The tag (top of the topic listing) feature is the best way for me to check things out. That and the ticket system of course.
